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Everything posted by ChevyVanMiller

  1. Winner.
  2. Name this Buffalo sports icon.
  3. That was a good one. I had no idea, but once the answer was revealed, you could definitely see it was her.
  4. Standing on the corner Just me and Yoko Ono We was waiting for Jerry to land Up come a man with a guitar in his hand Singing, "Have a marijuana if you can" His name was David Peel And we found that he was real He sang, "The Pope smokes dope every day" Up come a policeman shoved us up the street Singing, "Power to the people today!" New York City, back in New York City, New York City Que pasa, New York? Que pasa, New York?
  5. It appears that the Bills are ahead of the curve than most teams with having their infectious disease response plan approved by the NFL. https://www.wkbw.com/sports/buffalo-bills/buffalo-bills-infectious-disease-emergency-response-plan-approved-by-nflpa
  6. Fair enough, I was just trying to make the point that if the guy who is devoting his energy to minimizing the risk to the team is testing positive, it doesn't bode well that teams aren't going to have major outbreaks like the Florida Marlins are experiencing now. I have my fingers crossed that football will find a way because watching a Bills game right about now would be the best tonic for our fan base, but it sometimes seems like just a lot of wishful thinking. Also, I wonder who has that job with the Bills?
  7. Not a good omen when the guy in charge of keeping the team safe contracts the disease. https://www.vikings.com/news/statements-from-the-minnesota-vikings-and-eric-sugarman
  8. Just walk away, ReneeYou won't see me follow you back homeThe empty sidewalks on my block are not the sameYou're not to blame
  9. I always really enjoyed his brand of talk show. RIP
  10. True fact - Before the crowbar was invented, most crows (wait for it) drank at home.
  11. @DrDawkinstein Thanks for the recommendation. Checked it out last night and enjoyed it. It was similar to another comedy classic, but put enough spin on the idea as to not be derivative.
  12. Interesting note: Duvernay-Tardif is not only a Super Bowl Champion and a doctor, he has also been knighted. (He is from Quebec and the province actually knights people). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Order_of_Quebec#:~:text=Though the National Order of,explicit part of the organization.&text=Knight (chevalier) (CQ),-Nominations to the Pretty impressive resume for such a young man. That's a role model for you.
  13. That was no Fluke. That woman is a terror. I give him credit for holding his temper, he could snap her in half before she knew what hit her.
  14. His line of pop, "Money Bags Soda" is sold nation wide at 7-11 stores and is made by Niagara Falls' own Johnny Ryan Soda company.
  15. There are no better people on this Earth than Nanas. Your's sounded like she was a great one. May she RIP.
  16. That's a sharp looking cap. Is it real or a mock-up?
  17. As someone who has thrown out a first pitch (at a Single A game with about 700 people in the stands) I can tell you that it is nerve-wracking. I asked to do a couple of warm-up throws off to the side and decided not to try and throw with any heat, but just to get it to the catcher without embarrassing myself. Oh, and I was wearing a tuxedo as I was emceeing at a Gala just after the game. You can watch my effort here:
  18. Winner winner chicken dinner. It is Gladys Knight. There is a great story concerning this picture. Evidently, the other kids who competed were all white. When little Gladys won she was too small to hold up the trophy. The show’s producers asked some of the other kids to come in and help her hold it up. Their parents refused. Ted Mack saw what was going on and he stepped up and held up the trophy. Gladys said years later that she never forgot his tremendous act of kindness during a time where racism was very rampant in America.
  19. Not Condoleezza or Oprah.
  20. The man is Ted Mack host of “The Original Amateur Hour,” but can you name the young girl who won $2,000 and a big trophy?
  21. Take a moment and read some of the reviews on Amazon for this product and it’s unintended effects on the gastrointestinal system. I don’t often literally laugh out loud while reading, but this was a wonderful exception. https://www.amazon.com/Haribo-SUGAR-Classic-Gummi-Bears/product-reviews/B006J1FBLM?fbclid=IwAR3yyd-j4eaZojrIFGdSqdIc-cuJIXocJeulwbe9vNpzjyBWLMNFv-vLoh4
  22. I started a thread on it, but I finished a novel just as Covid was shutting things down in March. I used the first month to edit and ready it for publication. It went live at the end of April. Needless to say, buy a copy today if you haven't done so already. ? https://www.amazon.com/Niagara-Falls-Darkness-Thomas-Croisdale/dp/B087SD5CZT/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2H8T9NWAFKNE8&dchild=1&keywords=niagara+falls+into+darkness&qid=1595353364&sprefix=niagara+falls+i%2Caps%2C225&sr=8-1
  23. Chris Cornell's family just released this touching video of him covering GnR's "Patience."
  24. Not from a game, but whenever the wife and I are in the car parking to go into a store, and I luckily find a spot right in front, I do my best Bob Uecker impersonation and deliver that chestnut from an old Miller Lite commercial, "Must be in the front row."
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