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Everything posted by ChevyVanMiller

  1. Every year. In fact, I actually have a DVD of a walk-through of the entire festival that a friend of mine made. It's a shame that they let it slip away, it was once one of the top winter destinations in all of America.
  2. I was in college and worked a summer job at the Haagen-Dazs at the old Rainbow Centre mall in NIagara Falls. I remember being so mad that I had to stop watching to go into work, I thought the mall would be dead because everyone would be glued to their TVs watching the historic concert. To my surprise, and disdain, the mall was packed with tourists and I realized that not everyone was enthralled with the all-star rock line-up as the 20 year-old version of me was.
  3. This impromptu sign made as the greatest comeback ever was unfolding ranks right up there, too.
  4. This “Carnac the Magnificent” one recently shared by Bills’ great Jeff Nixon certainly deserves consideration. Got any others? EDIT - This sign is especially poignant because it is one week after the 1980 season opener when the Bills beat the Dolphins 17-7 to end the "0 for the '70s" draught against Miami and Don Shula. Bills fans couldn't wait to tune in to MNF the next night and see highlights of the victory and to see the fans at Rich Stadium tear down the goal posts in celebration. The Bills and their fans were snubbed as MNF didn't cover the game in the highlight package. The late Rick Azar of WKBW then famously went on the air and delivered a scathing diatribe that Howard Cosell had to address the next week on MNF.
  5. Betcha he could have used a few pounds, too. Bob Seager. Great clue.
  6. Lots of great answers already given. For the way the music was woven into the story, how about “Eddie and the Cruisers?”
  7. It looks like Lindy to coach the Devils. https://www.wkbw.com/sports/sabres/report-lindy-ruff-will-be-named-next-head-coach-of-nj-devils
  8. It's not Humperdinck?
  9. That I know (sadly) is Shelley Long. I think we did cover her early in the thread.
  10. Funny story: 20 years ago I was working for a tourism company and we had a partnership with the old convention center in Niagara Falls. They gifted us 100 tickets for a Wayne Newton show. We also had a comp commercial with Channel 29 that we had to use. We decided to run a promo in that spot and give away a set of tickets free to the first 50 callers who called in and said, "Dankeschön." The commercial was set to run at 11:15 AM during a Matlock rerun - prime Wayne Newton demographic. We had 5 people ready to answer the phones as the commercial airs. For 10 full minutes after, nothing. Not one call. Pure crickets. Finally the phone rings. One of our secretaries snatches it up and says, "Hello. Yes, we are giving away the free Wayne Newton tickets. No, they're absolutely free, no catches. I simply need you to say the magic word. (Long pause) Oh, I'm sorry no magic word, no tickets. (Click)" We didn't receive another call. Ultimately, I drove the tickets around to different senior centers and left them on tables in the rec rooms. And that is what I will always think of when I hear Dankeschön. Engelbert Humperdinck ?
  11. I'm glad that you feel that way. I really wanted Law to be more than just an unhinged person. I deliberately tried to write him with a cause that would resonate with readers. I have worked in tourism at the Falls for 25 years and it has provided my family with a comfortable lifestyle. Still, I worry that at times the integrity of the waterfalls are not being respected and I used Law to espouse those sentiments. I'll take even a passing reference comparing Law to Vito Corleone as a high compliment. Thanks Thanks, Dean. I look forward to feedback from a fellow Niagarian.
  12. Not sure, I pulled it up on Google, but it didn't reference the location.
  13. Thanks for the kind words, Tom. I really appreciate the feedback. I've always felt that the great litmus test for any book or movie is the simple question, "Do you care about the characters and what happens to them?" Well written books and screenplays always grab you from the start, while poorly written ones leave you wondering why you should care what happens to these people. I'm glad that Mick and Sally's plight was one that you connected with. As for the punter line, Brian Moorman aside, I stand by the statement. It took one horrific drought to put him (deservedly so) at the top of Bills' fans favorite list. If I could ask a favor: Please take a moment and leave a review on the Amazon page. I would be eternally grateful. And the rest of you slackers, buy a copy and support one of your own.
  14. Complications after he suffered a stroke. A true Southern Rock icon. https://www.tennessean.com/story/entertainment/music/2020/07/06/charlie-daniels-country-music-dies/5384087002/ This song always fires me up... RIP, Charlie.
  15. Hungry? Hit the Red Barn.
  16. So I'll put you down for a return to the board at 1 PM opening day then.
  17. No municipal fireworks, but the Falls will be lit up like this tonight.
  18. Click “Like” when you get this, then put your mask on.
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