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Everything posted by LOVEMESOMEBILLS

  1. I found this it's the 12 min. version from sportscenter. I think it might be on at 5:30 pm Monday.
  2. I thought he looked really good tonight also. Here's hoping is kicking the crap out of it.
  3. I have to eat crow. Killed him a couple days ago,in another thread, but I love him and the team. So many memories in my childhood of him and many other Bills kicking their opponent's ass. Next time I need to keep my fat mouth shut. PS. Loved the letter you could tell it was from the heart.
  4. I'm with ya on everything but Poz, Tasker deserves it like Ray Guy, changed the way kick coverage was played and viewed. He turned into a special teams weapon in which teams had to game plan for. If nothing happens to Sammy he seems like he could easily make it.
  5. The two statements in bold are good to hear and will be huge this year if they continue.
  6. Ripped into him earlier in the thread, but have to admit I saw the special on the NFL Network and it brought me instantly back to my childhood. My words were a bit harsh, man it was good seeing that footage, great memories. Good to hear the comments about the region and fans at the end of the article.
  7. I found this place. Hope it works for you. http://www.thenamechanger.com/home.html
  8. I'm going 10-6. EJ is really starting to look good(though it is only practice) against a very good defense. I think that him facing our defense everyday will help him.
  9. Thanks for the notes Astro. EJ is sounding like he's settling in nicely.
  10. I know but to be fair you did use frackity and everyone knows that's a bad word.
  11. So, you can break the rules as long as you put in a disclaimer ?
  12. Maybe the the whole sissified leftist board could get some.
  13. :worthy: :worthy:
  14. Did I say I get to decide how much money Andre makes? Show me where I said anything close to that. So MOVALLEYRANDY gets to decide what LOVEMESOMEBILLS says.
  15. Buffalo News: In the chase for the Bills, Terry Pegula is the quiet bidder who will refuse to lose. http://www.buffalone...two-bills-drive
  16. If i remember right he seemed to do better after halftime last year also. as far as wanting to be great, there's no doubt he wants to be great and turn this team around. We shouldn't forget he's playing against a very good defense.
  17. Nice to see and hear good things about EJ. Is it me or does he seem to take a while to get going ? Too amped up maybe ?
  18. Yolo thanks for all the time and work you have put in. I, like most of the other posters, really appreciate it. Keep up the good work.
  19. Survey says ding ding ding. The #1 answer.
  20. The NFL has said they are going cracking down on defensive holding and interference. Two things will be interesting to see 1. Will the NFL stick with it or call a ton early in the year then relax 2. How this will effect the top notch DBs, Revis, Sherman, Peterson ect.. Gilmore has the talent to be a top DB but, IMO is not put a season together that would justify that label.
  21. Supporting ones family does not require me to take this job nor does it for Andre. Hate to say it, but he has plenty of money for his family, if you don't think so your just plain foolish. I've made FAR less money and have far less money then him and I wouldn't do it. I don't need a lot, and generally give most of my money to people I know who are struggling , help out friends, or the Mrs. I hardly ever spend it on myself.
  22. While I respect your opinion I disagree. This is at the very heart of whats wrong with this country, greed. I would also like to say, if this was a current or newly retired Bill I would have expected it. I just didn't think a comment like that would come from Andre. I wouldn't just jump at the money, my conscious would eat me alive, but that's just me.
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