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Everything posted by ChevyVanMiller

  1. No and no. She was on a very popular 70s comedy.
  2. I, she is a TV actress
  3. Not Judy. She’s an actress. Your honesty is well appreciated, Sir. 😀
  4. Here's a pic of the one and only Astro holding up a copy of Niagara Falls Into Darkness. He was of great help with the editing process and I thank him for his great work in the Acknowledgement section. Don't have a copy yet? What are you some yellow-bellied *Pats fan? Order yours today - https://www.amazon.com/Niagara-Falls-Into-Darkness-Thrilling-ebook/dp/B087N3RRK4?fbclid=IwAR3OSqGZwN0T7gIhL952PA8Mv4ym8Gso5MCDBtzQd4xfn0OTXyJqoIqxEms
  5. Truly a ground-breaking woman who epitomized the very best attributes of mankind. RIP
  6. The play he breaks down is the TD to Moss. He shows that Josh went to 6 different reads before he tossed it to Moss. How Josh didn't get baited into making a risky throw when it appeared he had Diggs open momentarily. He also showed how Josh reset his feet as he scanned different parts of the field. He backed up each observation with photos. I'm not anointing him as an All-22 guru, but I thought that he seemed pretty spot-on with his analysis.
  7. Fortunately the Dolphins aren't know for scoring, so we should be okay with the B team in at linebacker.
  8. I think you're named after the wrong half of the duo.
  9. That was a great call, take a bow my man.
  10. Glass half-full guy: If you're going to have both starting LBs out, I guess Miami is the week to do it.
  11. Olympic Divers photoshopped onto toilets.
  12. I think you’ve got the right show, but it’s the actress who played Mrs. Olson.
  13. So glad to hear that Gus is doing well. It was my honor to tell the story in my book, Buffalo Soul Lifters.
  14. Winner. It is the Dark Lord himself.
  15. Can you name the kid in the number 70 jersey?
  16. Won’t know the severity until Injury report comes out later today.
  17. I'm equally impressed that he was able to do the flip while holding the Bills flag.
  18. Imagine what he will do once his son actually plays. This guy's going to be a hoot. https://www.syracuse.com/buffalo-bills/2020/09/aj-epenesas-dad-celebrates-bills-week-1-win-over-jets-with-slam-through-table-video.html
  19. As people have stated, in NYS one should never plead guilty to a speeding ticket. When you do that all of the fine money goes to the state and the points on your license will cause your insurance rates to escalate. By going to traffic court, they will almost always offer you a plea deal to reduce the infraction to parking tickets. They offer this because the municipality where the infraction occurred keeps the revenue from parking tickets, not NYS. You will pay a fine, but no points will go on your license and your insurance rates will not rise. Now, what I am unsure of is what the post-Covid court situation is like. I believe that most courts are currently virtual, with Skype sessions being the norm. I would attempt to call your local court to see what the current protocol is.
  20. The greatest kick return to result in zero points. It happened right at the half and the clock ran out on the return.
  21. "Mask up or back up."
  22. I hear you Virgil, it drives me nuts, too. But I have to tell you that if you listened to radio back in the Super Bowl years the calls were the same. "If Kelly throws a pick like he did today against the Dolphins we're screwed." "If Andre drops a sure first down next week against the Cowboys, we won't pull out a win like we did today." "Sure Bruce had 3 sacks today, but let me see him do that to the 49ers, then I'll give him some credit." Some fans just can't enjoy a win. Their cleats are always half empty. A smart radio station would have a positive calls only policy the day after wins. Emphasis on a SMART radio station.
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