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The Frankish Reich

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Everything posted by The Frankish Reich

  1. Yes. And with our problems on the O line ... I think I might actually be missing the big lug.
  2. WTF? Would you mind explaining this ALL CAPS DIGITAL IDENTIFICATION you're all worked up about?
  3. I’m sorry, but this has to be the stupidest anti-vaxx argument yet. And I’m seeing it from all of you. So what if it lasts 4, 5, 6 months? They seem perfectly capable of keeping pace with production. I imagine anti-Vaxxers take their ivermectin and vitamins every day, or every week, or whatever. They probably pop viagra every time their wieners don’t spring into action. They probably take finasteride every day to keep those beautiful locks on their heads. The women amongst that group probably take contraceptives every day, get Botox injections every month or two. Why on earth would it matter that you need to get a booster a couple times a year?
  4. Nice dodge. You could defend your illogic (“but it doesn’t work perfectly, so why require it”), but instead veer to the classic “it’s about the children.” OK, so how about a mandate for all 15 and over? 18 and over?
  5. Because the initial J&J protocol was one vaccine only. If there’s something “crazy” about monitoring results and making necessary adjustments, I’m just not seeing it.
  6. So we are left with this brilliant argument: - COVID vaccines work, but they're not "durable" and the virus mutates. (Yet somehow we just know that the non-durable vaccine will have all sorts of durable side effects that will weirdly emerge after a year, or two, or three, or more) - this means you will probably need to get a booster after some period of time (6 months is the current ballpark number) - vaccines will probably not completely eradicate COVID-19 because it mutates, so why even bother? This bears a striking resemblance to Keynes's famous quote (about whether continuing fiscal stimulus is sustainable "in the long run"): "In the long run we'll all be dead." Yep, it's not perfect! It doesn't last forever!! Selfish COVID may still find a way to mutate and survive!!! Well, I'm convinced. We should just give up. Since when was "just give up" an American value? Transport yourself back to March 2020. If someone told you "I'm working on a vaccine that in very preliminary trials shows 90-95% effectiveness at preventing severe disease or death provided you take it every 6 months." Who wouldn't have been satisfied with that? Who wouldn't be today? This is still astoundingly good news, but some people just have a desire to be negative about everything.
  7. Good points. And there’s actually 2 different points here: - was the AFL on par with the NFL c. 1965? Your Browns AAFC example is interesting. But the historical record suggests that the NFL overall had a talent edge over the AFL right up until the end of the decade. The Jets beating the Colts was kind of a fluke. The Chiefs beating the Vikes the next year wasn’t. It evened out quickly by the time of the merger. I was an old ABA basketball fan and I got into a lot of little kid arguments about the ABA vs the NBA. But even I have to admit the ABA got close to the quality of the NBA before it collapsed, but it always was just a bit behind. - are today’s players on average superior to those in the old AFL? This one is easier: yes. Period. Bigger, stronger, faster, better coached. Would certain AFL era greats still be great today? Absolutely. Would Jack Kemp be a “franchise QB” today? I doubt it.
  8. Of course. Winning a championship is a great achievement in any major sports league, which is what the AFL was by the mid-60s. But if there hadn’t been a merger we’d speak a little differently about the Bills championship teams of the 90s ….
  9. Do we also need to know what letters the apostrophe substitutes for?
  10. You better pray for Joe Walsh’s continued sobriety or you may have to deal with George Thorogood actually joining the Eagles.
  11. Well, if there had been a Super Bowl before 1967 ….
  12. I think Dawson Knox is about 2 healthy seasons away from being on our all-time TE list, which says more about the status of the position in Bills history than it does about Knox’s brilliance so far (fine player that he is).
  13. The blogger known as Scott a Alexander (a real life MD/psychiatrist, not a virologist) just did his own highly readable meta analysis of the various ivermectin studies. I would urge anyone to read it. It is fair and evenhanded, and ends with some intriguing speculation that is presented as exactly that. Bottom line: those who think ivermectin may be of value aren’t necessarily nuts (although many are), the results of studies are suggestive of some potential value, but they are riddled with everything ranging from sampling error to confounding variables to out-and-out fraud. It’s a long read but a good one. Recommended for all, on every side of the great COVID vaccine/treatment debates: https://astralcodexten.substack.com/p/ivermectin-much-more-than-you-wanted
  14. Ahh, the self-sacrificing leaders of our “non-profit entities.” https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.erieri.com/blog/post/top-10-highest-paid-ceos-at-nonprofits-2021%3Famp Best compensated non-profit CEO in 2018 pulled in about $18 million in compensation. Maybe the Packers aren’t on that level, but I would guess that their top brass aren’t exactly earning what we think of as non-profit do-gooder pay.
  15. This is actually a really good question. We know you can't transfer/sell the "stock," but the Packers are profitable, so they'd be expected to return some value to shareholders. I mean, I'm sure they don't, but I wonder what the theory is behind not doing so. Amazing that they get all those kudos for being "owned by the people of Green Bay" when they are pretty much using that public ownership/nonprofit status as a way to line the pockets of what I assume are just a small group of insiders.
  16. Well, true. Is it better to pay to own an NFT of Aaron Rodgers getting a vaccine (actually, that one would be rare and valuable) than a "certificate" of "stock" ownership to put on the mantle below your TV? I mean, people pay to have stars "registered" in their name, or to buy one square foot of land in some exotic location, etc., etc. But still: please stop calling it "stock" - even with the quotes around it.
  17. I'm pretty sure the NFL owners banned the concept of public ownership of a team. Heaven forbid a community could have a real stake in "its" team. As for this "stock" offering (the quotes are necessary), this is from the offering website itself: Common stock does not constitute an investment in “stock” in the common sense of the term. Purchasers should not purchase common stock with the purpose of making a profit. I don't know how they are even allowed to use the word "stock" since it in no way resembles stock as we know it. And the "stock" is not transferable (except to your heirs, etc.), and I couldn't figure out what voting rights, if any, it carries with it. It is simply symbolic. Maybe you'd be better off buying a piece of turf from an old/re-sodded field if you want a symbol of Packerlove.
  18. Yeah, I’m retrospect that was probably the worst single mistake the Jets have made, pointlessly winning a game that iced the #1 overall for Jax.
  19. So you’re saying it wasn’t all Adam Gase’s fault after all?
  20. From the I formation .... with a fullback leading the way (although Gilliam didn't really need to block anyone; more like the old term "running interference"). What are these new inventions like "I formations"? Old school can be new school too.
  21. Well, that's true ... weird that they had no plan to pick up a blitzer from the right side, but I can't definitively put that on Breida.
  22. Yep. I hate to say it, but it's looking like one down year is all the Pats will have. That doesn't mean they should beat us - we have the talent edge for sure - but it does mean my Bills/Pats role reversal dreams will probably not come true.
  23. de·bauch·er·y /dəˈbôCHərē/ Learn to pronounce noun excessive indulgence in sensual pleasures. Hey, whatever it takes. I just hope there's no video of Urban Meyer's latest sensual indulgences. [I think it was meant to be "debacle"] Nope, I'm pretty sure he was supposed to pick up the blitzer before going into his route.
  24. Bills coaching staff reads TSW! Or maybe they watch the film and see the same things we do. - get Breida involved! As in 2 TDs involved!! (We'll excuse the garbage time fumble) - use a FB/heavy set every now and then! (that was my particular piece of advice). I saw Gilliam out there more than in any prior game, even in an old-fashioned I formation that actually worked. - get Diggs the damn ball! As in "get the ball near him and he will make good things happen" as we saw today. - mix it up, play Allen under center and pass from that formation every now and then! And the play action helped the line against the pass rush, particularly as the game went on.
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