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Everything posted by ChevyVanMiller

  1. I think with the mandatory seven day quarantine for Canadian teams trades will come ahead of the deadline this year. He might be dealt today or tomorrow.
  2. Does that mean a trade for Hall is imminent?
  3. That’s awesome. I’m so glad that you are enjoying it so far. Please remember to leave a review on the Amazon site once you are done. There is nothing greater than sharing the love of reading with the next generation. I hope that your grandson finds many books to get lost in.
  4. Today is the final day to get the book for FREE. Offer good until midnight (Pacific Time) tonight. I’m happy to report that over 500 copies have been downloaded and the book is now Top 15.worldwide in the Crime Thriller category. Click the link to get your copy: https://www.amazon.com/Niagara-Falls-Into-Darkness-Thrilling-ebook/dp/B087N3RRK4
  5. From 1974-80, Fergy led the NFL with 120 hung head poses after INTs. (Jk, I love Fergy and am glad that his cancer is in remission)
  6. Darnold going to the Panthers makes him 10x more likely to be a member of the Bills in the future.
  7. The OP needs to update. Many additions since the last one.
  8. Just a bump to remind everyone that the free offer for Niagara Falls Into Darkness is good until this Tuesday. I appreciate all of you that have already ordered and please remember to leave a review on the Amazon page. Thanks so much. https://www.amazon.com/Niagara-Falls-Into-Darkness-Thrilling-ebook/dp/B087N3RRK4
  9. Thanks, BB. Welcome back and I look forward to your review of the book.
  10. Hey Everyone, I am running a 5-day promotion where you can get an Ebook version of my novel, NIagara Falls Into Darkness, absolutely Free! All I ask in return is that you give it a review on the Amazon page. I currently have 22 reviews and 50 or more makes the book eligible to be included on Amazon’s newsletter and their “Customers also bought” feature. Just click this link before Tuesday, April 6th and get your free copy. Thank you and please share the link with any crime thriller enthusiasts in your circle of friends. https://www.amazon.com/Niagara-Falls-Into-Darkness-Thrilling-ebook/dp/B087N3RRK4
  11. Listening to this song has always helped my heart when I’ve had to put one of my dogs down. May it do the same for you. Penny, long may you run.
  12. And no offense to you my man but they have made great strides with hearing aids these days. Those two women have some of the most amazing voices on planet earth.
  13. Not a cover as much as an homage. The Beatles’ favorite musician, Harry Nilsson, masterfully blends a number of their songs into one stellar tune.
  14. Don’t know how you guessed it, but you’re right. That’s Rickman in high school.
  15. Jessica Pegula becomes first female athlete to jump on the NFT train. https://www.sportsbusinessjournal.com/Daily/Morning-Buzz/2021/03/31/Pegula-NFT.aspx
  16. Not Pete, we won’t get fooled again. Or will we?
  17. Who is the young man wearing a scarf?
  18. This is a John Lennon tune, but Aloe makes it his own.
  19. I don’t believe that anyone could do a Beatles song better than they did it themselves, but this is one magnificent cover.
  20. If you’re going to post this song, you have to post the live version with so much amazing musicianship.
  21. Also known as the Crayonz hat trick.
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