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The Frankish Reich

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Everything posted by The Frankish Reich

  1. Hey, that was a good one. Credit where it's due! He did say (or his grandson said for him) that he was hoping to live long enough to vote for Kamala.
  2. Now if he'd said confederate flag ...
  3. Funny, I just saw it as a guy with a cherubic chubby face trying to look older and more distinguished. Yes, it worked!
  4. That's typically what happens when the LGBTQ+ people move in.
  5. ⬆️ Sucked at English; mediocre at biology.
  6. I'll admit it - thirty years ago.
  7. Isn't the appropriate title "If this were (subjunctive; learn it!) Melania instead of Emhoff ...?" EDIT: Cuomo knows his subjunctive. Tarheel, not so much. That's a career-limiting failing!
  8. I haven't been there for a long, long time, so I'll take your word for it.
  9. 180 miles and about 6 decades away.
  10. What I love is that the one-day LA flooding that Pizzagate Jack attributed to the Wrath of God has been followed by about a dozen natural disasters in red states that apparently have nothing at all to do with God's opinions on politics.
  11. I'm gonna guess that even if Trump wins Arizona, Kari Lake loses her Senate race. Republicans never learn their lesson. Stop nominating joke candidates!
  12. Is Scott Rasmussen now competing against the old Rasmussen polling operation? I thought he had sold that one off. At any rate, interesting, but likely typically Rasmussen "quality"
  13. North Carolina Republicans nominate Porno-Addicted Abortion Facilitating Faux Moralist to be their Governor. Q. What would B-Man say? (Answer below)
  14. Right. People will believe anything they see on Twitter.
  15. I don't know what explains God picking on that tiny liberal pocket of civilization that is Asheville. But as for the rest of that Trump-idol Worshiping Region, I refer you to the wisdom of Pizzagate Jack.
  16. I'm a supporter of unions in general. But that doesn't mean I can't be critical of unions that overplay their hands and damage the American economy. While everyone focuses on base hourly pay, that doesn't tell nearly the whole story. From the WSJ: https://www.wsj.com/articles/striking-dockworkers-are-top-earnerswhen-they-work-17c5f7e9?mod=hp_lead_pos8 But shipping industry officials say it isn’t uncommon for ILA dockworkers to clear six figures. In the fiscal 2019-20 year, when ILA base pay reached $36, more than half of 3,726 dockworkers at the New York-New Jersey port earned over $150,000, according to a report by the port’s regulator. Some 665 dockworkers that year earned more than $250,000. For longshore workers on the West Coast, who work under a different union and a single pay system, the base hourly rate last year was $52.85. The Pacific Maritime Association says the average, full-time dockworker that year earned almost $233,000. Other blue-collar jobs pale in comparison. The nationwide average annual wage for a crane operator, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, is a little over $68,000. The average machinist at aircraft manufacturer Boeing in the Pacific Northwest makes around $75,000. And demands to halt automation are just preposterous Luddite fantasies. And back to the point: https://www.newsweek.com/port-strike-update-panic-buying-toilet-paper-1963037 Yeah, no objective need to panic buy. But these things are self-fulfilling prophecies. In other words, I went to Costco and bought the big-ass 30 roll pack yesterday.
  17. Absolutely If Trump were smart and not dumb as dirt, he would definitely be winning. Related thought: If Biden were 40 and not 80, he would definitely be winning. This game is fun.
  18. Now we see the value of pithiness. First Slut. Say no more.
  19. More homoerotic fantasy novel artwork from the party of manly men.
  20. Yeah, gotta love the know-it-all sitting on his ass and mocking people who actually have valuable skills and the desire to use them to help others.
  21. Let's not get carried away here ... ... our political discourse is so degraded that a smart guy who can string together full sentences is elevated to some kind of modern-day Cato. He's the Republican Pete Buttigieg. And yeah, that's better than the top of the ticket. On both sides.
  22. WSJ's headline sums it up: "Vance's Version of Trump Better Than the Real Thing."
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