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Everything posted by LOVEMESOMEBILLS

  1. But you keep making these comments that have no thruth whatsoever. I mean I could just make stuff up and say hey I already broke it down. He was given the option to opt out or get cut NOT he simply opted out of his contract. He did NOT settle for $60,000,000 - $80,000,000, his and Eric Reid's settlement is said to be less than $10,000,000. Where are you getting all this bad info?
  2. Not if the NFL knew they didn't collude. Proving their case in court would have put an end to it without the bad blood with anyone. That would've been saved for Kaep because he couldn't prove what he had been accusing the NFL of doing for a couple of years. In some cases it makes sense for a company to settle with an employee, with as much attention as this case has brought and the accusations this wasn't one of them.
  3. No way, with what was at stake the NFL would've gladly spent a 100 million on this just finally beat & shut up the biggest thorn in their side in decades. People like Jerry Jones & Robert Kraft would've made sure of it.
  4. When you throw ALL the QBs in the NFL in a group, he's better than 2/3 of them, at least. Someone up thread already has shown his options at San Fran was opt out or be cut, so why are you using that in your argument. The NFL, just 7 months ago, settled his lawsuit against him when he sued them for teams colluding against him. With him being such a thorn in the side of the NFL and a lightning rod, don't you think if there was no collusion the NFL would've loved nothing else better, but to beat him in court? Come on, the facts say you're wrong.
  5. The NFL settling the lawsuit on teams colluding in not signing him says you are way off base on this one. In reality, which side is the one having difficulty accepting this? The facts say one thing, but you keep hanging on to the he's not good enough, which is about the most laughable argument you could make. The NFL is littered with horrible QBs. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-02-15/colin-kaepernick-settles-blacklisting-lawsuit-against-nfl
  6. Have you spoken to Kaep and asked him if he DOESN'T want to be back in the NFL STRICTLY as a back up QB? Why would it be STRICTLY as a backup QB? Does he NOT get a chance, like everyone else, to compete for a starting gig?
  7. Yes we was/is being black balled, that's why the NFL settled in the lawsuit he filed. If they were innocent there's no way the would've settled, especially on this topic, and would've gone to court so they could prove it. Did you forget already? It just happened 7 months ago. Must be that facts are hard when they don't fit your narrative. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-02-15/colin-kaepernick-settles-blacklisting-lawsuit-against-nfl
  8. He is far better than what some teams are putting on the field & better than any backup QB. Right now He's better than any QB the Steelers, Jest & Saints are going to throw out there. He's got playoff experience and was a starting QB in the Super Bowl. His not playing has nothing to do with his QB skills.
  9. After finishing 30th, 31st & 31st in passing yards the last 3 years, they are 18th through week 2. Once again expected a jump similar to this for the year, but figured we would start slow with 8 new starters and get stronger as the year went on. Below the Bills at this point are teams that have: Jimmy G., Big Ben(Hurt), R. Wilson, D. Watson, A. Rodgers, D. Carr & J. Goff. It's still early in the year, but it's nice to see Josh, WRs & O-Line this far along in the passing game already.
  10. #1WR 1st in First Downs: Smoke is tied for the league lead with 12 first downs. How many people had that through 2 weeks? QB Making the "Leap": I know he had some problems early on, but Josh is light years better than last year and is already close to where I was hoping he would be by the end of this year. Long Drives: In the last 5 quarters the offense has had 6 TD drives of at least 70 yards. In order: 8 plays - 85 yards 8 plays - 80 yards 10 plays - 75 yards 11 plays - 70 yards 7 plays - 98 yards 13 plays - 75 yards When was the last time we did that? https://www.espn.com/nfl/stats/player/_/stat/receiving/table/receiving/sort/receivingFirstDowns/dir/desc
  11. He's now tied for first in the NFL with 12 receiving first downs. 85.7% of his receptions have resulted in first downs. They need to find a way to get Motor and Smoke the ball as much as possible. https://www.espn.com/nfl/stats/player/_/stat/receiving/table/receiving/sort/receivingFirstDowns/dir/desc
  12. I'm with you billsfan1959. I don't get the people who wait until after the fact to get excited. They'll cry that the pain hurts too much. Screw that, it's all part of being a "fan". I've been a fan since the late 70s and every year I start getting excited as soon as free agency gets here. That continues into the year until they' show clear evidence not to be excited. Enjoying the whole ride.....I wouldn't have it any other way.
  13. 8 out of the top 10 teams with the most rushing attempts made the playoffs last year. In contrast only 3 out of the top 10 teams with the most passing attempts made the playoffs. Passing has it's place in football, don't get me wrong, but it's not as high as others perceive. For what it worth the Pats*** only averaged 12 more yards passing per game(266) last year than what Josh(254) passed for last Sunday. Seattle made the playoffs last year averaging only 193.3 passing yards a game. Every team has a different combination of how well their, defense, passing & rushing are doing. If you have real talent, you just need to find what combination works best for your team. https://www.espn.com/nfl/stats/team/_/view/offense/season/2018/seasontype/2/stat/rushing/table/rushing/sort/rushingAttempts/dir/desc https://www.espn.com/nfl/stats/team/_/view/offense/season/2018/seasontype/2/stat/passing/table/passing/sort/passingAttempts/dir/desc
  14. Happy Birthday to the best 23rd ranked punter we could ever ask for.....Ef that, s**** Corey and his birthday. Glad it's on Friday the 13th, maybe he'll get a chance to meet Jason at Crystal Lake tonight. I just refined the search and he's 31st in Net Average.....31st!!! Happy freaking Birthday!!!?? http://www.nfl.com/stats/categorystats?tabSeq=0&season=2019&seasonType=REG&d-447263-n=1&d-447263-o=2&d-447263-p=1&statisticCategory=PUNTING&d-447263-s=PUNTING_NET_AVERAGE
  15. I gotta ya. Personally I think we will beat the Steelers both in the head to head match up & in overall record. I think the Steelers are a once very talented team in the midst of their decline.
  16. I would add Tampa, Jacksonville(No QB), Browns(It's not like they were a playoff team last year, they need to prove it like the Bills and looked bad at home) & even the Steelers.
  17. I totally agree. Shocked ya right there, didn't I??
  18. He blew in with Dorian, haven't been able to get rid of him since.
  19. Maybe he should've stayed up past his bedtime and watched the Bills Jets first half. I mean if he's going to mention the missed FG than why not the missed extra point? So your question to him probably should be do you think the Bills would have just run out the clock on that last possession, down 20-17. I'll save you the trouble because he'll probably reply yes.?
  20. I agree. As far as the best players on the team were concerned, it was Kelly that needed to change, he had become a spoiled brat. But to his credit he did change his ways as he grew older and wiser. I would think Marv helped him in this department big time.
  21. Nope. Schein knows an up and coming team when he sees one.
  22. The bickering was really in the late 80s portion of the team. Coaches were fighting, Kelly called out "House" Ballard for missing a block that led to a shoulder injury. Kelly later called out Ronnie Harmon's pass catching ability. Thurman then went on the Darryl Tally Show and called out Kelly for calling out other players. A few days later Kelly & Thurman had a joint press conference with both apologizing for calling out teammates. After all that they just seemed click together and the rest is history. Below are some articles about it all. https://www.upi.com/Archives/1989/10/10/Kelly-says-Ballard-should-shoulder-the-blame/2687623995200/ https://www.upi.com/Archives/1989/10/24/Bills-assistant-coaches-in-fist-fight/6372625204800/ https://www.buffalorumblings.com/2011/6/20/2228738/bickering-bills https://oklahoman.com/article/2298955/bills-thomas-kelly-apologize-for-feud
  23. I just got this on Sunday and if you pay the whole year up front, it's like $2.90 a month. For $34.80 a year and even if I only read it during football season it's so worth it.
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