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The Frankish Reich

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Everything posted by The Frankish Reich

  1. The Broncos are finally a likable team too. Young guys who are obviously having fun getting better playing together, with obnoxious Payton kind of keeping out of the way this season (unlike last season). Dare I say they kind of remind me of the ascendant Bills?
  2. And that's huge. Why we are much more explosive in the playoffs!
  3. Bengals scared me a whole lot more. But I will agree: for the teams that actually made the playoffs, I'd much rather see Pittsburgh.
  4. Broncos are ahead of schedule on their rebuild despite making a huge mistake on Russell Wilson. Proof that anything short of the Deshaun Watson contract isn't insurmountable. Nix: I was a skeptic. Payton wouldn't let him do anything in the first few games. He now looks in control, which doesn't surprise me. What does surprise me is that he can make all the throws. Take a look at that 67 air yards TD to Mims, but also the throws over the middle, outs, etc. I thought the best case scenario was a Brock Purdy type. Now I think it's a lot higher. But he's still a rookie. WRs: again, much better than expected. Sutton is an A- type guy. Mims is fast and improved a lot this year. Vele has been a real find. No TE threat is probably their biggest weakness. Running game: O Line is finally solid, maybe better than solid. Javonte Williams and Jaleel McLaughlin are a good power/speed combo. Payton seems to love Audric Estime; I don't, so I hope he overuses him against us. Pass rush is for real. Bonitto gets attention as he should, but Franklin-Meyers was a huge addition and Zach Allen is all over the place. Riley Moss was hurt at the CB opposite Surtain; if he's healthy, they're much better than they were when he was out. I do think we can run on them, and I do think they think they can run on us. Good matchup of an up and coming team against an established winner looking to go the next step. Bills by 9.
  5. A cell phone by the pool with drinks sounds like a truly horrible experience.
  6. Commonality: Perhaps Trump shouldn't be focused on the lie that the recent terrorist attacks have something to do with immigration (they don't). Perhaps he - and the rest of us - should be asking about what's going on with the military that would inspire two middle-aged career military men to turn against their country. Is it a mental health issue? Something about the nature of the men we recruit and retain? As Trump said in 2016 with his proposed Muslim ban: we should find out "what the hell is going on."
  7. That's how we get something like Trump ignorantly saying that the New Orleans truck massacre was perpetrated by an immigrant. And then when it becomes obvious he's wrong, he doubles down on it. This admits of the following possibilities: - Trump is stupid - Trump is not stupid, but he assumes that his followers are stupid - Trump and his followers are both stupid - Trump simply does not care what the truth is, and follows the maxim that if you repeat a lie often enough it will be as if the lie is true
  8. Yes, it certainly seems to be academic dishonesty. But you know what it isn't? Reporting. Journalism. It is an op-ed piece. An opinion piece. Newspapers do that. They print reporting, and they print opinions. As far as I know the alt media is All Opinion, All the Time.
  9. Tiny truck bed unable to haul sufficient ordnance. Fail.
  10. What is bad is hot takes, which by definition are uninformed takes. Besides, when we talk about the mainstream media reporting facts: if the FBI spokesman said there was no apparent link to international terrorism, well that's what the mainstream media reported. When they said it was a terrorist attack, that's what the mainstream media reported. When they said that he didn't appear to act alone, that's what they reported. When they said that he did appear to act alone after all, that's what they reported. When they said he was a native born U.S. citizen who had served in the Army, that's what they reported. You seem to desire speculation, so keep that Truth Social feed comin'
  11. https://www.nytimes.com/2025/01/01/us/politics/trump-new-orleans.html?unlocked_article_code=1.mE4.ofuV.W-VZBHgqNYIp&smid=url-share Trump Falsely Suggested New Orleans Suspect was an Immigrant. On his Truth Social. Alt Media wins?
  12. https://www.wsj.com/finance/stocks/stocks-on-pace-for-best-two-years-in-a-quarter-century-c5b5f9b3?mod=hp_lead_pos1 Oh, so I guess things weren't so bad after all.
  13. He never overcame the killer rabbit story. So apartheid, but apartheid justified by security concerns. Or apartheid giving rise to security concerns. I understand your take on Carter's post-presidency views of foreign policy, but at least he did have the common sense to recognize that Israel's actions are not pure as the driven snow.
  14. Re-draft guess: 1. Daniels 2. Nix. Did you see his 67 air yards bomb yesterday? I didn't know he had that in him. 3. Maye. 4. Tie. Williams. He just has that air of fear, hence the ridiculous no interceptions streak. And Penix: nice delayed start to his career, impressive arm, no apparent fear. And I can already tell that Spencer Rattler isn't an NFL QB.
  15. Payton has made some weird in-game decisions. But I will say (as a Colorado guy who has seen all their games except when they conflict with the Bills) that they are generally well coached this year, in that they're prepared, not subject to stupid penalties, etc. They don't often beat themselves, even with a rookie QB.
  16. Prime Aaron Rodgers, yes. 41 year old Aaron Rodgers? Hell no.
  17. True. Only if the Ravens and Chiefs somehow get knocked out early do we avoid the hard way. Agreed. Even setting the rivalry aside, the Steelers match up well with the Ravens. Unlike the Bills ...
  18. True. But does the West Bank basically live under a system of apartheid? Tell it like it is.
  19. I think I'll wait for the new stadium to make my own triumphant return. 😀
  20. The Jets did quit, but not until the game was out of hand. I kind of miss the days when teams would totally, completely quit. Now everyone knows he's fighting for a future NFL job and that video is everywhere, and teams just plain giving up seems kind of a rarity. See Giants yesterday, and Jets in the first half.
  21. Well, what's wrong with that? It was, if anything, prescient, given how Netanyahu's aggressive expansion of West Bank settlements has gone.
  22. Another stupid perspective. Israel: the Camp David accord was truly monumental. It was a peace deal that stuck, and has stuck for nearly half a century. What other "deal" involving Israel has worked? It was favorable enough for Israel that Sadat got assassinated over it.
  23. A fine and decent man who served his country with honor. In retrospect, I see him as a transitional president. He was a more of a break with liberal Democrats of the late 60s and early 70s than a continuation. He started the wave of deregulation that hit its stride under Reagan, and his response to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan put an end to the Democratic Party illusion that the Soviet system and the U.S. system could coexist indefinitely. RIP, Jimmy.
  24. Before this game: I thought Rodgers had shown enough in the 2nd half of the season that combined with the lack of good options, the Jets should stick with him in 2025 and hope they can get lucky and put together a playoff drought-ending season. After his game: Rodgers is toast. Am I the only one out there who thinks that if the Jets had started Tyrod they would have made this a game?
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