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Everything posted by ChevyVanMiller

  1. Bucky Brooks tweeted out video of the injury and said that he couldn’t believe the lack of concern from the coaches and officials that were there. I totally agree. They cared more about retrieving the football than a guy in obvious pain. ☹️
  2. We all have made typos here, so no worries. I just thought you created an impressive unique word. 😀
  3. So are the 150 responders in the other thread. 😀
  4. He’s swroous, alright.
  5. Agreed. Was also very impressed how the Sabres completely controlled the puck throughout the entire overtime. Considering they were on a back-to -back and had to be gassed, that was very impressive.
  6. Had a similar incident this week in NIagara Falls when a 7-11 employee pistol whipped and shot a woman over a leaking milk carton. https://www.wgrz.com/article/news/crime/niagara-falls-police-argument-over-leaking-milk-container-leads-to-shooting-crime/71-cf3dca02-f3a8-4190-a93a-3ff5bb9d3463
  7. RIP, John. You left an indelible mark on your industry.
  8. I really enjoyed all of the pressers today. Guys seem genuinely excited to be here and truly believe the team will win a Super Bowl(s). They also all spoke glowingly of Josh, how great is that? Lastly, it’s truly amazing how quickly the phrase “Bills Mafia” has taken hold in the national lexicon and what a positive connotation it has with players all across the league. Del Reid and company truly hit a home run with that one.
  9. I like the idea, but am concerned that the severity of his injury may preclude him from ever having the same game-breaking ability that he showed in college.
  10. I wish him well. He played with great heart and will be missed.
  11. I saw this tweet yesterday and thought that Brandon Beane must have it engraved in granite above his desk.
  12. Ryan Talbot says it’s a done deal.
  13. Beanie brought us Josh and Josh is bringing the cream of the NFL.
  14. Adam Schefter now saying that McKissick has decided he will not sign with the bills and will return to Washington for the same terms.
  15. He was dreadful.
  16. I have a good buddy named Ron Bailey who does great work. He has done commissioned work for many athletes and also rock stars.. Here’s a link to his Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ronbaileyart/
  17. Came here for FA rumors, instead got 3 pages of guys fighting over conjectured, hypothetical stances on playoff games that didn’t happen.
  18. If he hadn’t threatened to move the team, Jerry Jones would have slapped him in the face with his Texas two grits and a sausage.
  19. Greatest Saturday morning kids show ever. Long live the memory of Billy Van.
  20. Well, that Cooper to the Bills thread was a fun half hour before it went poof.
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