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The Frankish Reich

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Everything posted by The Frankish Reich

  1. I just fail to understand how that leftward drift of mainstream Dems would cause anyone to support the most successful ultra-left candidate in presidential history since Debs. I understand it as a “we want an outsider” thing (Bernie/Trump) but don’t pretend it makes any sense as a reaction against the leftward tilt of mainstream democrats.
  2. Remember, Rogan was a democratic socialist for a while there too. His Bernie Bro phase. Most people get over this before they turn 30.
  3. Steve Rattner is the best at explaining these things. The only reason to watch Morning Joe.
  4. Oh, I’ve dragged them out. Some multiple times.
  5. Is that blood I see coming out of her ... whatever?
  6. Jerry worships some lame-ass gods if they're gonna be appeased by the ritual sacrifice of just Mike McCarthy. They may demand an additional cheerleader or two plus next year's 6th rounder.
  7. Hey Dads! Make sure your teenage daughter dumps that beautiful baby on you to raise! It's in your best interest, and we'll make sure to do what's best for you whether you like it or not.
  8. All true. His lawyers are arguing that Musk misspoke when he said a person who signed his fealty to the 1st/2nd Amendment pledge would be chosen AT RANDOM to receive a million dollars. They're saying that the Musk group would vet them to see if they'd be good spokespeople for his PAC, and that this makes them contractors rather than "winners." Suckered again by the world's richest man as he tries to weasel his way out of a plan that clearly ran afoul of the law as written.
  9. I don't know ... and what explains this one?
  10. Hair is necessary but not sufficient. Not even gorgeous hair
  11. Maybe. But I still think the rule applies! Clinton/Trump: live girls. Morning Joe: dead girl. That ex Gov of NJ: live boy.
  12. Right. Hair is more important than brains in American politics. Our last elected 100% baldy was Eisenhower.
  13. Time honored political/celebrity tradition. Let’s be honest, the old maxim still applies. They’re fine unless they’re caught with a live boy or a dead girl.
  14. He did have that brain reduction thing
  15. Sorry, couldn’t hear you form 61 MOTHER*****ING YARDS AWAY
  16. With our “early voting” advantage and our “turn out the vote” operations and our “dedicated poll workers” and “secure ballot drop box” operations, I’m feeling pretty good.
  17. Thank you. Right down the middle.
  18. Stable genius. I like how he’s tried to recharacterize “rambling of a senile old man” as “the weave,” like he’s a master at some new art form.
  19. Thank God for this board. Without it I would have to occasionally google “is Keith Olbermann still alive”
  20. Why? At least he’s out there making actual predictions unlike all the people who post crap like “ultra Orthodox Jews moving heavily toward Trump”
  21. With the huge numbers of early voters I can’t imagine any campaign events will have any impact at all. I mean, Kamala could give an actual bj on stage and it wouldn’t change anything. Or in light of what we just saw, Trump could give one.
  22. Exactly. Trump may be in NC because his campaign believes WI is sewn up for him. Or whatever. None of this means much.
  23. Right. Both are weak and embarrassing. Vote for RFK. He’s strong and proud.
  24. You could always do the Trump. “I’m for tightening up the law, but this one goes just a teensy bit too far so I’m voting against it even though I’m for it in principle.”
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