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The Frankish Reich

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Posts posted by The Frankish Reich


    With regard to his off the field issues, he's been suspended once AFAIK and he's subject to random testing so we'll find out if there's a substance abuse issue as you allege. When comparing his All-Pro 2014 season as a DT in a 4-3 based defense, you have to factor in his role as a NT in the Rex Ryan 3-4. We'll see what happens in 2017 both on the field and off, but he's here for the foreseeable future.

    Well, he was also suspended for the first game of 2015 for a drug test, and there was talk (although no follow through) of a drug rehab the last time around, so there is that.


    But otherwise ... True. He may certainly prove me wrong about not caring, and I hope he does. I'm just saying that right now that's my working hypothesis because, again, it is the simplest explanation for why he continues to do things that result in him not even being on the field with an opportunity to prove the naysayers wrong.


    What were Dareus' goals when he went to Haiti on a humanitarian trip and when he hosts football camps for kids in Alabama?

    Hey, maybe that's what really motivates him, rather than being a Pro Bowl defensive tackle! We have another Bills example in Aaron Maybin, who seems pretty passionate about his art (and who is also something of a cannabis afficionado; just sayin'), and who just lost interest in becoming a better football player after he got a big payday. It happens. In any other business if you have someone who's been suspended multiple times, shows up late for work, appears to have substance use issues, and has been generally unproductive when at work for 2 years running, the simplest explanation is the most convincing. He just doesn't care.


    He was 1st team All-Pro DT in 2014. You don't have to buy anything, but it's a fact.

    And Haynesworth wasn't when he was in a 4-3 with the Titans? Great/motivated players find a way to be productive in different schemes under different coaches. A cautionary tale (and so far everything Dareus has done is consistent with this):




    His goal was to come here, make a large signing bonus, and then get released and not have to do any of the work. He didn’t care about the back end of that contract, he didn’t care about making all of that money. His idea was, you paid me for what I did in the past, and my goal is to be released as soon as possible and basically take $33 million from you for absolutely nothing.”

    Mission accomplished, Albert.

    Cooley was asked again if that truly was Haynesworth's plan.

    “Yes,” he insisted. “His goal from the get-go was to take that money. He also indicated to many players on the team that his new goal was to get released as soon as possible, sign another maybe $10, 12 million contract -- that’s verbatim -- go somewhere, play for a year and probably get released, and keep that money too.


    People are motivated by different things. Some people win the Powerball, they stay working at their old jobs. Some quit the day they win. Some start charities and do the things for their families that they've always wanted to do. Some go straight to Vegas and do the old Tug McGraw (and/or Georgie Best, and/or many others): "80 percent of it I spent on good times, women, and Irish Whiskey [err, good weed for others?]; the rest of it I wasted."


    Why assume that all players are motivated by some corny old saw like, "Be the best you can be," or "Strive to maximize your potential?" Many are; that's often why they've reached the pinnacle of achievement by playing in the NFL. But some aren't, and there are a lot of examples.


    Given how talented Dareus is and how excellent he's been before as a DT in a 4-3 defense, this is not even close to being the best case scenario.

    I don't buy that. They said the same thing about Albert Haynesworth when the Pats acquired him from the Redskins. And while the Pats have (sensibly) never been completely wedded to any particular defensive scheme, there's no doubt they would've found a scheme that worked with Haynesworth IF he had shown the motivation to be great again. (They even ran a 4-3 in some preseason games.) He didn't, and he was gone after Week 8.

    No team will which means it's not realistic.



    Trading Marcell Dareus now actually is realistic under the salary cap — if you can find another team willing to take $17.1M in GTD salary.





    Now this is more promising. Again, that's what the Redskins were able to do with Haynesworth. If Dareus can stay on the field and be productive - not 2014 productive, just "above average DT" productive - there's hope ... and I really do think they'll be trying to get something done this season.

  5. Stuck with the deal unless we want a lot of dead money. Hope the guy just shows up and dominates Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Well, that's one way of looking at it. But look, he's a sunk cost. If Beane becomes convinced that he'll never be a very productive DT again--and by that I mean he won't be any better than some waiver wire pickup like Jerel Worthy--then he probably has no qualms about cutting ties with Dareus, but the horrific dead cap hit ($38 million this year, $22 million next year, then "just" $8 million in 2019) makes it unlikely that will happen anytime soon. Best case scenario: he plays o.k. in the regular season, keeps out of trouble, and you can swing some kind of Albert Haynesworth-to-the-Pats deal for him. Second best case scenario: he melts down, gets a lifetime suspension, and you're off the hook.


    EDIT: I guess I kind of agree with aristrocrat after all. I was trying to talk myself out of it. It didn't really work ...


    He has a history of lateness and hasn't gotten past it. EOS.

    Thank you for clearing that up. I am glad to hear that his History of Lateness, a rather minor error of judgement (particularly given when that lateness is to an exhibition game), is the sole reason for concern regarding a young man who was guaranteed $60 million starting last year. I feel a lot better.


    EDIT: I feel even better after reading a comment on the "Rumors that Bills are entertaining offers for Sammy" thread (I won't mention the poster!)


    It's a rumor that doesn't seem to make much sense from a non-credible source.


    :D Sometimes we need a little old fashioned Kremlinology in interpreting the little things that go on in Billsland ...

  7. Wasn't it Dareus that was suspended for parts of the last two games of the Marrone Era for being late? Not much growing upo has occured since then.







    It wasn't like there weren't huge red flags waving all over the place before they signed that idiotic extension with him. Doug Whaley is the gift that will keep on giving until about 2021.


    EDIT: that's why I said that realistically the best possible outcome for Bills fans is that he goes all Josh Gordon on us.

  8. Call it a tank, call it a pseudo-tank, call it whatever you want ... they chose the wrong year to do it. Jets: utter disarray. Hackenberg is playing himself right out of the NFL. McCown is 37 and they don't want to be forced into starting him, but they now are; Bryce Petty showed something last night, then promptly suffered what looks like a serious knee injury. So we've got Cutler and McCown at the helm of 2 AFC East teams. That should be 4 wins out there for the taking! Yes, you've always got the Pats, but still ... one last run with the current (including Sammy and Darby) roster wouldn't have been a horrible idea, would it?

  9. Anyone know what he actually did?


    Disappointing and frustrating for sure, but I also cant help but think McD simply saw an opportunity to "make an example" of a big time player without damaging the team too much.


    As for Marcel, I'll be interested to find out what the rule violation was.


    It sucks watching Hard Knocks and seeing how Gerald McCoy carries himself, and it just seems like we can never have nice things.

    I've noticed that too. McCoy has a lot of personality, and it's also obvious his teammates give him tons of respect. He earns it. We saw him carrying a rookie's equipment each day of camp, something they said he doesn't just do for the cameras but has done for several years. A little thing, but it obviously means a lot.

  10. Dareus just turned 27, a lot can change. Frontal lobe for the average male is still working on developing until the mid 20's. He might be delayed due to a rough road in life. Or....it may never happen, but we don't know yet.

    Well, if Dareus gets another drug suspension, I have to question his intelligence. Or maybe make me reconsider my thoughts about marijuana as an addictive drug. (Or both.) That would cost him millions more. But if he just continues to Albert Haynesworth his way into oblivion by putting forth a minimal effort? Seems like a lack of motivation, but given the dangers of playing NFL football, I'd chalk that up to a calculated decision to take the money and run. (Or walk really slowly in this case)

  11. It's not just Ducasse.


    The tendering of MG, reaching for need in the draft, trading a young talented stud in Sammy Watkins for an unknown draft pick.(which wouldn't shock me at all if they used on a WR, the definition of stupidity.)


    SEVERAL questionable moves by the new regime. Seems like a bunch of guys learning on the job rather then guys with a well thought out plan.

    Wasn't at least some of this the folly of allowing lame duck Whaley to hang around until after the draft? I still don't get that, like Whaley had some top secret draft portfolio that weighed heavily in favor of keeping him in house until after the draft. The result? A summer reshuffling as Whaley guys hit the exit door and Beane guys come in.


    The conspiracy theorist could look at the tea leaves and wonder if using Groy exclusively at center means that they're setting themselves up to deal Wood prior to the season...

    Agreed. Dead cap hit on Wood of $4 million - I'm guessing that's the main reason he wasn't cut. I've always liked him, but age combined with the devastating injury last year probably adds up to Groy being the better center right now.

  13. GROY at RG, end of story. Have no idea why this hasn't been done yet. Hopefully Cordy heals and we get Dawkins at RT. BINGO! Our 3 biggest problems-- Mills, Ducasse and Miller on the pine.

    Yeah, I wonder about this too. After a rough couple series when Wood got hurt last year, Groy was one of our best O linemen, and he's perfectly comfortable at guard. I guess they don't want to have their 2 centers out there risking injury at the same time, but it seems to me that Groy is otherwise going to be underutilized (unless there are serious doubts about Wood?)

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