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The Frankish Reich

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Everything posted by The Frankish Reich

  1. “The suit centered on the state law that allowsofficials to count mail ballots postmarked with a date that “cannot be determined” and received within the three days following Election Day. It argued that counting non-postmarked mail ballots — as suggested by the Nevada Secretary of State’s Office in a May memo to county clerks — was a misreading of the law” Basic statutory interpretation case.
  2. What are those “independent platforms” that are doing actual reporting? I don’t mean insta comments on some news item. I mean actually following leads to determine what is true and what is false. Surely Elon Musk can afford to start an alternative real newspaper with normal journalistic standards. Why doesn’t he?
  3. Deport them! It’s not like they’re citizens or anything.
  4. https://www.wxxinews.org/local-news/2024-10-25/report-ties-former-rochester-real-estate-investor-to-black-insurrectionist-social-media-account The AP traced the account to Palmer based on posts made by Black Insurrectionist that included biographical details about living in upstate New York, a screenname and an email address. Those details cross-referenced with information available online that the AP tracked down with assistance from Gisela Pérez de Acha, an open source reporting specialist for the Human Rights Center at University of California, Berkley. A video posted in March by Black Insurrectionist shows a computer screen displaying the docket of Trump's election case in the Georgia. His initials "JP" are visible in an icon on the web browser's toolbar. And Palmer's email address can be seen in the corner of the screen, indicating that he used it to log into the state's online court system. The email address is linked to a phone number, according to opensource data provider Osint.Industries, that is listed for Palmer in New York court records. The same email is also linked to a Skype account with the username "jg palmrt," according to the opensource data provider Epieos. Palmer's middle initial is "G." Palmer also used similar iterations of the email address in the past, according to court records. Duped by a criminal with a history of drug abuse. Not even a clever one. One doing the dirty work of the campaign, that picked up on "Black [White] Insurrectionist's bs stories.
  5. The Rochester guy posted it on Twitter/X. How do we know that? Because some of that account's other posts included a photo of his screen with his email address visible. Yeah. Smart guy! Millions fell for it. Now that we know who he is, why don't you ask him where he got the info from?
  6. I realized that after the last election. I just assumed Trump was dumb enough to think that his extremely unrepresentative sample of the United States electorate - the people who attend his rallies - reflected overall preferences. But surely his better educated supporters knew better, right? Well, no. No they don't. The Literary Digest fallacy lives! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Literary_Digest#:~:text=The magazine gained notoriety when,Democratic incumbent President Franklin D.
  7. I know. Call me Tariff Man! [technical correction: a tariff is actually the schedule of customs duties, not the duty itself]
  8. I just feel that there's no way Kamala could get 80+ million people to vote for her. I mean, I drove around exurban Denver yesterday and I must have seen 100 Trump-Vance signs and just one or two Harris-Walz. Plus have you seen those rally crowds?
  9. Charges filed in weekend shooting in Rogers Park; alderman calls for hate crime investigation By Sam Charles October 28, 2024 at 3:52 p.m.
  10. True. This is what happens when smart people leave the sh!thole areas of the country. Those people are mostly blue, and they settle in places like Colorado and Texas, which then begin the process of moving from purple to blue.
  11. Just shows you guys tried really, really hard to find it. "Hey Google, play the Joe Rogan Trump interview"
  12. YouTube is Google .... maybe work on your search skills?
  13. Weird, because I just googled it and there it is. Posted 2 days ago. Another BS "the libs are censoring us!" story.
  14. This looks like the Chicago Tribune's initial report - Saturday at 7:15 pm. So it's a "just the facts known" report. I googled it. Yesterday more details emerged. The headlines then changed. As they should.
  15. Are you sure that isn't just a copyright/takedown issue? Spotify didn't pay Rogan all that money so that YouTube could just repost it ... but better to go with the conspiracy right off the bat!
  16. There is no such "channel" at all for most people of the world.
  17. I mentioned before: I've been to exactly one political rally in my life. Dukakis (!) 1988. I was working nearby the rally and they let us off work early because streets were shut down. It was the most boring and stupidest event I've ever been to in my life. And that's not even mentioning the magnetic Mr. Dukakis, who came on a good hour and a half into it. Can't imagine ever wanting to do that again for any candidate. I've decided people go because they have free tickets, nothing better to do, and want to feel some sense of camaraderie with fellow supporters. Not unlike a Super Bowl Parade I guess, although Bills fans have no way of knowing for sure.
  18. It’s not even a Jussie Smollette story. That fool actually filed a police report, which as we’ve seen at least exposes you to prosecution if it’s shown to be a sham. This “affidavit” has never even been seen. The “affiant” is anonymous. There is nothing to give it any air of credibility other than it being posted on Twitter.
  19. EDGY ALERT EDGE Are you saying Laura Ingraham finally came out?
  20. The wild ones. By which I mean, pretty much all of them.
  21. Yes, we should definitely convene a congressional committee to investigate because SOME GUY POSTED SOME SHITE ON THE INTERNET
  22. That ring light makes him look positively SATANIC
  23. I think that's about right. Again, I feel like Nate Silver here, albeit with better hair and less money. The fact that I want Harris to win doesn't influence my reasoned opinion that Trump is a slight favorite. Why would it?
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