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Everything posted by ChevyVanMiller

  1. Can you name this actor?
  2. From my oldest son. I raised him proper. 😀
  3. For me it’s just not Christmas Day without hearing this classic from John.
  4. That’s cold to cut Jesus on the eve of his birthday .
  5. Superman or Green Lantern ain't got a-nothin' on me I can make like a turtle and dive for your pearls in the sea, yeah A you-you-you can just sit there a-thinking on your velvet throne 'Bout all the rainbows a-you can a-have for your own When you've made your mind up forever to be mine I'll pick up your hand and slowly blow your little mind When you've made your mind up forever to be mine I'll pick up your hand I'll pick up your hand
  6. Thanks, Shaw. The Bills bind many generations in my family, as well.
  7. I posted this in the pregame thread yesterday. Many have written to ask me to give it its own thread. Happy to oblige. It was 25 years ago, in the year of our lord 1995, that a plucky team of players representing the Western section of the state of New York made a heroic last stand in the pursuit of a trophy named for the fallen warrior, Lombardi. They'd come close, that ragtag bunch of overachievers. On 4 occasions they'd come to the arena where the holy trophy would be presented and each time they walked away defeated, while their opponents celebrated. This time they would secure the crown of the East, but not of the conference named after the nation that they'd bended a knee to honor and protect. But the combatants were not the only ones affected by the outcomes. The ones known as the fanatics were crestfallen as well. While their blood was not shed in the literal sense, it flowed from them like water from the mythical river Styx. They were connected with their on field heroes cosmically, just as that famed river was said to connect the underworld with the world of the living. Dead was what many of them felt after those defeats. Their ever-true hearts ripped in two. Even in the halcyon days of 1995, the fanatics knew that a storm was coming. They knew that their team would soon hibernate and dream of days of future and a return to glory. What they did not know is how long that induced slumber would last. One score and 5 long years later the beast has reawoken. Led by a field lieutenant espousing a meticulous process and a chess master of a general pulling the unseen strings that have replenished the ranks of a newly-feared Army, they stand at the ready to right old wrongs and restore glory to a franchise long overdue for its just reward. The fanatics too have changed. Many much grayer at the temple than the first go 'round. Still others breathing Earthly air when they were but a twinkle in heaven's eye those many years ago. Still, we pause to raise a glass to those that have passed on to a higher plane. Parents and Grandparents, brothers and sisters and friends of the Red, White and Blue. Though your body has left us, we feel your spirit here today and it emboldens us as we prepare to watch our heroes take the first step in reclaiming a glory that should have never been so long in its return. Clasp hands, brothers and sisters, and speak with me words that unite us across all racial, ethnic and socio-economic lines. Words that ring true from the banks of Lake Erie to the top of Mt. Everest. Words of eternal beauty that have e’re been spoken on this great land of ours. From our lips to God’s ear - Go Bills!
  8. I take a walk outside I'm surrounded by Some kids at play I can feel their laughter So why do I sear Oh, and twisted thoughts that spin Round my head I'm spinning Oh, I'm spinning How quick the sun can, drop away And now my bitter hands Cradle broken glass Of what was everything All the pictures have All been washed in black Tattooed everything All the love gone bad Turned my world to black Tattooed all I see All that I am All that I'll be, yeah
  9. It was 25 years ago, in the year of our lord 1995, that a plucky team of players representing the Western section of the state of New York made a heroic last stand in the pursuit of a trophy named for the fallen warrior, Lombardi. They'd come close, that ragtag bunch of overachievers. On 4 occasions they'd come to the arena where the holy trophy would be presented and each time they walked away defeated, while their opponents celebrated. This time they would secure the crown of the East, but not of the conference named after the nation that they'd bended a knee to honor and protect. But the combatants were not the only ones affected by the outcomes. The ones known as the fanatics were crestfallen as well. While their blood was not shed in the literal sense, it flowed from them like water from the mythical river Styx. They were connected with their on field heroes cosmically, just as that famed river was said to connect the underworld with the world of the living. Dead was what many of them felt after those defeats. Their ever-true hearts ripped in two. Even in the halcyon days of 1995, the fanatics knew that a storm was coming. They knew that their team would soon hibernate and dream of days of future and a return to glory. What they did not know is how long that induced slumber would last. One score and 5 long years later the beast has reawoken. Led by a field lieutenant espousing a meticulous process and a chess master of a general pulling the unseen strings that have replenished the ranks of a newly-feared Army, they stand at the ready to right old wrongs and restore glory to a franchise long overdue for it's just reward. The fanatics too have changed. Many much grayer at the temple than the first go 'round. Still others breathing Earthly air when they were but a twinkle in heaven's eye those many years ago. Still, we pause to raise a glass to those that have passed on to a higher plane. Parents and Grandparents, brothers and sisters and friends of the Red, White and Blue. Though your body has left us, we feel your spirit here today and it emboldens us as we prepare to watch our heroes take the first step in reclaiming a glory that should have never been so long in its return. Clasp hands, brothers and sisters, and speak with me words that unite us across all racial, ethnic and socio-economic lines. Words that ring true from the banks of Lake Erie to the top of Mt. Everest. Words of eternal beauty that have ever been spoken on this great land of ours - Go Bills!
  10. I'll be delighted, but not to the point of tears. If we win the Super Bowl I will be inconsolable. On a related note: I will also not purchase any of the AFC East Champion T-Shirts that will be everywhere next week. I pledged after the 4 Super Bowl run that I would never buy another Bills celebratory shirt unless it said "Super Bowl Champs." I bought a slew of AFC East and AFC Champions shirts on the last go-round, only to never wear them after the sting of the SB losses.
  11. That was good stuff, thanks. Stef Diggs - “He can’t stop me. I’m telling you he can’t stop me. They better bring two of them, for real!” 😀
  12. It would be nice to tie the record. The Miami game might not mean anything, so the starters might sit for most of it. I’d be happy with 12-4 if it includes one last smack down of the *Pats before we turn our full attention to the playoffs.
  13. My wife just before she asks me, “Honey, can you get that can of corn down for me?”
  14. “I think it’s a great idea. Can’t believe it hasn’t been done already,” said Terrell Owens’ Key to the City
  15. You nailed it. I thought that one would last a bit longer. Well done.
  16. Who are these two men and what iconic characters are they working on here?
  17. Try removing the “s” from https and the “m.” from your link. That should make it embedded.
  18. I went searching for the rant that Rick Azar went on when Howard Cosell and Monday Night Football did not feature the Bills game during halftime after the 0 for the 70s drought against Miami was finally broken. No luck in finding it. That’s a shame, Rick was on fire that night.
  19. Bills have held their opponents under 100 yards in 4 of their last 5 games. Don’t fear the run.
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