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Everything posted by ChevyVanMiller

  1. This was on CBS Sunday morning last month. Two legends funny right up to the end.
  2. Closest I could find to a personalized song...
  3. I don't know the actresses name, but is it Julie from the Love Boat?
  4. In hindsight, do you wish the Bills had signed Cam to a similar basement dollar incentive laden deal like the *Pats did if for no other reason than to keep him off of the roster of the team that has eaten your lunch for the past two decades?
  5. One of the all-time greats. RIP Mr. Reiner.
  6. When I first saw it I thought that he looked stoic and fiercely defiant.
  7. I didn't realize he lived in Syracuse and performed there regularly. Also, pretty sure his big hit "Into The Night," a song about a 33 year-old man lusting after a 16 year-old girl, wouldn't fly in today's world. http://www.msn.com/en-us/music/news/benny-mardones-into-the-night-singer-songwriter-dead-at-73/ar-BB166H5s?ocid=ientp
  8. Great song. Jimmy Vox on drums is phenomenal. Here’s one that will embed.
  9. Frank Zappa?
  10. I would put up the shot when the geyser erupts behind it with a variation of the old Marv Levy axiom: "When it gets too hot for them, it's just right for us."
  11. This young lady from Armenia looks uncannily like a young Julia Roberts and sings like an angel. I bet you can't take your eyes off of her as she sings this classic tune.
  12. Someone was filming as a lone bison stood unfazed as a geyser erupted at Yellowstone National Park. Very powerful image and symbolic of the strength of this fan base.
  13. These guys aren’t going to be happy up in the cheap seats.
  14. Best quote ever from an article posted on OTW: “One pal posted on Facebook "local hero saves family from certain death with her norks out."‘
  15. Actually they were: - Rambone -The Fantastic Four(some) - Driving Miss Daisy Crazy
  16. I can do you one better: my dentist (in NIagara Falls) from that era had a similar chair in that same hue of yellow. Just off to the side he had a standing ashtray that always had a smoldering cigar. He was a big, heavyset man. Every couple of minutes he’d take a break from working on my teeth and step over to have a few puffs on the cigar. Then he’d shove his nicotine stained fingers right back in my mouth. It really was different times.
  17. Winner winner chicken dinner
  18. Not Danny Gare and Ridgeway has kindly let me know that it was posted early in this thread, so you can go back and search if you'd like. If not, here's a clue: Canadian and very talented and funny.
  19. No dice.
  20. It's funny, I had no idea until your last clue and now it seems so obvious - looks just like him.
  21. I got it now - James Earl Jones
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