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The Frankish Reich

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Posts posted by The Frankish Reich

  1. How many qbs have the browns taken over the years in the first? I won't hold my breath on kizer. How many times have they had two firsts and other picks? They have had a plethora of picks and in theory should have 3 rings by now. We must learn from their mistakes. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Or perhaps the Browns are learning from the Bills mistakes? That is, deciding it's time to get out of 6-10 hell, even if it means going 1-15 first?


    ...Haslam is the Brown's equivalent to the Deadskins' Dan Snyder...that should clear EVERYTHING up for you.............

    Yeah, take that! You Browns fans better enjoy it. You'll probably only have, like, 4 playoff appearances in the next 11 years, just like little Dan Snyder. At least here we're building a TEAM, not some kind of joke that enjoys playoff games in 36% of their seasons. I'd rather wait 17 years and get it right!

  3. Exactly.


    And ask T-Bomb if he thinks Kaepernick is well spoken.

    Hey T-Bomb.


    Is Kaepernick well spoken? How about Cornel West? Eldridge Cleaver? Chuck D? Bob Marley?

    I ran into Cornel West at Disney World a couple summers ago. It was 95 degrees, 90 percent humidity. Typical Orlando in July. Cornel was wearing his signature black suit. Gotta hand it to the guy. That's commitment. And he actually seemed to be having fun too. And Zay Jones appears to be articulate, bright and clean and a nice looking guy* to boot.


    * Joe Biden, 2007, re: candidate Barack Obama.

  4. Broncos went 4-12 in 2010 giving them the second pick in the draft. They used that pick on Von Miller who propelled them to the playoffs 5 straight years afterwards with 2 superbowl appearances in the same timeframe.


    In all seriousness, I dont want the team to tank on purpose. I think they will half ass get there on there own though. Possibly a top 5 pick but not good enough to get the QB they would want. Too many teams are not going to be willing to trade out because they too want the same QB.


    Without a franchise QB the best this team is ever going to do is be playoff fodder and stepping stone to the superbowl. Its a fact. One that people may not want to believe but a fact anyways. We are not getting to the Superbowl with the Tyrod Taylors and the Cardale Jones of the NFL. Of course they could still get a franchise QB picking later in the draft but those odds are very slim.

    Hey, that Broncos team didn't tank on purpose either. They were 8-8 the previous season and there was plenty of talk in the offseason about Josh McDaniels taking them to the next level. So not to worry, Tank Proponents. Sometimes tanks just happen all by themselves, just a combination of a bunch of Sammy/Boldin/Glenn nudges aligning ...

  5. Someone please enlighten me on where they think the talent from last year's team is better than this year's. Other than WR, if Sammy was healthy last year, it's hard to argue a position group this year isn't as good or better than last and we have 6 picks in the first 3 rounds next year.


    QB's much better due to backups

    RB/FB equal. Could potentially argue Mike G and Felton are better than

    Williams/Tolbert I guess.

    OL equal

    TE equal

    WR worse if Sammy healthy, but Zay may be great


    DL better

    LB better

    Safety better and not even close.

    CB equal, but I am not a big Gilmore fan.


    Coaching better.


    Can anyone argue a position group is better this year?

    Well, you could argue that QB/RB/OL/DL are the same as last year. You could even argue that the D line is "better" because Dareus isn't suspended (yet). But we lost our best 2 WRs and replaced them with a second round rookie and a 37 year old who averaged 8.7/catch last year ... before he retired. We lost our best LB (and it wasn't even close), and our best 2 CBs and replaced them with a rookie (who knows?) and a guy who hasn't played effectively for a couple years. So ... yeah, the personnel this year is worse. And it's not even close.

  6. Because it's not quite Billsy enough yet, The Anquan Boldin story cannot end without the obligatory coda: he unretires in Week 10 after Chris Hogan is lost for the season, signs with the Pats, and proceeds to catch TD passes in the those 2 December Pats-Bills games.

  7. 6-10. 2nd most likely: 5-11.


    We'll be underdogs in 6 of our first 8 (only the Jets may save us). The tough part of the schedule is front-loaded. I would expect a mild resurgence in the 2nd half, but even that 2nd half includes our 2 vs. the Pats, and unlike some other years we don't get the Pats in Week 17. I hope I'm wrong, but I can't see any reason to predict more than 6 wins at this point.

  8. The likelihood that McDermott starts a rookie 5th round pick over the QB he pushed for to retain this off-season is, well, extremely unlikely.


    Someone said it in another thread. HC's want to win now while personnel types are building for the future.


    The HC in this instance isn't about to put his reputation on the line with Peterman. Don't look at this like a fan, view this from the HC's perspective.


    The HC is all-in for 2017 with TT. Barring injury or a complete breakdown the rookie isn't playing.

    No need to be impatient. I'm not unduly pessimistic (and every year some projected 6-10, 7-9 team surprises!), but here's the facts. Barring something unforeseeable (like Cam Newton going down), the Bills will be underdogs in 6 of their first 7 games: at Panthers, Broncos, at Falcons, at Bengals, Bucs, Raiders. Jets in Week 1 and at Jets in Game 8 are the only "should win" games in the first half of the season. Now, I don't expect the Bills to go 1-6 in those first 7, but certainly 2-5 going into the second Jets game wouldn't be shocking. And depending on where the rest of the AFC sits, Peterman's chance will come, and may come very soon.


    So let's say everything plays according to the Vegas oddsmakers. 2-6 (2 wins over the Jets) at the halfway mark. Then: Saints (probably a tossup, but too soon to tell), at Chargers (same), at Chiefs (underdogs), Pats (no comment), Colts (tossup?). Split those tossups and we're 4-9 and effectively eliminated. Last three are Dolphins, at Pats (probably still playing hard for playoff position?), at Dolphins.


    So the most likely scenario: Peterman is in by Game 7 (second Jets game, if Bills are 1-6 at that point) at the earliest, by Game 14 (Dolphins-Pats-Dolphins) at the latest. He'll have his chance.


    EDIT: and I do think that a cold hard look at the schedule played into Beane's decision to start the semi-rebuild now rather than in January.




    Fishing and camping with no booze.


    I feel for you man. That is downright harsh. Like a dry wedding that lasts for 4 days. Dang...


    Did you at least get to play one round of old school Jarts? (the pointy ones you can stab somebody with)

    I saw those at a garage sale. I was ready to grab them but then noticed there were only 3 jarts in the box. I miss them. Kids need danger to learn!

  10. Yep.


    Clay looked good too.


    Why the hell did they start Ducasse? I don't know much about Castillo, but if he's playing favorites then get him out of here.


    I loved Zay's play. Peterman had some great throws again, but not good under pressure. He has a good highlight reel going for this preseason.

    "Vlad, show me a reason we shouldn't cut you by performing against their starters." At least that's what I'm hoping was the idea here ...

  11. I am very pleased with what I have seen thus far in two practice games from the Bills' defensive unit.


    The run D is stout and they're getting good pressure on QBs as well. We're looking at the strength of the team especially early in the season with so many moving parts on offense.


    Go Bills!

    The run D was the most impressive thing in an unimpressive performance overall, and I do think it will be tremendously improved this year.

  12. And the difference is they will stay with that commitment and continue to be successful, rather than bouncing around every couple years.

    Or maybe their key defensive players got old/left, and then they started rebuilding the defense and it started getting better again. Kind of like what's happened and is happening with the Bills?

  13. Pittsburgh is easy. Stability in HC and front office. Commitment to strong D and running game.


    I don't know much about the Hawks.

    1, 1, 6, 11, 14, 18, 10 -- that's the Steelers defensive rankings since 2010. Culture was no substitute for age taking away their best defensive players, or for "modern sports training techniques" bringing James Harrison back from the dead ...


    exactly. TT is NOT a starter in this league. The excuses for him are legion: no OL, no WR's, injured WR's, etc. Meanwhile, the O-line last night was able to open up holes for Shady.


    Newsflash: good QB's can take some pressure (Ben, Luck, etc). And these QB's make the players around them better (Eli Rodgers anyone).


    That said, I don't know what you get in return for a TT trade. I wouldn't take anything below a second, but that would take a team that has a much different assessment of him than most.


    yeah, throwing Peterman to the wolves could be a bad idea. Let him continue to develop. Hopefully the FO can find some OL's in FA or from cuts.

    I think you'd easily get a 2nd rounder for Tyrod, who would be more valuable to some QB-starved team than Sammy is to the Rams. And if you want to be able to snag the QB you really want (not the one that falls down to you) either in 2018 or 2019, you need more draft pick ammo. Remember nobody can compete with the Browns on that front - they have not only their huge stockpile of picks, but also can trade some of their recent horde of cost-controlled draftees to get who they want. I say "or 2019" since you don't want to make the mistake of talking yourself into an EJ Manuel again if next year's class is slim (for example, no Darnold) or the true blue chippers are already off the board (again, Cleveland).

  15. Here's what's killing me: the AFC East is gonna suck big time! Yeah, you've got the Pats, but the Jets and Dolphins are in their own special free falls. There's 4 divisional wins (oh, and 2 losses ...) there for the taking. And with the way this is going, I assumed the Bills were reloading for one final run with this core of players: Tyrod, Shady, Sammy, Clay, Dareus, Kyle, Darby, Glenn. Of that bunch we were in pretty decent shape with so far only one (Glenn) being hobbled. But I guess not. So why is Tyrod still around? I have to agree now with the "trade him now" proponents since any rational observer would have to say that the team's playoff chances have significantly diminished in the last 10 days even though the rest of the division collapses around us. Jacksonville, Denver ... there's teams out there desperate for even Tyrod-aquecy at QB. I'm sure even the Dolphins would have preferred him to Cutler's Last Stand (and don't give me that "don't trade within the division," as if the Dolphins and Bills are the only things keeping each other out of the Super Bowl). Don't let that Tyrod trade window close like it (half) did with Sammy by waiting too long ...

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