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Everything posted by LOVEMESOMEBILLS

  1. Thanks Ice. I'll take 11-5. Sucks about Nelson. Hope the Pack have a great year.
  2. Love Fred. Hope you and beast mode kick ass this year.
  3. There are definitely some really good pieces this year, I forgot all about Felton. Man this team should be able to open some holes for McCoy and Williams. If Tyrod can get settled in to being the starting QB this offense has a lot of talent and speed.
  4. No it's 2-3 minutes. That's all that is needed.
  5. He's proven to be a very average QB on the decline. In the last four years his tds/ints: 10/9, 6/12, 11/9, 3/4. He is no safety net and would only give you a false sense of security. Maybe GOD AWFUL was a bit harsh, but in preseason games(which is all I can go by) he looked a lot like Trent. Been there done that. No thank you. The two QBs the Bills kept were the two who showed the ability to move the ball well in game situations.
  6. Salute!!! It's been a long long ride(seems like forever) but the time is finally near. Have fun everyone you all deserve it.
  7. I rather take the QB doing just ok in practice against our own guys and well on the field when playing other teams, over the guy doing pretty good in practice and throwing 3-8 yard passes over and over and over an....... in games. He had his chances and when he was in the offense sputtered. Even in the Pitt game with EJ the offense moved and scored at will, Cassel comes in and nothing. Tyrod then comes in and scores at will, EJ comes in and scores right away. They played with and against the same players that game and Cassel was by far the least of the three. So go have your QB that's practice king I'll take the other two.
  8. It was in response of someone up thread saying all the QBs played pretty good this preseason. Soooo that's all I have for a sample size, is this preseason. Did you see Matt complete even one pass over 15 yards or more I didn't. They were all dump off passes and short routes nothing down field. Plus 5.5 yards an attempt is GOD AWFUL. It would have ranked 69th in the league last year. If you think that's good that's fine, I think it is horrible.
  9. Cassel was not pretty good, good, not bad or bad this preseason. He was 13-15 83 yds 5.5 ypa. 83 yards on 15 attempts is GOD AWFUL.
  10. Because he's a sh***y QB and didn't beat out two QBs with a total of 14 starts between them. Probably the same reason why you were so obsessed with sh***ing on EJ.
  11. Just because it does in your eyes doesn't mean it does in other peoples. It doesn't in my eyes. See.
  12. Worth a peek. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/180434-fred-says-whaley-dishonest-with-him/
  13. Man the Brown's scout department is a dumpster fire. Hurry, anyone got a fire extinguisher!
  14. Wow. I could not have said it better if I tried. You captured how a lot of fans feel .Good job!
  15. Cool. Good to see former teammates are rooting for him. Sounds like he was well liked and seems many thought he would be a starter one day.
  16. Depends on the website you use and whether you count kick and punt returns. When using strictly running and receiving numbers(as bryce will not be returning kicks) see below.
  17. Nfl.com has Freddy with 11 fumbles from rushing and receiving on 609 touches that's 1 fumble in 55.3 touches. Bryce has 5 fumbles on 263 touches that's 1 fumble in 52.5 touches. http://www.nfl.com/player/fredjackson/2506871/careerstats
  18. Damn it Russ Brandon! Always screwing this team up.
  19. Cutting EJ at this point makes no sense at all. Cutting Cassel at least saves cap space, which if not used can be rolled over to next year.
  20. Don't know if I would admit that in public.
  21. I'm with ya on this one. Anything but Taylor Swift.
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