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Everything posted by ChevyVanMiller

  1. Cosby?
  2. I agree with you, but wonder what the plan is if a large portion of a team becomes infected once games start? Will they forfeit the game or shut it all down? Also, for future reference it’s death knell.
  3. I think it's even hatred between the Jets and the Packers. Maybe a third team will enter that pantheon in the not too distant future.
  4. Winner, winner. That’s her in 1955.
  5. No cigar. Here’s a hint: She played one of TV’s most beloved moms.
  6. Not Drew or Bette Davis. From the era between those two.
  7. Chico? Here’s one. Can you name this beauty?
  8. Ah, Groucho Marx
  9. I think this video will explain it.
  10. George Burns?
  11. Wade Phillips’ stunt double.
  12. Thanks. I'm a huge Beatles trivia fan and it was only because I knew Moon was his godfather that I got it right. I never would have known from the pic alone.
  13. I think my long record of wrong guesses in this thread are definitive proof that I'm playing on the up and up.
  14. I’m going to take a stab here only because I know Keith Moon was his godfather, is it Ringo’s son, and current Who drummer, Zac Starkey?
  15. Winner, winner chicken dinner. Hard partying sure took a toll on her.
  16. I think South Park came up with the solution
  17. No on Brett. She’s a singer.
  18. No.
  19. One of the greatest bookstores in America. I love that you can peruse book titles and pet a cat or two. And Jeff has been a great ambassador for my work. Love that guy.
  20. For anyone in the NIagara Falls area, the Book Corner just received a new batch of my book (all signed) after they sold-out of the first order. You can call the owner, Jeff, at 716-285-2928 to reserve a copy.
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