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Everything posted by ChevyVanMiller

  1. Not Condoleezza or Oprah.
  2. The man is Ted Mack host of “The Original Amateur Hour,” but can you name the young girl who won $2,000 and a big trophy?
  3. Take a moment and read some of the reviews on Amazon for this product and it’s unintended effects on the gastrointestinal system. I don’t often literally laugh out loud while reading, but this was a wonderful exception. https://www.amazon.com/Haribo-SUGAR-Classic-Gummi-Bears/product-reviews/B006J1FBLM?fbclid=IwAR3yyd-j4eaZojrIFGdSqdIc-cuJIXocJeulwbe9vNpzjyBWLMNFv-vLoh4
  4. I started a thread on it, but I finished a novel just as Covid was shutting things down in March. I used the first month to edit and ready it for publication. It went live at the end of April. Needless to say, buy a copy today if you haven't done so already. ? https://www.amazon.com/Niagara-Falls-Darkness-Thomas-Croisdale/dp/B087SD5CZT/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2H8T9NWAFKNE8&dchild=1&keywords=niagara+falls+into+darkness&qid=1595353364&sprefix=niagara+falls+i%2Caps%2C225&sr=8-1
  5. Chris Cornell's family just released this touching video of him covering GnR's "Patience."
  6. Not from a game, but whenever the wife and I are in the car parking to go into a store, and I luckily find a spot right in front, I do my best Bob Uecker impersonation and deliver that chestnut from an old Miller Lite commercial, "Must be in the front row."
  7. One of the most beloved figures in the country. Known as "America's Dad." Turns out to be America's most prolific serial rapist. Used his fame and fortune to single out women he fancied before drugging and raping them, all while chastising people like Chris Rock and Eddie Murphy for their use of coarse language.
  8. Yeah, I’ll bet he wishes he could have a do-over of that night. Funny how history hinges on decisions made one way or another.
  9. It has been widely speculated that this was the night that cemented Trump’s resolve to run for president. He was so angry over being embarrassed by President Obama in front of a room full of people laughing at his expense that he decided on the car ride home that he would get his revenge by getting himself elected POTUS.
  10. Winner, winner chicken dinner. yep, Andy Griffith thought she was too young and beautiful to be a believable love interest for him in Mayberry.
  11. Here's a hint: She was a teen on the first show. She was written off of the second show, even though the audience loved her, because the male lead thought she was too young to play his love interest.
  12. Not Nancy.
  13. Good guess, but not Pam. She was on two big shows in the 50s and 60s.
  14. Can you name this former beauty?
  15. A life well lived. RIP, Mr. Lewis.
  16. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Laurel. Yanni who?
  17. Will check it out over the weekend. Thanks for the head's up.
  18. Yeah, it's a slippery slope for sure.
  19. Florio says that the NFL is going to basically let Washington sweep it under the rug with "Outside Counsel." It also appears that Snyder will come out of it unscathed. http://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nfl/nfl-plans-to-defer-to-the-lawyer-daniel-snyder-has-hired/ar-BB16Rvz3?ocid=ientp
  20. Winner, winner chicken dinner.
  21. Can you name this former beauty?
  22. Don’t confuse him with hard facts. ?
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