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Everything posted by ChevyVanMiller

  1. I played Varsity Tennis and was All-League my senior year. I also played PAL basketball and Tyro Football. What I remember most fondly, however, was the endless hours of street football, and hockey that my friends and I played on our block. Constantly moving the hockey nets out of the street (and swearing at the driver under our breath) every time a car had the audacity to come down our block and interrupt our game. LOL.
  2. Tim Robbins?
  3. Brian Bosworth post-surgery?
  4. Another underrated game show, Blockbusters with Bill Cullen as host.
  5. Winner. Blocker was a decorated Korean War vet who was awarded the Purple Heart.
  6. I'm happy for Shady, but aren't the Bucs starting to resemble the (former) Redskins the year they signed every aging veteran available in Free Agency? Iirc, they were the media's darling to win the SB and ended up being awful and out of the playoffs entirely. Hopefully, the Bucs will go down in flames the same way.
  7. That sounds better. Wegman's wasn't in the Buffalo market in the '70s.
  8. Being that I have dual status, I know that that is Prime Minister Trudeau. here's another from 1996.
  9. You can buy many of the episodes on DVD box sets. However, as I mentioned, they will not include the werewolf scenes because of the music rights issue. Here’s an Amazon link: https://www.amazon.com/Hilarious-House-Frightenstein-Three-Disc-Restored/dp/B00CNJ76YYYou can buy many of the episodes on DVD box sets. However, as I mentioned, they will not include the werewolf scenes because of the music rights issue.
  10. Strangest trivia that I know off of the top of my head, the Rosebud middle name was an acronym for Robert, Oscar, Samuel Edward, Benjamin, Ulysses, David. I watched that episode when I was about 10 and decided to memorize it. 46 years later and I haven’t lost it. Lol.
  11. Yeah, it’s amazing that they did all of those episodes over 9 months. And I believe that Vincent Price filmed all of his spots over just a few days because they couldn’t afford him beyond that. Also, the Wolfman scenes are all cut from the box sets because they never had the rights to use all of the rock songs that he played and danced to. So glad you are reconnecting with the show.
  12. Here is the full first episode complete with the Vincent Price opening and closing and the March of the Martians theme song.
  13. I don’t understand the success of Puddles the Clown, but I really enjoy PMJ and what Scott Bradlee has put together. I’d much rather hear musicians and singers of their caliber repurpose songs than say, the cast of Glee, who now have more Top 10 songs than the Beatles, Stones and Elton John combined. Now that’s a travesty. And, Pooj, if you’re watching the video that I posted and focusing on Scott Bradlee and not, the angel who fell to Earth, Morgan James you need to reassess your priorities. ?
  14. I don’t know what’s more beautiful, the woman or the voice. Thankfully, it’s a package deal.
  15. Does anyone else remember the syndicated game show “The New Treasure Hunt” with Geoff Edwards? Kind of A precursor to “Deal or No Deal” where winners would pick one box in hopes of winning the grand prize.
  16. I’m with you on that. Love cold wings and fried chicken as well.
  17. Sometimes, I see them in the skies above.
  18. I’m strictly a drums guy. The wife likes the flats. Makes for a happy marriage.
  19. I am pretty sure that the Party Game came on right after Definition ended each day. Billy Van deserved a lifetime Emmy for the work he did on the Hilarious House of Frightenstein. Classic.
  20. Does anyone who grew up on the Canadian border remember watching "Definition" with Jim Perry? "I'll give the zed and take an E, Jim." LOL
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