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Everything posted by ChevyVanMiller

  1. No.
  2. One of the greatest bookstores in America. I love that you can peruse book titles and pet a cat or two. And Jeff has been a great ambassador for my work. Love that guy.
  3. For anyone in the NIagara Falls area, the Book Corner just received a new batch of my book (all signed) after they sold-out of the first order. You can call the owner, Jeff, at 716-285-2928 to reserve a copy.
  4. I have a feeling that the Bohemian Rhapsody movie had a lot to do with it. Probably a lot of young voters that had no reference to the ‘60s-‘70s time period other than seeing that flick a dozen times.
  5. Here’s a wonderful version of Atlantic City with Levon Helm on mandolin and Garth Hudson on accordian. And don’t forget that the Mandrell Sisters could do this every night and make it look easy.
  6. Thanks brother. Once you get it I will figure out a way to sign it.
  7. 159-ft eagle putt drained by the Olympic swimmer during a 2012 celebrity tournament. Longer than any ever made by any PGA golfer.
  8. Donna Douglas?
  9. If you buy the book I will eat a well done steak in your honor. ?
  10. If you have Facebook here is an interview that I did about the book. Click on the Edge of the Falls pic at the top of the page and jump to the 24:00 mark. We also started off with some Bills talk. NFID Interview on The Edge of the Falls program
  11. Remember, only those that buy the book will be considered for cameos in the movie. ?
  12. Actually, that response was meant for teef, when he said, “ I just assumed we all get free copies.” ?
  13. Thanks! Link to Canadian purchase page: NIagara Falls Into Darkness - Canadian
  14. Hi Everyone, Many of you may know that I spent many years as a featured columnist for the old NIagara Falls Reporter and that I penned the bestseller Buffalo Soul Lifters. My first novel, the crime thriller NIagara Falls Into Darkness, was recently released and is receiving rave reviews. The story takes place on both sides of the border at NIagara Falls. A madman serial killer, known only as “Law,” is taking lives and demanding changes all in the name of his murderous campaign. Newspaper Editor Mick O’Malley and Police Detective Sally Wendt are the only two with a chance of catching him before he kills again. Here is the Amazon link where you can read a few sample chapters (where it says “Look Inside”) or, if you are inclined, purchase the kindle or paperback version: NIagara Falls Into Darkness I hope you’ll take a look and, as always, Go Bills!
  15. Very proud of the protestors in my hometown of NIagara Falls last night. After they demonstrated and were heard, both the police chief and the mayor took a knee with them. They then lined up and this happened:
  16. To let it play out I would have given clues like: Known for a popular long-running ‘60s TV show. Played the matriarch on the show. The show was one of the popular Filmways productions that dominated TV at the time. Her career began in Vaudeville and radio. I wouldn’t have given it away with the theme song right off the bat.
  17. To make amends, here is John and Diggs together in Florida. http://www.espn.com/video/clip?id=29246586 https://twitter.com/Marcel_LJ/status/1266929060942405632?s=20
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