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The Frankish Reich

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Everything posted by The Frankish Reich

  1. Still with the vaccine-autism crap. His running mate, gold digger Nicole Shanahan, is suggesting that her kid's autism is caused by vaccines. People suggested Barron Trump may be on the spectrum. I don't know. What's the most obvious explanation for both? OLD EGGS/OLD SPERM. But people don't want to face that harsh reality.
  2. The "liberal media" includes, I guess, all those CNBC investment bank CEOs who brushed this aside as an "exogenous blip" To you guys, "liberal" means "interprets something that happened under Biden as good or neutral."
  3. Half TDS is the ticket. That's where I continue to live.
  4. Incompetence does bother me. I would like to see a more professional election staff in all states. You know who's pretty good? Mr. Raffensberger in Georgia. Seriously. The guy thinks like the engineer that he is, and he seems to have efficiency and accuracy in mind. In general I think the vast majority of mistakes are caught and corrected, and that they cancel each other out on the wider stage. With all the voter fraud talk, I always go back to the old maxim: Never assume malice where incompetence provides an adequate explanation.
  5. Consider this my RSVP
  6. Thank god for the cheating part
  7. Why I'm guessing Trump will win: - state polling has been pretty unreliable, which is not surprising. You're usually dealing with a smaller sample of a smaller population so errors are compounded, so I don't have much faith in them. - somehow (I don't know how since response rates are awful since the landline died) national polling is still pretty good. I look to Silver's aggregate, which at least attempt to separate the good pollsters from the weak ones. He currently has Harris with something on the order of a 1.1 point lead. - the popular vote, of course, isn't what counts, but it correlates pretty well with electoral outcomes. And typically the tipping point has been about a 2.5% or better Harris popular vote win is what she needs to win the electoral vote. - 2016: Hillary wins the popular vote by 2 percent; loses the electoral college - 2020: Biden wins the popular vote by 4.5 percent; wins the electoral college Of course, differentially higher turnout on the Harris side could change things. But right now, Harris's polling lead looks a lot more like a 2016 result than a 2020 result.
  8. Well, they may say the other things ... but #2 pretty obviously accounts for a good share of the drop.
  9. We all know about that glance over the urinal divider guy ...
  10. Learn about the possessive and the apostrophe! I'm (kinda) old so I remember working at a law firm where they made me dictate briefs. It's hard as hell to do at first. I was already used to using a laptop to write my own stuff. When you're dictating you have to say it like this: "The only garbage I see floating out there is Trump's supporter's [transcriber: that is "supporter apostrophe s] Joe should talk like that, just like the old, old days.
  11. I may not be Arnold Palmer. But I'm not Donald Trump either.
  12. Hey, the apostrophe excuse is pretty good! But only an amateur grammatician would appreciate that. The rest of youse with the garbage punctuation and grammar won't get it. "The only garbage I see floating around out there is his supporter's ["Kill Tony's"]."
  13. Hey, it did stick around longer than I thought. Maybe the "mainstream media" isn't so biased after all. Seems like they're an equal opportunity seizer of stupid talking points.
  14. We really should be more like Orban's Hungary. He's very strong!
  15. Well, it did have 36 hour legs. But then Trump did the "whether women like it or not" thing. You can always count on him.
  16. Oh, this (illegal?) immigrant is definitely not poisoning the blood of America. With gene stock like this we'll soon be full Idiocracy. MacDonald lived in British Columbia and Alberta.[7] He later worked as a professional wrestler under the ring name Allstar.[8] MacDonald struggled with alcoholism throughout much of his life, and in 2017, had a "bad breakdown" that prompted him to begin rehabilitation.[7]
  17. More of the marvelous musical stylings of Tarheel's faves. This one in which a dumbass with face tattoos whines about how the government ignores normal people like him. Hey, Tarheel, hire him to help out with your bioscience supplies sales gig! More of the marvelous musical stylings of Tarheel's faves. This one in which a dumbass with face tattoos whines about how the government ignores normal people like him. Hey, Tarheel, hire him to help out with your bioscience supplies sales gig! By the way: I checked. They're both CANADIAN. Are you sure they're legal?
  18. Elon: there's gonna be pain in the short term, but it'll all be worth it! For Elon: a haircut to his roughly $800 billion net worth. Hey, maybe even a couple hundred billion. Poor guy. Ordinary Americans: wipe out half of your retirement savings, or leave you without a job. Sounds like a good plan.
  19. Hey, where's the appearances with future Gov Mark Robinson and that school commissioner nutcase candidate? Trump and Robinson have similarly stained trousers I hear
  20. Is this the one where Tucker talks about being assaulted by a demon?
  21. We all knew it would make a comeback ... ladies and gentlemen, the Return of QAnon! Where a Halloween costume and a jokey bite on a baby dressed as a chicken are secret pedo signals ...
  22. Well, I don't know if she slept with Willie Brown to further her career. I mean, I don't know that she had that intention when she became his much, much younger girlfriend. But I think it is indisputable that the relationship did further her career, as he got her appointed to a couple statewide boards she really had no business being appointed to, and then his support was clearly important to her getting elected SF DA.
  23. Being that it is Donald Trump: he will be more concerned that the Epstein tapes characterize him as a 2-Minute Man than that he had teenage girls on his lap.
  24. Wolff is a scumbag journalist. But ... notice how Bannon never denied any of the comments Wolff attributed to him?
  25. Does he get the traditional last bang with a 14 year old?
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