Their QB was 4th in yards when benched and is still 6th in the league. The team is 9th in passing yards per game. Something don't smell right!! Hmm.
Dude if he tears it up, no one will be happier than me. I have nothing against the guy and want him to succeed. I just don't see it as a big signing. Now if Cook wasn't on the team, I would feel the opposite way.
For the last 3 years? I distinctly remember, just this year, Matt Ryan being in the Top 5 in passing when he was benched. Heck, he's still 6th matter of fact.
In what way is he better than Cook? Show me, don't tell me. He had one really good year as a punt returner(2019). Since then he's averaging 10 yards or less per return.
Is he better than Moss, yes. But even in Indy his opportunities have been on the decline from 2020 to 2021 and from 2021 to 2022. Looks like he was demoted to #3 RB this year.
It's not skewed because you want it to be. He wad on pace for 10 less carries this year vs last year. That's not skewed. His opportunities were on a decline before this year.
He wasn't even the #2 RB on the Colts anymore. He was replaced by Deon Jackson which has resulted in less carries for Hines and more for Jackson. Last year Hines was getting more carries, not Jackson. That's what I'm focused on. Deon who?
Well why isn't he getting a chance like other years and don't say Taylor. This is Taylor's 3rd year now. Seems to me he went from #2 RB to #3 RB this year is the answer. Him and Deon Jackson swapped spots this year.
Not this year. About the same targets and yards. Singletary has a receiving td, Hines doesn't. That 1 td is the biggest difference between the 2 as receivers this year. Their results are nearly identical.
This is what I'm thinking. He replaces Moss as the #3 RB. Who knows though he may get here and with all the weapons we have and Allen as QB maybe he'll show he's better than what he's done this year.
Man, I don't know what Bourne did to Bill, but it must've been bad. They don't use him and won't trade him. Only 3 targets in the last 3 games combined. Only 15 in 7 games.