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The Frankish Reich

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Everything posted by The Frankish Reich

  1. Spoken like a guy without any retirement savings.
  2. The Trump Slump. It’s on! He is so mentally fit that he imposes (then delays, then reimposes) an economic strategy that no economist other than weirdo old Peter Navarro agrees with. With totally predictable results.
  3. 104 is way below even Medium Rare.
  4. The warped world MAGA lives in, where the president of a David-sized nation who refuses to give in to Goliath is a whiny little sissy, and the president of the United States who wants to surrender immediately is a tough guy.
  5. DC swamp drained; Florida swamp growing.
  6. Some moron who called it a "very strong" deal for America, much better than the one it replaced. You mean the one that is 100% made in the USA? Good luck finding that side of the street.
  7. Question: is World War III (defined as an all-out war between the United States and its allies vs. Russia and its allies, with China somehow involved more likely under: A. A continuation of the U.S. support of Ukraine in its efforts to repel Russia's invasion, a situation that has resulted in an ongoing war in Ukraine but which has not been accompanied by further Russian expansionist actions in Europe. B. A peace deal with Russia that allows Russia to keep all the territory it seized through its invasions of 2014 and 2022, without providing additional assurances to Ukraine that Russia will not be allowed to take further military action in Ukraine. The answer is obvious.
  8. Why on earth would you act like this is a good thing? "Grovels to Trump," who in turn grovels to Putin (the poor guy was very hurt by being implicated in Russia gate!), which means the world grovels to Putin. And that's good in your book.
  9. Typical Trumpism. The graph doesn't show any objective facts about the Biden economy. No GDP growth, no declining inflation rate, no market caps. Instead it's all feelings. How do you feel about the economy. The new feminized Republican Party.
  10. Hey, I coined that term! https://www.reuters.com/markets/europe/atlanta-fed-shock-sounds-trumpcession-warning-mcgeever-2025-03-03/
  11. https://www.wsj.com/opinion/putin-wins-the-trump-zelensky-oval-office-spectacle-e23e9b21?mod=hp_opin_pos_1 The only headline that matters: Putin Wins. JD Vance reminds us why he was a terrible choice. The meeting between Messrs. Trump and Zelensky started out smoothly enough. “It’s a big commitment from the United States, and we appreciate working with you very much, and we will continue to do that,” Mr. Trump said of the mineral deal. Mr. Zelensky showed photos of Ukrainians mistreated as prisoners of war. “That’s tough stuff,” Mr. Trump said. But then the meeting, in front of the world, descended into recriminations. The nose dive began with an odd interjection from Vice President JD Vance, who appeared to be defending Mr. Trump’s diplomacy, which Mr. Zelensky hadn’t challenged. Mr. Zelensky rehearsed the many peace agreements Mr. Putin has shredded and essentially asked Mr. Vance what would be different this time. Mr. Vance unloaded on Mr. Zelensky—that he was “disrespectful,” low on manpower, and gives visitors to Ukraine a “propaganda” tour. President Trump appeared piqued by Mr. Zelensky’s suggestion that the outcome in Ukraine would matter to the U.S. “Your country is in big trouble. You’re not winning,” Mr. Trump said at one point. Why did the Vice President try to provoke a public fight? Mr. Vance has been taking to his X.com account in what appears to be an effort to soften up the political ground for a Ukraine surrender, most recently writing off Mr. Putin’s brutal invasion as a mere ethnic rivalry. Mr. Vance dressed down Mr. Zelensky as if he were a child late for dinner. He claimed the Ukrainian hadn’t been grateful enough for U.S. aid, though he has thanked America countless times for its support. This was not the behavior of a wannabe statesman.
  12. You mean Epstein's death by "suicide" under the watch of Trump's prison? Amazing how the MAGA morons can fantasize a deep state cabal beyond the obvious Trump deep state cabal with Trump's name all over it. It's after noon EST - where's my bombshell, Pam?
  13. I haven't really followed the whole Tate Bros thing very closely. I know they're creeps and quite possibly criminals, but not the details. But ... creep, accused criminal (in Romania), whatever ... if the Trump Admin worked Romania to secure they're ability to travel, well, that's kind of what the State Dept is supposed to do. I understand they're U.S. citizens (but not exactly how they came to be U.S. citizens), and even an accused criminal ought to be allowed to travel to his country of citizenship. The U.S. shouldn't try to "ban" them; they're ours, like it or not.
  14. I'll bite. 1. Namath (yeah, I know, didn't really deserve the HOF, but still ... first AFL/C Super Bowl) 2. Testaverde 3. Todd 4. O'Brien 5. Pennington 6. Favre 7. Fitz 8. Sanchez 9. Boomer 10. O'Donnell You could argue that other than the Top 2 (Kelly/Allen vs. Namath/Vinny), the Jets 3-10 are actually better than the Bills 3-10. Of course that doesn't matter, does it.
  15. Hey, watch it. Dennis Shaw was my first sports hero (o.k., I was 6)
  16. ⬆️ 783 posts in the last month. Now there's a deep thinker for you.
  17. Step 2: start granting any and everyone an exemption from childhood vaccine requirements based on "conscience" Step 3: blame all the fools who make up crap about vaccines and autism Step 4: watch kids die!
  18. BillsFanNC =DR'sGhost He seems to have forgotten to list that one
  19. Well, at least the kid wasn't autistic. - RFK Jr.
  20. Agreed. I will also note that we have - and will have to even a greater degree - the same problem with the federal civil service. To me that's the most troubling thing about the attacks on the federal employee. What young person in their right mind would consider federal service a good option now? And before people jump in and say "good," think about the career path. When I was with the federal government a lot of the people I worked with were veterans. There's a career path there, particularly in law enforcement agencies. Vets get a preference, as they should. Why sign up for the military when a lot of those benefits start disappearing?
  21. The general idea that Russia (well, the USSR) tried to recruit Trump as an asset makes perfect sense. And the story - told by the Kazakh former KGB spook - that Ivana provided the entry point makes perfect sense. You don't have to believe that the recruiting attempts were successful in order to believe that this was typical, ordinary Soviet KGB activity at the time. But you also need to take the likelihood of that attempted - or successful - recruitment into account when looking at Trump's subsequent actions and his unusually close ties to Russian oligarchs, not to mention his obvious fawning admiration of the quintessential KGB operative, one V. Putin. "Recruitment" as an asset isn't necessarily limited to "doing the USSR's bidding as a secret agent." It includes all the obvious things like flattering an egotist who is particularly susceptible to the most ham-handed forms of flattery with the hope that tends to take your side when it matters. Which he has, of course, done. And it may also mean having Russians (who learned how to survive and get ahead by doing these things) cozying up to Trump and developing kompromat on him. All of these things are why Security Clearance Background Investigations ask things like: "do you have any close and continuing foreign friends or contacts?" "Have you ever been involved in business dealings with foreign nationals or governments?" It's not that these things are per se suspect; it's that these things provide opportunities for recruitment or for developing kompromat on Americans.
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