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The Frankish Reich

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Everything posted by The Frankish Reich

  1. Agreed. That's how I am with teams that aren't "my" teams. Red Sox when they finally got past the Yankees? Loved it. Arrogant Red Sox spending like the Yankees and acting like they're now the perennial favorites? Not so much. OK, now I'm back at "fire Fangio."
  2. I can't make up my mind about them. Do I want them to step up and finally finish off Pittsburgh's reign? Or would I prefer them to be the pathetic Browns again. I tend toward the former since I just really don't even enjoy watching Ben & Co. anymore.
  3. Remember when we thought Robert Foster was finally emerging as the #1 guy? And he was probably the best of that lot. We've come a looong way. OK, enough. Is there any way to back out of this wormhole? I have seen the future and I don't want any more of it.
  4. What did Teddy get in the locker room? Different guy on this drive.
  5. Good point. Josh was thrown into about as dysfunctional an offense as you'll ever see in the NFL. And yet ... he persevered.
  6. I'll admit it - I wanted us to sign him as a bridge (hah!) QB. Can't remember which season. He is what he is, which is a kind of a boring Ryan Fitzpatrick.
  7. Total yards: 214-76 TOP: 21:11 - 8:49 Score: 10-0 Browns, you're setting up an epic collapse.
  8. You mean instead of AJ McCarron?
  9. Broncos are basically the pre-McBeane Bills. Never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity. Now Vonn Miller goes down. Should've been traded in the offseason (think: Dareus). Should've drafted a QB in the Greatest QB Draft Class Ever (well, so they said). Instead they got Bradley Chubb. And about half a dozen CBs.
  10. That makes sense. Teddy will pad the stats in the 2nd half! Umm, not exactly. Lock is more like Lock(er). Another guy I think could've been somebody in the right system.
  11. For those of you fortunate enough not to see the Broncos frequently (I live here) ... I hope you get to see Drew Lock. You know how I mentioned that alternate universe where the Broncs selected Josh? You'll see the poor man's Josh. Not quite as big, not quite as athletic, not nearly as big an arm (but still big), but mostly a victim of horrific coaching.
  12. Some imaginative playcalling, young Mr. Shurmur!
  13. So the new Broncos Interim Coach pretty much has to be the Special Teams Coordinator. Whoever that is. It's the only competent unit.
  14. I think we did. I'll have to go back through that wormhole to find out. But I think I see that it was Greg Roman and Lamar Jackson as SuperTyrod. We also brought back Mike Gillislie and he's averaging 6 ypc.
  15. Agreed. Just pathetic. And zero progress throughout the post-Peyton years. In some alternate universe they actually drafted Josh Allen. But in that universe Josh was probably a bust because they couldn't develop him and they turned it over to Teddy Bridgewater anyway. He's a guy I actually feel sorry for. Just in over his head. Nice guy, fine assistant/defensive coordinator, but not cut out for this. Actually I don't know if anyone can succeed there until Elway gets the hell out of the way.
  16. The Broncos have talent on offense: Sutton is close to being an elite WR, there's other pretty good receivers there too, Fant is a ridiculously athletic TE, Gordon is a quality RB, there's some talent on the O line, Bridgewater is typically adequate ... why are they soooo bad? I'd say about the same. Which is, well, not good if you're Baker looking for a Josh style contract.
  17. Do they? Or do they just have two better guards that make any ordinary RB look good.
  18. And Smoke was just too fast for Teddy. I thought it would take 2 more losses, but ... ... its a Thursday night game, extra time for the interim coach to settle in, I'm thinking Elway (err, some guy actually named George Paton, pronounced PAYTON not Patton) to pull the trigger. But with both the offense and defense sputtering, who gets promoted?
  19. I know it’s a joke, but … I’m actually amazed that Buffalo stabilized and is still alive and kicking as a much smaller city. Turn the clock back 35 or 40 years and I would’ve seen no future at all for Buffalo. It grew to being a major industrial and shipping hub based on factors (location, what transportation and economic geographers call a “break in bulk” point from shipping to the canal and later to rail) that were becoming irrelevant. Same with the hydro power source. I started to see a better future with NAFTA - after all, there’s really only Buffalo, Detroit, and BC/Vancouver-Seattle as viable border/trade hubs. I thought we were maybe a decade away from an EU/Schengen style open border with Canada. 9/11 took the wind out of that sail. So what is the future of the Buffalo region? Growth? Continued slow decline? Stability as a minor regional center? I guess I’d vote for general stability but not great return to national (much less international) relevance. My dream of an open US-Canada border isn’t dead though … maybe in another generation.
  20. Those principles (as my 2nd grade teacher said, it’s easy to remember this way: the Principal is your Pal) aren’t exactly consistent, are they? In the last couple decades we’ve had: -Trump the Democrat -Trump the would be Reform Party candidate running on a deficit hawk plank -Trump the “very pro-choice” candidate And that’s just a start. To turn on old Repub quip on its head: I didn’t leave the Republican Party; Trump took it over in a hostile takeover.
  21. You know how some fights are so good you just start clamoring for a rematch the second the decision is announced? This was one of them. I want them on our home field in January.
  22. You don’t realize it, but you’re proving my point. Risks of COVID vaccine: coming up on one year if intensely monitored/studied results. Excellent efficacy, typically very minor side effects if any, exceedingly rare more serious side effects. Unknown if there are very long term side effects, but no rational basis to expect those. Risks of getting COVID (here, in relation to 37 year old hoping to get pregnant and avoid health risks to herself/her baby): significant risk of contracting COVID (she will be in clinics and hospitals a lot if she gets pregnant), small risk of having a serious case, smaller but not insignificant risk of serious complications that may cause her to lose her baby, no rational reason to believe that a vaccine will lessen her fertility or cause harm to a future baby. And her decision making process is purely emotional, not rational: - if I TAKE an action (getting vaccinated) and I can’t get pregnant or can’t carry a healthy child to birth, I will forever be kicking myself over getting the vaccine. - if I REFUSE to take an affirmative action (and don’t get the vaccine) and then get COVID, resulting in an inability to get pregnant or carry a healthy child to term, well, then I guess that was just the Will of God; I won’t forever blame myself for my decision not to get Vaccinated. It’s flawed thinking, it’s purely emotion based (how will I FEEL about it if things go wrong?), and it is exactly what you and this poor woman are doing. (I’ll leave aside for the moment the question whether there is something more feminine about this type of thinking. Draw your own conclusions)
  23. Humans are just awful at risk assessment. Look at this explanation: “In an in­ter­view, Ms. Williams cited a lack of longer-term re­search on the vac­cines’ po­ten­tial ef­fects. She said that if she got vac­ci­nated and then strug­gled to con­ceive, mis­car­ried, or had a child with birth de­fects, she would al­ways won­der whether the shots caused the prob­lems. “I can’t live with that,” she said. “I can’t live with go­ing through a mis­car­riage and won­der­ing if it’s be­cause I got an in­jec­tion to keep my job.” The CDC has said no link has been found be­tween the shots and mis­car­riage or fer­til­ity prob­lems.” https://www.wsj.com/articles/espn-reporter-allison-williams-quits-over-vaccine-mandate-fertility-concerns-many-share-her-fears-11634664260?st=mgcor3pxhc8xtzx&reflink=article_copyURL_share [may be a paywalled link!]
  24. Jim Brown is before my time, but from video, yes. Bo Jackson was the closest. Earl Campbell was different - low to the ground, huge thighs, not those long strides. It's easy to say Henry will take a beating and wear down young, but will he? He inflicts far more punishment than he takes. I'm gonna guess that by the time he hangs it up we're looking at a Hall of Famer.
  25. Imagine that! Your doctor was impressed by your pain tolerance (congrats!) and glad that you didn’t have to use powerful pain meds, which, after all, have side effects (no constipation with you, I trust!), and, like all medications including even ibuprofen should really only be used when necessary. Sounds like a good doc. I’m gonna tell him/her that you, however, smell a big pharma rat!
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