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Everything posted by SinceWarMemorial

  1. we're not "sick of his production". we're sick of his injuries....as everyone here I would guess.....would be loving his production.....if he was healthy.
  2. He's Injured.......all the time. you're welcome.
  3. bam....that's it right there. and lest we forget.......knock brady on his butt more than three times......and he rolls over like a baby for the rest of the game. disrupt his timing...and he's done for the day.
  4. Mike Evans was another option.......the Bucs took him. oddly.......he's having the same kind of "can't stay healthy" issues Sammy is. both amazing athletes...can't avoid injury. anyone remember yatil green?
  5. sorry to make my own thread folks......but I have been waiting to say this for quite a while.....and more importantly I have been waiting for this day for a long, long, time. Even my closest pals were telling me in no uncertain terms we would be losing our team....and I NEVER bought into that garbage. I was born the same year our beloved Bills were, an everyone I know has been telling me our team was headed to LA. I never gave up telling them all that the Wilson family would never do that...and to them, I am grateful. The Bills........and Buffalo.........ARE the NFL! Edit: I'm not quite sure what that "probation" thing is, but that's quite insulting.
  6. Sitting here in Florida listening to WGR...and as much as I have been expecting this for so long...I'm still devastated. There is no doubt...this is the end of a wonderful era, for all Bills fans. I was born the same year the Bills we born. I still have my signed Jack Kemp stuff, and yes, my signed copy of "The Education of a Rich Rookie by OJ, not to mention other random keepsakes signed by early Bills players, all the way up our pride and joy 90's team. I left Buffalo as a kid in 1972, but the Bills have been and always will be with me....and that starts with the man who started it all....and that was HOF Member Ralph Wilson. RIP Sir, and thank you for being the man you were....and thank you for the AFL. God Bless "The Foolish Club"
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