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The Frankish Reich

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Everything posted by The Frankish Reich

  1. I like the reason for your edit. Maybe Walz should've said he'd been to Gaza, not Iraq. Or that he'd been Time Man of the Year.
  2. The guy you quoted walked right into it. Ron DeSantis delivers another blow. Haha. You, umm, blew it!
  3. Unlike Kamala’s worthy opponent in his 60 Minutes interview?
  4. Well he never misses a chance to blow Trump. On that we agree.
  5. Particularly in a place that is built on largely illegal alien labor.
  6. Thank you for the Dr Nancy update. When might we expect the Lee Da Vinci?
  7. What I’m hearing: we should socialize risk.
  8. Or Patrick DiMarco. If I remember correctly.
  9. I've said it before: when you have a great QB, a "down" season usually looks like 9-8 or 8-9. See Green Bay with peak Rodgers or NO with peak Brees. And when your division sucks, sometimes you still make the playoffs. It's kind of looking like that kind of season.
  10. So how to apportion blame? Nathaniel Hackett 50%, Rodgers 50%?
  11. Guess what? Prior two months revised HIGHER. I'm no economist, but I still expect a recession. Sometime. But not now.
  12. All correct. A decision was made way back in the 1990s: we were going to criminally charge and convict illegal aliens accused of violent crimes and then make them serve their sentences before we deport them. Deporting them before they served their lengthy sentences was making it too easy on them. Plus they come back illegally and then are convicted of illegal reentry after deportation, which can be a 20 year sentence if they have a violent prior. And so we got a lot of "murderers" (some are, not so many since there's a lot of pleas to things like manslaughter, vehicular homicide, etc) populating our prisons. Probably a pretty tiny fraction of whom entered in the Biden-Harris administration. Just another example of how to lie with statistics.
  13. Flipped on CNBC to see the Bank of America CEO calling this a "Goldilocks" moment. Jobs growth not too high (causing inflationary pressure) or too low (fear of recession) and inflation negligible. The next guest doubled down, with CNBC running the banner "Mother of All Soft Landings." Disastrous! R's are gonna have to start talking about trans kids in bathrooms again.
  14. A reminder that the new senile Trump ain't the old harmless blowhard. This was a NYT editorial his staff drafted for him explaining why he wasn't, after all, seeking the Reform Party nomination for President in 2020. https://www.nytimes.com/2000/02/19/opinion/what-i-saw-at-the-revolution.html "I also saw the underside of the Reform Party. The fringe element that wanted to repeal the federal income tax, believed that the country was being run by the Trilateral Commission and suspected that my potential candidacy was a stalking horse for (take your pick) Gov. George W. Bush, Senator John McCain or Vice President Al Gore. When I held a reception for Reform Party leaders in California, the room was crowded with Elvis look-alikes, resplendent in various campaign buttons and anxious to give me a pamphlet explaining the Swiss-Zionist conspiracy to control America." Compare to the current Trump supporters, who see a new Trilateral Commission-type world order running things. Is Davos in Switzerland? The people Trump thought were nuts are now his base. "I felt confident that my argument that America was being ripped off by our major trade partners and that it was time for tougher trade negotiations would have resonance in a race against the two Ivy League contenders." A refreshing admission that Penn wasn't really Ivy League back in those days. "Although I am totally comfortable with the people in the New York Independence Party, I leave the Reform Party to David Duke, Pat Buchanan and Lenora Fulani. That is not company I wish to keep." My how things change.
  15. Maybe "they" were just trying to "dampen the forest floor" to avoid wildfires, and "they" got a bit carried away. Just when you think they can't get any dumber ...
  16. He's not bad for the mere fact that he changed. He's bad for the direction in which he changed. A subtle distinction that is apparently lost on you. Are you sure you're mentally fit?
  17. But there's plenty of JD Vance in her, or maybe Bill Clinton - the willingness to do whatever it takes to get elected and/or be popular. That's sometimes a good thing. I don't fear JD. I liked him. The 2014 version. I fear the sycophant he is today.
  18. Exactly. I'm glad to see Kamala tacking hard to the center, and I hope if she gets elected she'll continue on that path.
  19. Melania pro-choice comments: I'm legit confused by this. Even if you are pro-choice, why say it now? Is it: A. A sudden awareness - a month before election day - that trying to stay above the fray in these times is no longer tenable. And abortion was the catalyst that finally compelled her to speak out as a woman who has always been privately passionate about this issue. B. An attempt to distance herself from her husband as she contemplates (gasp!) that potential end of his political career. And as she makes plans for herself - likely without the Donald - if he does lose. C. An attempt to hurt his candidacy by further calling into question his own commitment to the pro-life agenda, thereby lowering enthusiasm of evangelicals. D. A cynical attempt to aid his campaign by providing the clear implication that Trump is not, after all, really so philosophically or religiously against abortion; a kind of "even my wife recognizes that a woman's autonomy over her body is a critical consideration." I'm going with B, with D as a close runner up. I am dismissing A as simply implausible given Melania's history and the timing of this. I also think C is more of a liberal fantasy (Evangelicals will stay home!) than anything else. Palace intrigue. Nothing is exactly what it seems to be on the surface.
  20. Yeah. My comment was meant as a joke.... Wasn't edgy enough for you to recognize that!
  21. I saw a bunch of young women wearing those St Pauli Girl costumes at my local version. Appalling! We should require them to look like Americans in skinny jeans with muffin tops. NJ just shifted from leaning blue to solid blue.
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