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Everything posted by Madbillsfan

  1. Awwww boo hoo hoo. You must not have a significant other.
  2. Points allowed Yards gained Sacks Hard hits
  3. I made one post that’s an observation. But you know the saying, if you’re offended it must be true.
  4. I see some of you guys enjoy slobbing on Brady
  5. Every guest on the damn show has to spend 10 minutes talking about and answering questions about Tom Brady. My god, he’s gone. Let him go John. It’s a Bills show, talk about the other players who’ve left New England and make them appear weaker. Let your crush go. Geez.
  6. The callers are much more worse than hosts.
  7. So well thought out. All these excuses for JA’s non success and 1 great reason for LJ’s non failure.
  8. I can’t listen when she’s on either.
  9. I saw him on Trailer Park Boys I think.
  10. How many have actually coached live humans?
  11. Boo hoo hoo. Some of you guys are wimps with big mouths and little brains. Use it as a learning tool and stop looking for everything to complain about. Admit when you are wrong and defeated, get up, brush the dirt off and get better.
  12. The callers today on One Bills Live were terrible. Boomer day drinkers who were incoherent, don't know players names or anything about football. It was hilarious.
  13. There are 2 things in life that make people look better. Money and winning.
  14. Mediocrity will be my guess. 17+ years of it.
  15. Shut up and dribble lol. A girl in high school once said.....”If you don’t like it, don’t look”.
  16. I know more about current sports than most of the staff there and I'm drive a truck OTR every day. I listen for Sal and the non hockey guests. Morning show does not do pre show research, they do it on air. Afternoon are more listenable than in the past. I can only imagine how bad or good the instigators show is. The team is terrible and why would I want to ruin my sunny Florida drive? I'll go over to 1520 until One Bill's Live. At least John Murphy can hold up his end of the bargain and not talk about what he's reading on the internet right now.
  17. You guys are fast. I’m still reading.....
  18. Sounds like the idiot callers that call John Murphy and Schopp and the Bulldog.
  19. So you’re telling me that they have 7 uniforms?
  20. It sounded even stupider when it was suggested by a caller on One Bills Live.
  21. They don’t watch sports. They research their job while on air. I feel like most of wgr is only there for the paycheck and the status over the other losers in their personal lives. This is doesn’t apply to all.
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