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Everything posted by ChevyVanMiller

  1. Who are these two men and what iconic characters are they working on here?
  2. Try removing the “s” from https and the “m.” from your link. That should make it embedded.
  3. I went searching for the rant that Rick Azar went on when Howard Cosell and Monday Night Football did not feature the Bills game during halftime after the 0 for the 70s drought against Miami was finally broken. No luck in finding it. That’s a shame, Rick was on fire that night.
  4. Bills have held their opponents under 100 yards in 4 of their last 5 games. Don’t fear the run.
  5. Oh, it’s on like Donkey Kong now you ranch-dipping degenerates. I hope Josh and company lump you up and hang 50 on the scoreboard. How dare you?
  6. The little redhead closest to Pigpen sure looks like she is going to be real trouble as an adult.
  7. For some reason the image is not showing for me, but the person's name is. I will disqualify myself, but I'm enjoying the narrowing process of the guessers.
  8. You can’t release the guy that came back for the last two games of the season, lead the team in receiving yards in the post season and caught the game-winning TD in the Super Bowl. How can you even pose such a question? Oh nuts, I keep forgetting that I’m not supposed to divulge anything when I use the machine to traverse the time/space continuum. My bad, please look this way.
  9. The horse hasn’t even reached the top of the stretch and I’m tearing up the ticket. 🤫
  10. This thread reminds me of an old joke: What’s the difference between alcohol and weed? If 5 guys get drunk they’ll start a fight. If 5 guys get high they’ll start a band.
  11. Anyone need a new avatar?
  12. Two very talented NIagara Falls guys on this one.
  13. Good question. I think that inequity is going to be the word of the season.
  14. From what I understand the Sabres will play 8 games against each of the other teams in their division.
  15. I was in high school when it happened. It inspired my first ever published work. RIP, John
  16. He’s so dumb he tried to mail a fruit basket using a food stamp.
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