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Everything posted by SJDK

  1. Watkins Woods Harvin Hogan Easley Goodwin(if healthy, if not IR) then Davis or that other guy
  2. yup. Or not Hackett and not Moron are great for the offense
  3. Bring back Jim Schwartz!! Hahaha... It's preseason people
  4. Aaron Williams is back in. Good sign
  5. Good decisive pass to clay from EJ!
  6. My list as they currently are: Elite: Rogers Brady Great: Brees Luck Rothlisberger Rivers Romo Very good: Flacco Ryan Wilson P.Manning (as he will be this season, not career) Foles Average: Stafford E. Manning Kaepernick Newton Dalton Palmer Tannehill A. Smith Bridgewater Cutler Sanchez (let's face it, Bradford might have 1 full game before he 's out) Marginal starters: McCown Hoyer Mariotta Winston Cassel/Taylor/Manuel Bortles Gino RG ME
  7. exactly. The only thing that would make sense would be a bundle from us. An example would be: Ej and Gragg to Washington for Cousins (That one won't happen now with RGIII injured but Washington needs tight ends). Something along those lines because otherwise they will just wait to see who we release
  8. I agree too, but on this board people will just tell you that you don't know what we were talking about.. I said we should take mike Evans in the draft because Watkins style of play will make him susceptible to injury. I was basically booed off the board.. But, I think you are correct. Taylor isn't built for the punishment that he will take with his style of play
  9. Rex is that drunken uncle that starts talking about something everyone else thinks is stupid but he makes himself laugh so hard that everyone just starts laughing. I love you Rex Ryan
  10. The pee memories always stick... The fat guys standing over the steaming pee trough in the fridged bathroom... Let's go buffalo! Haha, I'm sitting here in lovely San Jose California laughing with tears. LITERALLY. That last urine comment was one of the best things a bills fan could ever read because we can all relate! I love this team
  11. I really like that kid a lot and I'm going to hold out hope for him until after the next game. BUT... The Washington "don't call them Redskins" have NO TIGHT END. Maybe we could package EJ with one or two and get either cousins or McCoy.. Just a little thought I had, it would only work if they were already going to release one of the QB's however. It could be pretty mutually beneficial
  12. Oh boy... Look, another poster was right when he said that MC is the default starter if nobody seperates from the pack. However, I can say that I think EJ will be mad about not getting the nod after "winning" the scrimmage the other day and snap into it. I think his fight or flight will kick in and he has shown that he'll fight. My money is on EJ being our starter wk 1. I think they are starting Meh to light a fire under EJ.
  13. Somewhere in Philadelphia Tim Tebows' eyelid begins to twitch as he reads about Foster...
  14. I agree with Yolo in saying that EJ will be the guy and they won't bail on him after 2 bad games like last year. If he 'lets it rip' and throws a few downfield picks trying to make something happen, so be it. It's not like kelly never threw a bonehead interception every now and then. Stick with the kid this time
  15. Can't they see Brady's texts from the two schmuck's cell phones?
  16. My contract was up and that is indeed great leverage. Cutting to the chase $48 a month free Sunday ticket for first year of two year contract and the second best channel package (no premium channel "remember to cancel" BS. I took a hard line approach and it paid off.
  17. <div style="width:200px;" id="fbiqdivlg"></div><script type="text/javascript" src="http://footballiqscore.com/badge_js/200/a64b1f1c9ac4756d8cc3bdb21c262660f763c337"></script> 37. Andrew luck. I'll take it
  18. If he placed in the top 4 then he definitely hasn't lost a step (despite what Madden 15 said). A guy of his size has to have elite world class speed to do that. That being said, I'm pretty sure I'd like to find room on my roster for a guy like that. You never know when Percy harvin will have a migraine
  19. I agree that we didn't use him right. I said throughout the last two seasons that he is the prototype 3rd down back and everyone here would say "...but Fred's blocking...spiller can't block". Drove me nuts. I guarantee spiller ups his reputation hugely this year. The saints will use him correctly and he will be the guy that Brees points to after the saints win the division. Class guy and I couldn't be happier for him that he's going to be able to do what he does best.
  20. but Carolina has that Canadian Mitch ferotte stunt double!
  21. The only problem I have is that Rex brought in a bit much of his crappy coaching staff and keeps bringing in more and more players from his crappy former team. This past few .. The terminator? This chubby tightened?! Didn't we sign the best fullback in the league already and sure a blocking tight end is a must but that guy, really?! This OT that couldn't get on the field?! I was mad about Percy too but I've about had it with jets players and coaches coming to buffalo. If we miss the playoffs this year I have no doubt that it will be because of some stinking former jet. Ok, that is my only set of negative thoughts about this team for the year. GO BILLS!
  22. They'd better get Mathis. OL had a huge share of the responsibility for the QB play. I'd take incognito and Mathis at guard over just about any tandem in the league.
  23. You'll love it out here! Never have hung out at the 'arms' with those guys (already had Sunday ticket) but Vader is definitely a loyal fan.
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