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Everything posted by LOVEMESOMEBILLS

  1. I hope all went well and you are feeling better.
  2. I thought you were going to find a corner to cry in ?
  3. Awesome, about time. Now lets go get a god d@mn snack !!!
  4. To say many teams try to find an edge and skirt the rules a little I would agree, but taking the footballs before your suppose to and letting air out after the refs gauge them is totally different. Though I will say 4 games is probably about what Brady* will get.
  5. You mean in 12 hours Allen went from 100x wealthier than Terry to 5x and now it's not even quite 4x. At this pace by morning he's gonna be broke !!
  6. I don't believe for a second only the Pats* would offer him a deal, but Bill would be the first to call. He loves him some Freddy.
  7. Since when is 44.1% more accurate than 58.6%? Not only that but ....his yards per attempt, td to int ratio and rating are all worse also.
  8. Well.....you know.....turning our back on him. C'mon John get with the program!
  9. My "source" tells me Collins was seen leaving the restaurant with a briefcase and two large duffle bags and still kicking that poor puppy.
  10. I heard they stared into each others eyes and began to weep.
  11. With Rex's personality, a job opening at guard, throw in a little Doug, Terry and Kim seems like it be hard to say no. Man, I love how aggressive this team is.
  12. Hit the nail on the head on all fronts. P.S. Why is he not signed yet? Terry and Kim are cheap !!
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