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Everything posted by ChevyVanMiller

  1. Don’t get crazy, now.
  2. Part of my childhood just died with her. RIP, Olivia.
  3. Reminds me of an old Rodney Dangerfield joke: Robber - Give me all the money in your drawer, this is a f**k up. Teller - Don’t you mean a stickup? Robber - No, I forgot my gun, it’s a f**k up.
  4. According to the Hanna-Barbera cartoon, George Jetson was born today - July 31, 2022. Flying cars can’t be far off now. Happy Birthday, George.
  5. Man, that's sad. I followed him on social media in recent years and he really seemed like a nice guy. Here's a great clip of how the car that he bought with his Leave It To Beaver money made it's way back to him. RIP, Tony. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWgJ6RmMltA
  6. Did I hallucinate that there was another thread asking this same question about a week ago? I did a search but nothing else came up. Either way, hope you’re okay @Hapless Bills Fan
  7. I think all of the aging rockers are getting bristly. Did you see the nasty exchange that David Crosby recently had with a fan that made a painting of him and offered it with appreciation for his music? https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/david-crosby-dragged-being-unkind-140535113.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAA4WvndXCSQ-zvWdppS2oEvGgnD4UVchGE_TXlEWf7wkNIZ7Y8uN8g--QoqTjgnGE3vk_S-_lF7MVrlZdcbtiflGi7Zzpt_5yn6m3NL5cm4NTgQXJrucXM2GSzJDTSg_a5Mo1jmYO06ZOnaohGUbyjYJFrFjzYa8XAJU3luHv3vc
  8. Tackles never looked ripped. The bottom line is that Dion grades out at one of the best at his position in the entire NFL. Schnow, what I mean?
  9. I don't smoke either. It's just the most iconic thing that I remember from when I first went to the stadium as a child.
  10. If it’s still there in a storage room somewhere, the old Marlboro Man sign that served as the footer on the old scoreboard when it was Rich Stadium.
  11. Reminded me of this gem of a short film…
  12. One of my favs. He also was the voice of the Warner Bros character Cool Cat. RIP, Larry
  13. I love a joke that makes you say the punchline for yourself...
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