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Everything posted by ChevyVanMiller

  1. He could feel it coming in the air tonight, too?
  2. Peter Gabriel?
  3. Nice work. That completes the listing.
  4. No worries, we would have got there anyway, just wanted to let people get in on the fun. Always appreciate another later thinker and linguist.
  5. I'm going to guess that 12) is "Circles Under the Eyes," unless anyone has a better guess.
  6. Nice job, but you didn't follow the one guess per answer rule.
  7. Pretty cool word game. Post an answer and let's see if we can get them all. Limit your response to one answer at a time and I'll update as we go along. I'll start with one - 6) Crossroads Edit - Now that we have all of the answers I have dropped them down on the page for any Johnny Come Latelys who might want to play the game. 1)Man Overboard 2)Sandbox 3)I understand 4)Reading Between the Lines 5)Long Underwear 6)Crossroads 7)Downtown 8Tricycle 9)Split Level 10) 3 Degrees Below Zero 11)Neon Lights 12)Circles Under the Eyes 13)Highchair 14)Paradise (pair of Dice) 15)Touchdown 16)Five Feet Underground 17)Mind Over Matter 18)He's beside Himself 19)Backward Glance 20)Life after Death 21)G.I. Over Seas 22)Space Program 23)See Through Blouse 24)Just Between You and Me
  8. Spotted at last night's Royals' game.
  9. I think it's Billy Mumy as well.
  10. Nice list of all opt outs and impact to their teams. https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/29607765/players-opting-2020-nfl-season-coronavirus-concerns-tracking-full-list-losses-mean
  11. No, but it was always 2 players versus 1. The 2 had to go across the board horizontally and get 5 right answers compared to 4 for the single player.
  12. We need a hint
  13. Winner, winner chicken dinner. It is indeed Tony Dow.
  14. Who is this famous dude out walking his dog?
  15. I was thinking buffet food delivered table side by slingshot.
  16. It appears they are no longer buffets, they are serving the food cafeteria style. https://www.daytondailynews.com/what-to-do/golden-corral-restaurants-are-starting-to-reopen-with-a-twist/D2LCQASMVJGPXJ2EMDZKMBCHYQ/
  17. I am the Director of Tourism for a major hotel. Since Covid our breakfast buffet has been replaced with an a la carte menu. Both our Italian and Brazilian restaurants, which had been partial buffet, are now offering the buffet items on a paper menu where diners can order 3 at a time to be brought to their table by their server. That's the new reality. ?
  18. I was burned out from exhaustion, buried in the hail Poisoned in the bushes an' blown out on the trail Hunted like a crocodile, ravaged in the corn Come in, she said I'll give ya shelter from the storm Suddenly I turned around and she was standin' there With silver bracelets on her wrists and flowers in her hair She walked up to me so gracefully and took my crown of thorns Come in, she said I'll give ya shelter from the storm
  19. Pretty sure that Covid has made buffets go the way of the dinosaur.
  20. I played Varsity Tennis and was All-League my senior year. I also played PAL basketball and Tyro Football. What I remember most fondly, however, was the endless hours of street football, and hockey that my friends and I played on our block. Constantly moving the hockey nets out of the street (and swearing at the driver under our breath) every time a car had the audacity to come down our block and interrupt our game. LOL.
  21. Tim Robbins?
  22. Brian Bosworth post-surgery?
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