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The Frankish Reich

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Everything posted by The Frankish Reich

  1. $10 million. No, I'm not being greedy. Enough to enjoy retirement, travel some before I get old, give my kids some help when they need it (down payments on a home). At that point I'd be done. I really don't understand the need some people feel to turn $10 million into 20 or even 100. At that point it's just an obsession about money rather than making sure you have no financial worries forever.
  2. I would be willing to wager that in 20 years these Haitian families and their children will be better educated and have higher earnings than their native Springfield OH counterparts. You know who used to understand this? The JD Vance of Hillbilly Elegy days. The white trash cukture is far more of a problem than the Haitian immigrant culture.
  3. Jerome Powell right now: "the economy is in a good place, and our intention is to keep it that way."
  4. How was Buffalo able to turn it around, stabilize, and then begin to grow again? It shrunk. A lot. It had a population and industrial infrastructure necessary to support the economy of the first half of the 20th century. If we had propped it up and tried everything to stop the outmigration, it would still be in decline. My family left in the 70s and moved out wes, when I was a kid. Many others preceded and followed us, in search of new and growing regions. The market worked.
  5. JD Vance has turned into the most despicable politician in America. That's not easy; the competition is fierce. But this guy just doesn't care what he says as long as it serves his personal interest of gaining power. He went from being smart, generally thoughtful, and decent to being what we see today, all for the purpose of pleasing his master, Donald J. Trump.
  6. It's almost as if Miss Sassy the Cat was acting just like a cat.
  7. Shocking news: cat disappears; mysteriously reemerges days later as if nothing happened.
  8. https://www.wsj.com/us-news/springfield-ohio-pet-eating-claims-haitian-migrants-04598d48?mod=WTRN_pos4&cx_testId=3&cx_testVariant=cx_163&cx_artPos=3 City Manager Bryan Heck fielded an unusual question at City Hall on the morning of Sept. 9, from a staff member of Republican vice presidential nominee JD Vance. The staffer called to ask if there was any truth to bizarre rumors about Haitian immigrants and pets in Springfield. “He asked point-blank, ‘Are the rumors true of pets being taken and eaten?’” recalled Heck. “I told him no. There was no verifiable evidence or reports to show this was true. I told them these claims were baseless.” By then, Vance had already posted about the rumors to his 1.9 million followers on X. Yet he kept the post up, and repeated an even more insistent version of the claim the next morning.
  9. And that's what they're reduced to. Some Haitians in Haiti probably kill and eat domesticated animals. So if a real lot of Haitians come to America, it is statistically likely that one or more of them have continued to engage in this pratice. So the Springfield cat-eating story, even if not technically "true," might as well be true because it has probably happened somewhere else, even though we don't know for sure that it has and, if so, where and when it has.
  10. Dems: "Trump is a threat to democracy" Repubs: "Harris is a Marxist." Last I checked, Marxism was about a dictatorship of the proletariat; i.e, not a democracy. Same thing.
  11. And with the round of good pollsters showing Harris roughly +4, wait for Nate Silver's model to show her with at least even odds of winning. Followed by all our Trumpies turning on their best buddy Nate again. I spoke too soon. Silver's latest update. tl;dr = basically a toss-up in the electoral college, Harris with a significant uptick in national polling post-debate. https://www.natesilver.net/p/harris-is-gaining-in-post-debate
  12. are you sure she's a chick? And yes, sadly, she seems to be history. She's Newsom's ex, Don Jr's ex, leaving only RFK Jr to conquer.
  13. Simplest explanation: Trump was an unprepared old fool, spouting nonsense, refusing to stay on schedule. Kamala was an ordinarily competent/prepared lawyer. But the Trumpies can't accept that obvious fact.
  14. "Under Investigation" = congressional hacks wrote a letter to the FBI Director.
  15. There's a reason Republicans rarely mention Reagan these days. For Trump, there is only Trump to admire. His Republican Party is simply not any Republican Party we've ever known.
  16. Don Jr. strikes a blow against the trans agenda; cuts Republican's Favorite Drag Queen loose. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13855775/Donald-Trump-Jr-fiance-Kimberly-Guilfoyle-blindside-Bettiina-Anderson.html
  17. And with Justin Fields at QB instead of Bo Nix, the Broncos beat the Steelers (and Russell Wilson) easily. It all depends on where Justin Fields is I guess.
  18. With Justin Fields at QB the Bears are winning easily.
  19. Yes, it is a disaster! Can you not hold these two concepts in your mind at the same time? A. It is a terrible policy that would allow such huge numbers of people to enter the country before being vetted to see if they have valid asylum claims. B. There is no evidence that Haitians in Springfield, OH are barbecuing cats and dogs.
  20. Hmm, sure, so that's 13. But Hunter's laptop was real!
  21. Sorry. I forgot the approved format. Because they'll never say what they mean because, you know, they love Israel and all that.
  22. You are really quoting Edward Snowden, Putin's mistress, as an expert.
  23. That Deep State/New World Order/International Elitist Conspiracy gang is pretty crappy at assassination. Maybe Putin's buddies can lend a hand. They don't screw up.
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