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Everything posted by LOVEMESOMEBILLS

  1. He still did it in 4 months, just with a different team. many consider him the best hire this year.
  2. They should use only 9% of the league using it to their advantage. Make defenses pay for not having the personnel to stop it. New England's offense has been doing it for a while. Two big TE with a bunch of small speedy receivers. Defense aren't set up to stop that combo and it works(it helps to have Brady, I admit). Play to Tyrod's strengths with roll outs and boot legs, which can put a lot of pressure on a defense(run/pass option). Does he have to get better, yes, I'm not saying he doesn't. Draft a QB every year until we're set, but until then, he's better than any know and available option.
  3. Keep Tyrod and draft Mike Williams at 10. I like Wood's fire but Williams will be a far better WR.
  4. So if you take Romo's best year in the last 4 years(2013) his passing 3,828 and rushing 38 then take either year by Tyrod(yards are the exact same, so I will use this year) his passing 3,023 and his rushing 580. Your trading a second round pick for 263 total yards for the whole year. Unless you expect him to have a better year than the last four, there's no reason to assume he will, your trading a second round pick for a QB who is only going to net you 16.5 yards a game more than the previous one and that's if he does that well. GM you're not.
  5. Ut oh. This is no good to the Anti-Tyrod narrative.
  6. True, but they lost by 3x more than Michigan. They also gave up almost as many as OSU & Michigan combined. Offense and passing yards are not the only thing that matter.
  7. Well, this is a little awkward now that they lost.
  8. Show me where I said that, I will wait..................... Yup just what I thought you can't. I at least know that he has done it in his career of being a 2 year starter. The rest is pure speculation on your part. His 2 best games, of his career have happened in the second half of this year, no? I would say that means he's still improving.
  9. You don't have to be. The Bills are the one who have to commit not you and for the 20th over all pay for QBs I bet they do. No one can prove that one way or another, it's a bullsh!t argument that can't be won by anyone, including you.
  10. But it cost them games which was your argument. You said show me a team that had a top 5 rushing attack that their rookie qb cost them. EJ costed them some wins. No?
  11. Did you skip over Ponder when he had the 3rd best rushing attack? EJ was 4-6 so it's 3-3.
  12. Ha. i didn't even notice that you counted EJ for your point. 6-10 doesn't let you use EJ for your point, but it does allow me to use it for mine. Good try though.
  13. Man you love to exaggerate! Mr. Ponder with AP also comes to mind. I think that's 3 to 3 now.
  14. Wait why does EJ and the Bills from 2013 count? I also said it was off the top of my head I'm not looking something up for you. I'm sure there's plenty more.
  15. Not one bit of this is true(except the game tonight being a shootout) Only 10 teams average 25 or more a game this year. That means 22 teams do not so your analogy is wrong. Oh and there are just as many(10) teams that average under 20 points a game. Come on guys do your homework instead of making stuff up.
  16. First of all I'm not here to do your homework, you do it. Like I said before you love to cherry pick. EJ and Geno come to mind and that's in the same draft. To be fair Geno's team finished 6 that year 6 yards out of the top 5, but it's .4 yards a game I don't care I'm counting it. So there you have it. NEXT!
  17. Most starting rookie QBs do not do fine in any type of offense. That is the only thing proven in history. So yet again you are wrong.
  18. It's a much bigger stretch to think they can. You showed us one example again it's the exception not the rule. IT's real easy to go: well my name is Bobby and they will score 26 a game because I say they will. I call bullsh!t.
  19. It's two games Bobby. That's a far cry from averaging it over a 16 game season and 34 of that was against the team that gave up the most points in the NFL last year. I told you it's too easy. You have zero good arguments to change QBs next year and not one sure fire way to do it. Oh I forgot a rookie is going to come in and average 26 points a game because Dallas got lucky and is doing it with a rook. It's the exception not the rule.
  20. It's funny, Sammy has been back for three games. in said games Tyrod's yards per attempt has shot up to 9.12, 7.25 & 8.44 in those games. His QB rating has been over 100 in every game and he has 6 TDs with 1 INT. Oh and he's averaged 243.6 yards per game or 41.6 yards more than his average this year. Man it sure helps to have your starting WRs.
  21. Or if not by yards than by scoring Oakland averages 1.4 more points a game and Dallas averages .2 points more a game. More yards don't translate into a much higher average, it's pretty minimal really. There is no good case he's made to change the QB next year, he thinks he has but he hasn't.
  22. I don't know, as i don't watch much football outside of Bills games, but it sure wasn't the reasons you were giving, not even close. If teams were averaging 5.5 yards an attempt, like Buffalo, I would wager all the money I have that they would be passing considerably less than they do right now. Again that's .7 yards an attempt better than the next closest, by the time you get down to Oakland, at the five slot, it's a full yard more.
  23. Man this is too easy. First of all just pass over that you were totally wrong and giving bad info, that's ok everyone knows. Second of all.....wait for it......Oakland averages 7.0 yards per pass - Buffalo averages 6.9 yards per attempt. The only reason Oakland has more yards is they've passed 120 times more than Buffalo. If attempts were even Oakland would have 56 more passing yards for the year or not even 4 more yards a game. Third the Bills lead the league in rushing and yards per rush(yards per rush by .7 yards a carry compared to the next closest team), how is it suffering? Answer it's not, man you're running out of excuses. http://www.espn.com/nfl/statistics/team/_/stat/passing http://www.espn.com/nfl/statistics/team/_/stat/rushing/sort/yardsPerRushAttempt
  24. No it doesn't hurt his argument. Oakland has exactly 9 more first downs than Buffalo and Dallas has 6 more than Buffalo. ( That's a crazy .6 & .4 more per game. LOOK OUT) Buffalo even has a better 3rd and 4th down percentage than Oakland. Third down percentage Dallas 42.0, Buffalo 41.2 and Oakland 39.1. The only thing that's crap is this argument. http://www.espn.com/nfl/statistics/team/_/stat/downs
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