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The Frankish Reich

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Everything posted by The Frankish Reich

  1. What a shameful waste. Looking for groundwater sources in a desert nation so people will be a little less likely to die young. Or to migrate to Europe or America.
  2. We have an answer. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2025/feb/06/elon-musk-us-government-power
  3. https://www.wsj.com/tech/doge-staffer-resigns-over-racist-posts-d9f11a93?st=AawTSB&reflink=article_copyURL_share
  4. https://www.wired.com/story/edward-coristine-tesla-sexy-path-networks-doge/ The 19 year old hacker running parts of your government.
  5. I was wondering that too. The off-center skunk stripe. Maybe it's a Q Anon dog whistle. EDIT: there's a self-aggrandizing story behind that questionable style choice! Who would've guessed. Maybe her bad complexion is a tribute to the napalm victims in Vietnam.
  6. That's not the point, comrade. The point is the dared not mention the name of any evil regime. Cultural relativism. Sell the product worldwide. Woke, woker, wokest! If you can't see the differences between the 1980s original and the 2020s reboot, you have been brainwashed to ignore them. We are all woke now.
  7. read the rest of my cut and paste job and see how woke you've become ... and you didn't even realize it. That's how cultural Marxism works, comrade!
  8. Oh no, I'm not letting this one go. You mean how in Top Gun 2 the enemy is pretty clearly Iran, but it is never mentioned by name lest we offend someone? Sounds pretty woke to me. You're like the proverbial frog in the pot: they've conditioned you so slowly over time that you passively accept the creeping wokeness right in front of your eyes. Here's some reddit rando who says it better than me: 2x female pilots were top in their respective classes; one of them (Pheonix) outperforms her male peers and gets selected for the final mission; everyone accepts this decision More BIPOC individuals in this film in general, at all ranks Hangman is sexist and cocky, and gets called out for it by Bob (another white male) in front of the group; his attitude also costs him his chance to be on the final mission Penny is a single mom, who owns her own business and has a healthy relationship with her teenage daughter (she's also gasp close in age to Maverick both on screen and in real life, and has some wrinkles) Penny sets the pace of the relationship, and Maverick doesn't pursue her like a creep (there's also no more conflict of interest storyline), rather he respects her boundaries without complaint Maverick finally accepts that his trauma is holding him back, learns to communicate with Rooster, and commits to Penny , showing personal growth in a genre that typically sees one-dimensional characters completing one Herculian task after the next We also don't see this movie praising all the cheesy stereotypes about men and their need to constantly be better than each other quite like we did with Maverick and Iceman in the first one. Way less peacocking. TL;DR: diversity, personal growth, healthy communication/boundaries
  9. Too much worry about what type of receiver he needs. The answer is "an elite receiver." That was Diggs in his prime, Cooper in his prime, but not Cooper now or Shakir or anyone else currently on the team. Unless Keon Coleman has another gear he's been hiding.
  10. How many not hormonally ready for combat XXs did you see flying in Top Gun 1? OK, well, then defund it. Congress has the power of the purse; Republicans have both Houses of Congress.
  11. Something something bag over head something ....
  12. You do compile throwaways like some kind of Mega Hoarder. Somehow I missed your "personal leave" from this board. Now what am I gonna do with all those avocados? Shame on me for believing Trump. My wife tells me that AI will make a recipe up just for you; just list the ingredients you have. Avocado + tomato + maple syrup + Canadian whiskey. I'll let you know if it's good.
  13. If USAID is bad, well, go ahead. Encourage Congress to defund/eliminate it. Republicans have both Houses of Congress and the President. Breaking the law by failing to execute the law of the land should not be an option.
  14. No, because Trump blinked. Markets open down almost 2%, suddenly a promise of 10,000 troops at the border (see my link above, it was 15,000 troops the last time around) with nothing really enforceable is sufficient to "delay" the 25% tariff
  15. Yep. That's the first one. What a wonderful idea. https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2024-09-10/us-sovereign-wealth-fund-wouldn-t-be-like-norway-s-or-singapore-s?cmpid%3D=socialflow-twitter-view&utm_source=twitter&utm_content=view&utm_campaign=socialflow-organic&utm_medium=social&sref=htOHjx5Y
  16. WTF? We are $35 trillion in debt. Where is that "sovereign wealth" gonna come from. Maybe we can sell more Treasuries (in other words: borrow it) and then spend it on something really good! Why isn't the government using leverage? Hell, why isn't the government owning more sh!t all by itself! We call that ... socialism!! https://www.city-journal.org/article/u-s-sovereign-wealth-fund-would-be-a-bad-idea A nice slush fund for whichever party is in charge.
  17. https://www.cnn.com/2019/06/24/americas/mexico-sends-15000-troops-to-us-mexico-border-intl/index.html deja vu all over again https://www.cnn.com/2019/06/24/americas/mexico-sends-15000-troops-to-us-mexico-border-intl/index.html deja vu all over again In 2019, the U.S. Border Patrol recorded 851,508 encounters with migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border. This was the highest number of encounters since 2007
  18. I’m trying to show you that two million bucks doesn’t exactly get you a “mansion” in some cities.
  19. Oh, I agree. I never listed my pronouns. But then again my parents gave me an old fashioned man's name. Who am I to judge what the boys named Sage do?
  20. Here's hoping your employer doesn't decide to "renegotiate" your contract by immediately cutting your salary by 25% and then saying no worries, we'll have a new deal in place by 2026.
  21. Hey, I'm all for it! Let's be the New Norway. Sounds pretty nice!! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nordic_model#:~:text=The Nordic model has been,overall ease of doing business.
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