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Everything posted by ChevyVanMiller

  1. Nice guess, but no. I’m going to give a hint here: This person was a pretty well-know Buffalo entertainer in his own right, but is more famous for playing an iconic character.
  2. As I See It - we should all wish Mr. Azar a very Happy Birthday.???
  3. Oh yeah, this Bills backfield is going to be fun. https://youtube.com/watch?v=lf_8D-Olkgo
  4. Love this quote about Moss: Contact Balance: Like trying to knock over a weeble-wobble. Mass rides low and he runs with a wide base. Flexibility in his ankles and hips allows for him to catch his body at absurd angles to the ground and still retain his balance and quickly turn upfield. Has a bowling ball approach to tight spaces and an active off-hand to stun the initial brunt of incoming contact. Able to generate scramble drill plays with shocking survival ability in between the tackles.
  5. For those of you hating the pick, watch these highlights then get back to me.
  6. Enjoy your cup of coffee at TBD.
  7. My Stimulus check won’t come down.
  8. Loved his character. RIP
  9. Sweden’s approach should be very interesting to study against what most of the rest of the world has done. In essence, they have stayed open, just encouraging the elderly to quarantine. To date, they have appreciable numbers of higher cases of Covoid commensurate with their population. The officials there believe that the herd immunity that they will realize will make their gambit pay off. The WHO believes that they will experience a catastrophic increase in cases over the next few weeks. The results will certainly bolster one strategy or the other. https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/10/europe/sweden-lockdown-turmp-intl/index.html
  10. I know that the Doobie Brothers were from California, but I don’t think there were any actual brothers in the band. It’s not them, is it?
  11. Chuck Vicario, lead singer of Big Wheelie and the Hubcaps, a very popular WNY doo-***** musical act in the ‘70s, 80s and beyond. He was often called, “Buffalo’s King of the ‘50s.” RIP https://www.wgrz.com/article/news/health/coronavirus/chuck-vicario-known-for-his-stage-presence-big-wheelie-dies-of-coronavirus/71-1e4ed69e-f55e-465d-8b79-48096bb3bbab
  12. Joel Osteen?
  13. For the mathaletes.
  14. I clicked thinking this was going to be a post about who would win in a fight between...
  15. I only had the time to read through a couple of pages of this thread so forgive me if this has already been discussed. I'm wondering what everyone's thoughts are on how we can successfully reopen businesses once quarantines begin being lifted? I listened to the governor of California who stated that things as we knew them will no longer exist. He mentioned that restaurants would have to be only partially full with people sitting at proper social distancing rates from one another. The same for things like movie theaters and entertainment venues. . The problem with that is that most business models in our society are predicated on places being full to survive and thrive. Restaurants that don't have full tables and people waiting to get in very rarely survive. The same for movie theaters, concert venues, hotels, retail outlets and any sort of entertainment attraction. I work in that field (for a 1,000 room hotel) and I fear that most most businesses will not survive unless people come back in droves. I don't have the answer, but would love to be part of a think tank that figures out ways that we can get the economy rolling again because to do it with only partially full businesses is going to mean most of them are going to go bankrupt. Would love to hear your thoughts.
  16. Thanks for the catch. The video is obviously mislabeled. They must have been thrown by the fact that the Juco team played on a high school field. I amended the thread title.
  17. This is a fun watch. Josh connects on a number of deep balls, throwing dimes over and over. He takes off running for big yardage on many plays. He dives for the pylon for TDs. Oh, and (spoiler alert) he foreshadows his wow play in Minnesota by hurdling a defensive player for a first down.
  18. Correct. Sorry, Ridgeway about my earlier response. The first site I had that showed this pic had Dame Judi Dench incorrectly listed instead of Diana Rigg.
  19. Wrong Dame.
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