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Everything posted by stowellez

  1. I'm embarrassed right now.
  2. These penalties are KILLING us! Keeping Denver drives alive...ruining our field position!!!
  3. Changes have to be made. My guess is Marrone's continued employment is contingent upon making changes quickly this off season. Who is he legitimately going to blame for this mess? Himself? Fine, goodbye! Or most likely, find fault with the OC and fire him. That'll at least show Marrone is trying to make changes and right the ship and it'll save his job; THIS season. Next season...I think he's gone unless we win the division. Bottom line, to save his job, he's gotta make changes that are more than swapping equipment managers. The other reason Marrone may keep his job this year is a possible lack of available and viable HC options.
  4. This was a typical Bills game of the last 14 years! I was beginning to wonder where they had gone! 1 step forward; two steps back! Grrrrr
  5. It's like Hacket wants to prove a point, that we can run it. We CAN'T!!
  6. Unfortunately the Bills haven't exactly been on point with their QB personnel moves, back-up or otherwise. I was pulling for EJ but I'm happy for the change. We haven't had a QB controversy in a while...
  7. Check down to Freddie. He breaks at least one tackle. Gain of 11 yards!
  8. Thanks! Great write up.
  9. The OPs choice is one I'll never forget, watching from an undisclosed south west asian location. My buddy, also from Buffalo, and I went nuts...and seemed to be the only ones who cared! Another favorite is the 51-3 destruction of the Raiders. It wasn't exciting in the nail biting, heart attack sense but I would be VERY excited to see us win like that this year!
  10. That was a good article with some interesting insight I thought. I had to laugh when they both talked about EJ using his legs to be that "dual threat" QB. Shot to the knee anyone? I'd rather have EJ sit in the pocket and run simply to avoid pressure than be used in read option. Of course he was injured running from pressure wasn't he? In any event, some of the article is spot on but there was a ton of conjecture and vaguery about leadership and psyche. The closest thing they had to fact about EJ's play, then and now, was his inconsistency. But you don't need to be Nostradamus to predict inconsistency in a rookie QB. In my novice opinion EJ is capable of doing enough to not lose us games and allow the rest of the talent around him shine. And if not...what else is new?!? In all sincerity, I love being a Bills fan!
  11. I think they are counting on consistency and good directional kicking. Moorman at least has that...right?
  12. What are they going to do from here? LI doesn't exactly look great for the following year either. I guess someone has to worry about the aesthetics of roman numerals. My submissions are these: Super Bowl V-Oh. or go for broke with Super Bowl XLIX +I
  13. What I remember, and it was mentioned earlier, was how the Giants had those long drives taking tons of time off the clock. We just couldn't get their offense off the field when it really mattered. Sound familiar? I can't believe how long ago that was...I'm depressed.
  14. No doubt this was a win now kind of move. Damn the torpedoes! I like it.
  15. Love the attitude! It's refreshing to see...from time to time, on this team. Back the talk up on the field and it's a win, win, win!
  16. I don't see any advantage to cutting Stevie right now. For better or worse he is our #1 receiver. Williams is a nice and relatively cheap pick up, if he pans out but Marrone said, he"...has the size and athleticism to add competition to our receiver position group." Not exactly a ringing endorsement if he's brought it for competition. Certainly not brought it to replace anyone substantial. Next year...well, Stevie needs to bring it!!
  17. Dark times? This is probably about it for me. I just keep thinking of how sweet it's going to be when we finally win! Maybe I'm being overly optimistic, just delusional, or drunk. It's been tough to be a Buffalo sports fan lately, but no one can ever accuse us of jumping on the bandwagon or being fair weather fans when things turn around! Where would you rather be than right here right now? Right...?
  18. It's a new type of fantasy football!! Good luck... It just occurred to me, that if you own a majority of the shares for a player you ought to have some say in future negotiations.
  19. RIP Mr. Wilson. You will be missed!
  20. Hey guys and girls, first time, long time. Some of you need to step back from the ledge. EJ did a decent enough job as a rookie IMHO. He didn't set the NFL on fire but which of the QBs do you want to draft this year will? Going off half cocked and drafting another "franchise QB" is just silly. Then we can have 2 QBs that need time to develop...if they develop. I don't think we're as far away from the playoffs as we have been in previous years. Let's continue to build where we obviously need to build and let EJ take care of business. If he doesn't, then we are still a stronger team, and perhaps the only missing piece will be QB. Can anyone honestly say the only piece we are missing right now, today, is QB?
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