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Everything posted by LOVEMESOMEBILLS

  1. Same show different video complete with judges reaction. His trick was very well done.
  2. I agree with all who posted above. This thread is garbage and the OP has had this agenda for a while. It's starting to get really old really fast. BOO to this thread.
  3. Yeah I've known him most my life, he gave my uncle me and my two cousins tickets to the 2014 season finale against the Eagles where we sat with his family and were given press passes in which after the post game press conference he walked right over to greet us before he did anything else. Your right he probably doesn't trust me. For the record I never said he didn't want to coach, his energy, passion, fiery nature, and love for the game are apparent. If I live to be his age I hope I have half his energy. But he is torn and I don't think he will go back to coaching, he would like to but you can tell there is regret for missing his kids childhood and he wants to spend time with them and the grand kids. The second part of what I said he reiterates in the article you posted: “We’ll see,” he said. “It’ll take two to tango. The 70-year-old-man stuff will be a factor, and I’m sure they’ll know this would be a three- or four-year thing. . . . You can think what you want but if I was a betting man I bet the farm he ain't coming back to football as a coach. I guess we'll see. As far as Lovie is concerned he's 2 games over .500 for his career and 3-3 in the playoffs compared to Rex who is 4 games under .500 and 4-2 in the playoffs. There really doesn't seem to be much of a difference does there?
  4. It won't be either of these guys. What do you do just pull names out of a hat? I just talked to Tom over Memorial Day Weekend..... He's done coaching, The amount of time spent away from Judy, the kids and grand kids he doesn't think it's fair to the rest of the family. He also said it wouldn't be fair to the new team he would go to. He could offer no more than a few years to a new team. Sounds like he might be interested in a team consultant job. He said though the wife likes me home more, she just doesn't like me home too much.
  5. BB while I agree with you the RBs will be fine, we differ on what the key is. The defense is the key in my opinion. While I know Tyrod still has a ways to go to be a complete QB, he did kept his turnovers and major mistakes down. But make no mistake the defense was the reason we missed the playoffs. The defense has got to be able to stop offenses consistently and keep them off the scoreboard. 11 out of the 12 points per game defenses made the playoffs last year. The only exception was Washington who was in a terrible division and shouldn't have made the playoffs in the first place.
  6. Why did he not destroy the phone previous to the one in question. He made available the phone prior to the one Wells wanted, but not the phone he was just using on the day of or after he met with Wells? You can look at it any way you want and think anything you want but this just reeks of guilt if you ask me. http://larrybrownsports.com/football/tom-brady-did-not-destroy-old-phone-before-deflategate/268646 In its 20-page ruling, the NFL wrote that Brady explained it is ordinary practice for him to destroy a cell phone or ask his assistant to destroy it as soon as he gets a new phone. But the league found that Brady began using a new phone on or after March 6 — the day he was interviewed by Wells and company. That’s not a good look. The NFL also determined that the phone Brady used prior to the one he destroyed on or near March 6 had never been destroyed. In fact, it was made available to investigators
  7. I believe there was more damning evidence on his phone that he destroyed. Like The Wiz said earlier it seems like an overreaction to destroy your phone for a few emails back and forth with Jastremski. What was on the phone only Brady*** will ever know. He will do what people in this country have learned to do when guilty of something no matter what deny deny deny. Oh yeah................. and deny!
  8. What if the guy in front of you doesn't have the ball 3rd?
  9. Ding Ding DIng! You are correct Sir. http://www.businessinsider.com/marshawn-lynch-saves-nfl-salary-lives-off-endorsements-2016-2 "Marshawn Lynch has a lot of money," Rapoport said. "He hasn't spent a dime of his actual playing money ... ever."
  10. Come on, no way. Mario was like 29th in 2014 no way he could fall that far ....... um wait ​ ....... never mind.
  11. Sorry to hear Guff. I put two down in the last two years. One was 11 and the other 15. I still have two and they are almost 16 and almost 14. Believe or not they both beg to play ball everyday. I dread the day they are gone, putting down the first two was hard enough. My girlfriend and I use to joke that we ran a doggy nursing home.
  12. I've had the SLAP Lesion repair on both shoulders - the right shoulder about 20 years ago and the left shoulder about 12 years ago. Both had significant tears in the labrum and both were done old school with the large incision. The Doctors go in repair the labrum and in my case slice the capsule wrap it tighter and put three anchors into the capsule to hold it in place until it heals. Long recovery with both, but I bet with the much smaller incisions recovery should be quicker. I was never suppose to do any activities involving heavy weight but for the last 12+ years I have been training with two people who compete in fitness competitions and have lifting very heavy no problems or pain. In both surgeries with me the Doctor took just a little of my overhead mobility and external rotation away to prevent it from happening again. In most cases this happens to people who have a too much mobility - especially overhead and external rotation after that all you need is some blunt force trauma at the wrong angle.
  13. This. I think this can easily happen. I mean each of those three players only needs to average 18.33 rec., 206 yds, 1 td for the year. Seems likely that can happen.
  14. I agree with ya 3rd. From what I've seen and heard Wentz and Lynch are expected to sit at least this year. It will be interesting to see what happens if either are pushed into duty this year. I think it would end badly for both if this happens. Sit them a year or even two and reap the benefits later on.
  15. Swat? It was just a couple years ago. The Bills were his favorite team. He was very happy to be drafted by the Bills.
  16. I went with Elliott and Ragland. I think Elliott will have a lot of success behind that line in Dallas. If the line plays as well as I think it will, here in Buffalo, Ragland will be running free to make plays.
  17. No no no no no..........
  18. Name me the last quality NFL player, minus QBs, to retire because of a shoulder issue.
  19. Getting Lawson at 19 is probably the best case scenario. Best I've felt about the value of a Bills 1st round pick in a while.
  20. 3rd what up? No but... I can still bench 335 and curl 185 for reps and workout about 18 hours a week. Also up to about 6 years ago I had a job in which I lifted about 200-300 sheets of 48" x 144" .125 Aluminum sheets above my head a day(which weigh about 95 LBS a piece).
  21. Shoulders are no big deal now a days. I've had 3 shoulder surgeries 2 on the right one on the left. Each shoulder has been cut to the bone and right shoulder needed 250 stitches to reattach muscle and such. Right shoulder had a 1 1/2 " tear in the labrum and a torn capsule. I have almost 100% mobility and have never been stronger. They were all performed in the late 90's and I rarely even think about them I have no pain whats so ever.
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