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The Frankish Reich

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Everything posted by The Frankish Reich

  1. Where he may be expected to immediately catch 11 passes next week.
  2. About the same age, similar size to Diggs. Better than Diggs at this stage of their careers? I say yes. So in the end, Beane wins! (again)
  3. Thank god the Browns are getting rid of Cooper, who has definitely been the problem and is the anchor weighing the team down. Certainly now the QB will get better. - h/t to a commenter on The Athletic. Made me laugh.
  4. That's a huge, huge acquisition. It really changes everything about this offense. It takes us back to the Bills pre vs. post-Diggs. Awesome!!!
  5. True. I've said before that I think he has ADHD, and probably is dyslexic too. I say that here not as an insult, but as an explanation. The documented problems he has with reading anything more than a one-pager support that, not to mention the many comments from former cabinet officials about how he very quickly loses interest in policy presentations/discussions.
  6. Except that the campaign's own spokesman didn't mention the medical emergencies (apparently people fainting in a hot auditorium) as having anything to do with the curious musical interlude. Something went awry here in a semi-programmed event, causing them to prematurely shut down the planned questions.
  7. Well, a little song and dance interlude is the kind of joyful thing I usually go to when someone has a medical emergency. Cue up YMCA!
  8. Oh no! Say it isn't so!! People paid good money for Donald J. Trump's personal investment advice only to discover it was plagiarized from standard sources! I mean, they could've just googled it and got the same advice for free. You mean The Trump Institute was neither Trump nor an Institute? It just republished standard advice? This definitely disqualifies him from the presidency. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/30/us/politics/donald-trump-institute-plagiarism.html
  9. Notice how all the gun rights open/concealed carry types think that there's absolutely nothing threatening or sinister about a guy going around town with a gun suddenly think there's something threatening or sinister when there's a Trump Rally going on nearby?
  10. A rare instance where I agree that they very well might have been non-Trumpie provocateurs. At any rate, the boat parade did the right thing and excluded them from their little party.
  11. Really? You now need a footnote for official government statements in a "popular" (quotes because it was not, in fact, at all popular) campaign book? Maybe the aggrieved "Calfornia government website" should sue her.
  12. Agreed. I've called him a white nationalist (and I don't think he denies that moniker), but one man's white nationalist is another man's white national socialist
  13. And they were soft interviews on Republican Joe's (back then) program, well before our favorite power couple turned on him.
  14. Imagine if Kamala had taken a bizarre 39 minute music/dance break and had a teleprompter at her rally ....
  15. Thanks to Tarheel for finally clarifying something that has confused me for decades. Which fat annoying comedienne I've long avoided named Rosesomething is now the ultra liberal? Which one the uberTrumpie? He quotes Rosie with derision and Roseanne with applause. Now you know too.
  16. So ... good! She's going into the lion's den. When might we expect Trump's MSNBC interview? And will there be a dance interlude?
  17. I stand corrected. Thank you for your service, Field Commander Trump. (but how the hell did he march with those bone spurs?)
  18. well, that term is a blast from the past. And yes, please do read the article. Don't worry about the author's political stance. The facts strike me as true. I'll be glad to explain how the system works, and how the system fails if you have questions. It's all right there in the example the author uses of one repeat illegal entrant from Honduras.
  19. WTF? Reminder: Trump's father had dementia.
  20. How 'bout we just don't vote for him in the first place, thereby avoiding the inevitable? https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/10/14/trump-music-sways-town-hall/ OK, there's the teleprompter telling Trump to take two more questions after the weird music/dance interlude. Did they have a malfunction regarding which plants were going to ask questions? Were they the same people who fainted, thereby leaving no pre-selected questions? What on earth was this? Weird. Overused word, but yeah, really weird.
  21. All those ads for gold bars and magic pillows and supplements tell us two things about the Republican core: (1) they're old; (2) like a lot of old people, they're really prone to snake oil salesmen.
  22. I know the gay community did call AIDS "the gay cancer" before we knew what it was ...
  23. As you guys used to remind us several times a day, there's a difference between 71 (when he was first inaugurated) and 83 (when his term would end) ....
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