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Everything posted by LOVEMESOMEBILLS

  1. I'm not sure on that. I just learned a few hours ago she was in the finals playing Serena.??? The last time I heard she was still struggling, but I admit that was a few years ago.
  2. But it is about Henry, they feature him and defenses are keying on stopping him, not Tannehill. They never get down much because of the strong running game and a good defense. Playing from ahead is much easier than playing from behind. Lamar didn't look anything close to what he did during the season, because he had to pass every down and the Titans knew it. He manage to throw up a bunch of yards in garbage time, but he played a really bad game when they were still in it and still had a chance to win. I've been arguing against the it's still a passing league for 2 years now. But there's a sizable crowd that still would rather see a 300 yard passing game over a 100 yard rushing game. Even though one stat has a about .500 record over the last 2 years and the other has a .725 record. Give me the latter please.
  3. I'm pretty sure she's in over her head. She's ranked like 82nd in the world or something like that. I think she's hanging pretty well against the best women's tennis player ever. Serena is a beast.
  4. Crazy, isn't it? 49ers go for 2 years, we go for the next 4 and then they follow up with 1 more. 7 years straight one of them goes to the show, but never playing each other.
  5. Crazy how far she's come in just a few year. Going from being ranked 870th in the world to beating Wozniacki and so far hanging with Serena.
  6. Second straight year having a home playoff game only to play very badly. Today he was God awful. I'd rather be the guy who was asked to do everything and almost brought his team back with only one playoff loss on the road. Let me be clear....neither is good though.
  7. Seems CRAZY doesn't it?
  8. Because he knows enough to run the damn ball!!!! He doesn't throw it all on his QB who he knows isn't ready for it yet!!! What used to be commonsense is now considered brilliant.
  9. The talent & coaching on those teams back then vs now is vastly different. I'm not saying draft a 1st round RB, I didn't get a chance to watch much college ball the last couple years, so I'm not going to act like I know what I'm talking about when it comes to RBs in the draft this year. But, to say it didn't work 15-20 years ago, so it won't work now is short sighted IMO. Gurley & Michel are 2 recent examples of RBs taken by their teams in the 1st round to help put them over the top and get them to the Super Bowl. Michel won in it in his rookie year and in the playoffs he was huge. In 3 postseason games last year he averaged 112 yards & 2 TDs per game. Gurley is the biggest reason the Rams were 13-3 in the 2018 season when they went to the SB. Like a poster(Kirby Jackson?) said earlier today, we need a guy who can go 70 yards and take it to the house. I 110% agree. We desperately need a play maker on offense. If it's a trade or a draft pick, I don't care. If it's a RB or a WR, I don't care. All I care about is we get one. We need a Tyreek Hill or a McCaffrey so badly. McCaffery has over 4,000 yards and 32 TDs in just the last 2 years. Imagine how much pressure you take off Josh with a guy like that!! Hill has averaged over 1,200 yards and almost 9 TDs over the last 3 years.
  10. In order, 3rd & 9 - 10 yd pass - 1st down, 3rd & 10 - Incomplete, 3rd & 8 - 15 yd pass - 1st down, 3rd & 9 - incomplete, 3rd & 9 - sacked, 3rd & 8 - sacked, 3rd & 13 - Incomplete. Last drive of the 2nd half: 3rd & 10 - 14 yd pass - 1st down, 3rd & 10 - 10 yd pass - 1st down, 3rd & 10 - throw away to waste a few seconds and stop the clock. OT Drive: 3rd & 12 - 14 yd pass - 1st down, 3rd & 9 - 14 yd pass - 1st down. After the penalty that wasn't 3rd & 24 - Incomplete pass. The biggest thing this tells me is, when the game was nearing the end Allen was money. I'm not counting the throw away to Williams at the end of their FG tying drive to end regulation & the 3rd & 24 at the end of the OT drive against Josh, both weren't his fault for not picking up the 1st. Besides that he was 4 for 4 on 3rd & 9+ when it mattered the most, the last 2 drives of the game. He stepped up his game, who else did on the offense during those last 2 drives?
  11. Let's say you're correct in the scenario you gave and Josh was given the option of run-pass, but passed on almost every single play for the last 34+ minutes. Don't you think Duh!boll and McDermott would've gave him an earful and told him to run the damn ball? Again they never trailed until there was less than 5 minutes to go in the game. No handoffs on the 9 play drive in OT. They have a history with McDermott of running too much with a lead in the second half. That's something no one can dispute.
  12. I was. I'm much smaller than those dudes, so I can see how you misses me. My retort would be, how do you know many of those plays were run-pass options. Were you in the huddle also, I didn't see you in there? If you were, we should've went and got a drink afterwards.?
  13. 26 passes and only 9 handoffs after halftime is calling a good game? Especially with a young QB playing in his first playoff game. We had the lead for almost the entire second half, Houston didn't take the lead until 4:37 mark of the fourth quarter. 2 handoffs from the 7:28 mark of the 3rd quarter till the end of the game. That's 34 minutes and 8 seconds.......OVER A HALF!!! Not a single handoff on the 9 play OT drive. That's not calling a good game, it's massacring it. All the razzle-dazzle in the world isn't going to make up for that play calling. Too bad Cleveland doesn't want him, I wonder if the Pegulas would throw in some money to sweeten the deal.
  14. We had 11 combined turnovers in 3 games(Both Jets games and the first Pats**** game). Including the Playoff game we only had 9 turnovers total in other 14 games.
  15. I have preached this all week. Josh was directly involved in 56 plays(46/9/1), while the RBs had 12 carries in the 1st half and 9 carries in the 39 minutes after the half......9. That's 70% of all the plays Josh passed, ran or caught a pass(The only TD). At no point in his career has Josh shown he could carry an offense yet, so why did Duh!boll think think Josh could, playing on the road in his first playoff game? You don't ask a young QB to do that. He passed 20 times in the first half vs 12 handoffs, after halftime 26 passes vs 9 handoffs. Not including any of his runs in the second half, that's nearly 75% of all the plays. That's the biggest difference between the 2, he was part of the offense in the first half and asked to be the offense after halftime. He's a 2nd year QB and all 2nd year QBs have flaws, some more than others. A good OC will know those flaws and protect his young QB in the playoffs, especially his first time. Not expose his flaws by asking him to do too much.
  16. So you think lining Smith & DiMarco up as your 2 wideouts and having them both run deep routes is a good idea? The only other option on the play was Singletary who was covered short. Some people are killing Josh for the pass to DiMarco on this play, but with 2 slow guys, who were running deep & double covered on the play, Singletary was blanketed short and the Texans had a spy on Josh, what was he to do. For the record the pass was on the money to DiMarco, who jumped way too soon for the pass. This play is the perfect example of Duhboll out smarting himself, rather than his opponent. He has some good calls also, but way too many of these for my liking. Smith, DiMarco, Kroft & Gore should've rarely, if ever, seen the field. I would've rather run Singletary till he puked and had Knox & Sweeney play every down for the TE position. DiMarco is worthless on this team, in this offense.
  17. To the bolded. Did you not watch any games after the first Pats**** game in week 4? From that point on, including the playoffs 3 INTs and 3 Lost Fumbles in 13 games. Not even 1 turnover every 2 games, he's protecting the ball better than he ever has. How about his lineman & OC protect him. No QB that fails to protect the ball game after game is going to become a respected winner? Ok, I'll let you tell Brett Favre that. Josh is always getting compared to #4 who threw 336 INTs in his career, more than 1 per game and we haven't even counted his lost fumbles yet which adds another 62 turnovers. In his third year in the league and second starting he had 24 INTs and 6 lost fumbles(30 Turnovers), almost 2 TOs a game, not one every 2+ games like Josh had after the first Pats*** game. Brett only threw 19 TDs and rushed for 2 that year, so it's not like it was high risk, high reward for the Packers or Brett yet. But his team picked him up and had his back because even with those horrible numbers they made it to the second round of the playoffs that year. The exact opposite of what this team did for their young QB in his first playoff game. Ask some one to do too much and more often then not, they will fail.
  18. Well you're a feisty little fella, aren't you? You also seem infatuated by the deep pass or bomb as you like to call it. Brady and Brees have shown you for years that it's not necessary to be an all time great. Josh finished 16th in Average Completed Air Yards with a 6.2 Yard Average. 2 QBs finished above 8.0 Yards, 3 QBs were above 7.0 Yards & 6 above 6.5 Yards, the averages after that are so close to Josh's average that over a course of a season 6 inches more per completion doesn't mean anything. Out of the 15 that had more than him 10 didn't make the playoffs. Notable QBs he beat Rodgers, Brady, Brees, Rivers, Garoppolo, Wentz, Darnold, Goff & Cousins. As much as it pains me to say, Brady is the most successful QB ever to play the game and besides the years he had Moss has never been much of a deep ball QB. Taking out Brady's first year, when he didn't play and the year he went down with the torn ACL, he has averaged 51.2 plays of 20 yards or more and 9 plays of 40 yards or more, Brees has averaged 55.1 plays of 20+ and 10 plays of 40+. Brady has done it on an average of 554 attempts per year and Brees has averaged 563. Josh on 461 attempts this year had 47 plays of 20+ yards and 7 plays of 40+ yards. Pretty even when you factor in Josh had 100 less attempt than what Brady and Brees averaged for attempts per year.
  19. Whatever floats my boat lol? This decade there's only been 1 RB that even approached 400 carries and that was Murray in 2014 with 392. Only 1 other time did someone hit 350 this decade. I'm not the one that use the 400 carries as an example, you did. I think Devin could handle 18-20 carries a game, which is a workhorse RB in today's NFL.
  20. The highest in the NFL this year was 303 carries and there's several workhorse RBs in the league.
  21. He had as good or if not better YPC than any of the elite RBs this year. Same as Henry and better than Chubb, Elliott, Carson & MacCaffrey.
  22. He's 2 inches shorter & 9 pounds lighter than Gore, why don't you think he can be our workhorse?
  23. He has all offseason to work on that and not needing to learn a new playbook and terminology he'll have the time. I have no doubt he'll do just that.
  24. Imagine there's no heaven It's easy if you try No hell below us Above us only sky Imagine all the people Living for today...Aha-ah...
  25. Russell Wilson's first playoff game he was: 15/26 187 Yards 57.7 CMP% 1TD 0 INT - 8 Rushes 67 Yards 8.4 YPC 0 TD. Josh was: 24/46 264 Yards 52.5 CMP% 0 TD 0 INT - 9 Rushes 92 Yards 10.2 YPC - 1 REC 16 Yards 16.0 AVG 1 TD. Russell fumbled once but it was recovered, Josh fumbled twice one recovered one lost. Russell's total Plays where he was directly involved: 34 plays 254 Total Yards 7.47 AVG 1 TD 0 Turnover. Josh's total plays where he was directly involved: 56 Plays 372 Total Yards 6.64AVG 1 TD 1 Turnover. They avg out fairly close except Josh had a turnover and Russell didn't. The biggest thing that I see different is the amount of plays the Seahawks asked from Russell and how many the Bills asked from Josh(34 vs 56) in a game we were either winning or tied for almost the entire game. 60% more plays it adds up to. The Seahawks passed 26 times and rushed 37 times. The Josh passed 46 times while we rushed 30 times. Russell got strong help from Lynch who had 20 Rushes(Almost the total of our RBs) for 132 Yards(More than the total of our RBs) & 1 TD(More than the total of our RBs), the TD we were missing. The Seahawks kicked 3 FGs that day, we kicked 4. The point is Russell got a really strong running game from Lynch and his team(29/157 1 TD). Josh got 21/80 0 TD from his RBs. Some people are saying he was trying to do too much, he was asked to do too much in his first playoff game. He was asked to be "the guy" on 56 plays or 70% of their snaps. Damn right he tried to do too much because he was ASKED to do almost everything. Tannehill's first playoff game they asked him to throw only 15 times and he only had 4 rushes, 19 total plays. The next closest QB for total plays, from last weekend, was Wilson and Watson with 39 total plays, 39 vs 56 and Tannehill only had 19. Tannehill benefited from a 182 yard game from Henry and 1 TD, once again the one we lacked. Russell's defense held their opponent to 14 points and got 2 turnovers, Tannehill's defense held their opponent to 13 points and got 2 turnovers including a pick six. Russell got a FG on a drive of 1 yard in his game. Josh's defense gave up 22 points and got 1 turnover. They, like most young QBs who win their first playoff game, got help from their defense and their RBs and weren't asked to do too much,they weren't asked to carry their offense. For how much they asked of him(70% of their plays)I thought he did well, with a few plays that were really big and a few he knows he shouldn't have made. Does he deserve some of the blame, yes, but besides a couple plays I thought he held up well. Most young QBs in their first playoff game have some things that are good and they still have some flaws. A good OC will protect a young QB in their first playoff experience, not ask them to do too much and expose them.
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