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Everything posted by ChevyVanMiller

  1. The link needed a sign-in to access, which is why I pasted it. Also, whenever someone puts a link up, 20 posters say to just cut and paste it instead. For the record, the post came from a family newspaper and edited out all obscenities. If a kid could wade through all of that and maintain interest, the parents are to be commended.
  2. Here's Kobe's arrest transcript. At the time of the "incident" he had a wife and 5-month old baby at home. He admits to the cops that he'd been bagging a girl named Michelle on a regular basis. I don't care if the charges are dropped, Kobe is still a world-class loser who held himself out as a role model and came up way short. Bryant’s statements to detectives - recording and transcript of interview -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Print Friendly Email This Story -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Compiled by Daily staff September 15, 2004 The following is the 57-page transcript received in the mail Wednesday to Vail Daily Assistant Managing Editor Randy, who has covered the Kobe Bryant rape case throughout its course. The transcript came with a CD of the tape recording when Eagle County sheriff’s detectives Doug Winters and Dan Loya questioned him the night after the incident. Wyrick recognized the voices of the detectives and Kobe Bryant, but there was no way to tell if the recording and transcript had been altered in any way. The court has withheld the recording from the public under seal, which attorneys for numerous media organizations including the Vail Daily have been seeking to have released since the criminal case is over. They have argued that with Bryant’s rights to a fair trial now having passed with the dismissal of the case, the public has a right to view the documents to better evaluate the work of its government representatives. The following has been lightly edited for language and the most graphic details of the events as Bryant described them: Kobe Bryant interview version 8/6/04 Detective Winters: Um, involving yourself and another party so ... Bryant: What is it? Detective Winters: Um well I don’t really want to talk about it, here can we go back to our room and could we talk about it there? Bryant: Yeah come on. Detective Winters: Okay, all right. Detective Loya: Who’s this gentleman here? Bryant: That’s one of my security guards. Detective Loya: Okay. Do you mind if he stays with these officers here while we talk to you. Bryant: Yeah sure. Detective Loya: Okay. Hey Bri will you make, my cars locked. Will you check my car? Let’s go to your room and then we’ll, let’s go to your room and then we’ll talk about it there. Bryant: Well ... Soft unclear voices (Unknown female voice): Want me to FI him? Bryant: Inaudible. Detective Winters: Okay. We have uh, well OK, look, let me uh, let me explain something okay. We have a ... we received a call earlier today with an allegation (unclear). Unknown female voice: Okay. Bryant: (Inaudible). Detective Loya: ... Do you want me to hold those for you or are you all right? Detective Winters: We received a call and took a report of a possible sexual assault allegation so we just want to talk to you about it and find out, yeah, find out your side of the the story and find out what’s going on. Bryant: What’s gonna happen? Detective Winters: What’s gonna happen? Bryant: Yeah. Detective Winters: Well right now nothing’s happening at this time. We just want to find out, get your side of the story and figure out what’s going on, okay? We wanna, we wanna get out, what our policy is, is um, we get every side of every story. Okay. Um ... Detective Loya: So that’s why we want to talk to you and get your side of the story. Detective Winters: Yeah, get your side of the story and figure out what’s going on. Detective Loya: But we don’t want to do it in front of everybody, okay, that we wanted to go back to ... Det. Winters: We don’t to make a scene for you, cause we understand the situation. Bryant: All right, cause it’s personal. I don’t understand what’s going on. What side of the story will you follow, what exactly? Detective Loya: do you want to talk about it in front of everybody or do you wanna go into a room ... ? Detective Winters: This is, this is your ... Bryant: This is my career. Det. Loya: So where’s your room at? Bryant: It’s all the way on the other side man, I can’t walk there. Det. Loya: If we take it slow, can we ...? Bryant: That’s a long walk. Detective Winters: We’ll just take it real slow. Det. Loya: Did you have ... Detective Winters: Whatever you want to do. Det. Loya: Did you have knee surgery today or ...? Bryant: Yes I did just today. (Inaudible) come on please. Det. Loya: What they do, what they do? Bryant: Um, cartilage. Det. Loya: Cartilage? Bryant: My bodyguards I got to, I got to tell them what’s going on, my biggest fear is my career and ... Det. Winters: I understand. Bryant: ... my image, so. Det. Winters: ... very, very much so and we’re trying to respect that as much as we can all right. Det, Loya: And this is how we work Kobe, we’re not, we’re not here to destroy your career or your image but we do have a serious matter at hand that we’d like to resolve and it’s all gonna depend on your cooperation and how you want to resolve it. Bryant: Well. Do I have to? Det. Winters: Well, that’s up to you, I mean we’d like to find our your side of the story, we’ll get into the details of it, we’ll explain what’s going on. Um, but that’s all we want to do Kobe. (Unclear talking over). Det. Loya: and that’s one of the reasons, and that’s one of the reasons, this is one of the reasons we’re up here at this time of night. Bryant: Ask me what, ask me something, ask me anything. Detective Loya: Were you with a female party last night? Bryant: Um, I was with a lady who showed me around yes. Detective Loya: Okay. Detective Winters: Okay. Bryant: I think her name was ... . Something like that. Det. Loya: Okay. Detective Winters: That’s what we’d like to talk about okay. Bryant: Her? Detective Loya: Yeah. Detective Winters: Can you tell us what happened? Bryant: Did she say I did something to her? Detective Winters: ... tell us what happened with her? Bryant: Um, she showed me around the pool, showing me around, um, we went to my room, she showed me the back view where the bears come up to the window, and that’s about ... it, we shot the ... and that was it. Detective Winters: Did you guys go back to your room? Bryant: Yeah, cause she showed me where the, where the bears come up to the window, I’m like bears ... walk up to this ... Detective Winters: Okay. Bryant: ... and she showed me the bathroom. Detective Winters: Okay. Detective Loya: Did you guys have any kinda, when you guys were in your room what did you guys talk about? Who else was in your room. Was it just ... ? Bryant: My knee, ... man, it was just us. Detective Loya: Just you and her? Bryant: Yeah. Detective Loya: What did you guys talk about? Bryant: Just shot the stevestojan, she asked me what I was here for, I told her my knee. She wanted to be a singer. Um, she had like, um her tattoo, with like music and instruments on it. ... Detective Loya: Where at? Detective Winters: Did you ask her, did you ask her to come back to your room last night when she checked you guys in? Bryant: Come back to my room, yeah. Detective Winters: To come back to your room to tour, to take you on a tour? Bryant: To show me around, yeah. Detective Winters: All right did you uh, um, and she did that? Bryant: Yeah. Detective Winters: Um, she came back to your room and then uh, after the tour was over um, you guys went back to your room? Bryant: Um, yeah, that’s when she showed me the tattoo. Detective Winters: Where did her ...? Detective Loya: OK. Where was her tattoo on her? Bryant: Um, she had one on her ankle and she said she had one on her back and said it had notes. Detective Winters: Okay. Detective Loya: Okay. Did you see the one on her back? Bryant: Um, yes she showed me. Detective Loya: How did she show you? Bryant: She had like a strap or whatever and she like lowered it. I told her to turn around and she lowered it and she showed me. Detective Winters: Okay, all right um, did anything happen in the room? Bryant: Like what? Detective Loya: Uh, did you guys hug or kiss? Detective Winters: Kiss or hug? Bryant: No. Detective Winters: Okay. Um. I’ll be blunt and ask you. Did you have sexual intercourse with her? Bryant: No. Detective Winters: Okay. Uh, what, okay, Kobe here’s, here’s what I’d like to do okay. Um, yet there is an allegation that it was an unconsensual intercourse that occurred last night, okay. All right. Hang on, okay, hang on, I understand you have every right to be upset, okay, but you know, I’m giving you an opportunity to tell the truth if something did happen, because I’m gonna tell you now, um, we’re gonna find out. Bryant: So, what, what ...? Detective Winters: She, she submitted to, she submitted to an exam. Okay. Bryant: OK, so now what happens. Okay listen ... Detective Winters: Well, what we want ... Detective Loya: Let us, let him explain everything first .. Detective Winters: Let me explain to you, okay. Detective Loya: ... and then we’ll answer your questions Mr. Bryant. Bryant: Okay. Detective Winters: Okay, well, what I’d like ... Bryant: Is there any way I can settle this whatever it is, I mean ... ? Detective Winters: Well, what do you mean by settle? Bryant: If my wife, if my wife found out that anybody made any type of allegations against me she would be infuriated. Detective Loya: Kobe ... Bryant: That’s all I care about. Detective Winters: And I understand. ... Bryant: What she says I don’t care about. ... Detective Loya: Kobe ... Detective Winters: Mr. Bryant, and I understand your concerns and frustrations okay, I can’t understand your position right now, but I do understand your concerns and frustrations (inaudible). But what I need you to do, what I need to talk to you about ... Kobe: We’re all right, we’re all right. Detective Winters: ... what I need to talk to you about um, is this allegation, I need to find out if this actually happened. You know, for all that happened I mean it could have been a complete come-on. I mean she could have been leading things on or whatever. Bryant: Okay, so whatever, all right but um ... what if this scenario (inaudible) Voices talking over each other. Detective Loya: Kobe, Kobe, Kobe, hey Kobe, come down here a sec. Detective Winters: Well, I need you to explain something. Bryant: (Inaudible) tell me something. Detective Loya: Listen, listen, listen. Let me explain something to you. This is what happened okay. And this is what’s going to happen. We’re gonna get to the bottom of it one way or another whether it’s true or not. Bryant: Okay, okay. Detective Loya: She consented to an exam. Bryant: Okay. Detective Loya: Okay. We received blood, pubic hair ... Bryant: Okay. Detective Loya: Semen. Bryant: Okay, okay. Detective Loya: All that. Detective Winters: We’ve got physical evidence. Bryant: Okay. Detective Loya: Let me finish, okay. Let me finish. Let me finish okay. So, be straight up with me Kobe. Detective Winters: We just want you to be straight up. Bryant: (Inaudible), now, but listen, but listen. Detective Loya: Listen to me first okay. Let me, let me explain it to you first okay. So is there any reason why any of your pubic hair ...? Bryant: Well, I’m gonna tell you um, fellas ... Detective Loya: Just be straight up, we’re not gonna tell your wife or anything like that. Did you have sexual intercourse with her? Bryant: Uh, this is what I need to know because uh I did have sexual intercourse with her. Cause I was (inaudible whisper). Detective Winters: And I understand. Detective Loya: Okay, was it consensual? Bryant: It was totally consensual. Detective Loya: What makes you believe, what makes you believe it was consensual? Bryant: Cause she started kissing me, (inaudible) then she bent over and (inaudible). Detective Loya: Did she tell you, did she ...? Detective Winters: All right. Okay, hang on, hang on. Okay. So what you are saying is ... tell me, tell me ... Bryant: And on top of that, and on top of that, and on top of that she said I shouldn’t be messing around (inaudible), no sooner (inaudible). Detective Winters: All right. Tell me, tell me how, tell me, tell me what happened, tell me how it all came about. Detective Loya: From the get-go. Bryant: Um, we walked around, went to the room, started talking, she showed me the bedroom by the back (inaudible). I said actually I’d like to go swimming in the pool, I said I ain’t going by myself out there, you’re ... crazy (laughter with the officers) crazy I ain’t going. ... Detective Winters: (Laughter) Sure. Bryant: She said well I have the key, I have to open it up if you want or whatever, I asked if she had any tattoos and she said yeah I have one on my back. And I said um, well can I see it, she’s like well I might have to show my ... if I show it to you but she’s like well maybe I’ll do that anyway and I’m like okay (inaudible) you know what I mean, and she gets up to leave or whatever and um, I said do me a favor um, I might want to go swimming and um, I might have my guys go swimming cause they’re under restrictive order. (Inaudible) come back (inaudible) or whatever and uh she’s like all right cool, cool, cool. We were still only this close and she gets up and she gives me a kiss so I kiss her back and then you know I started caressing her or whatever and then she puts her hand on my you know my thing or whatever and it kinda goes from there. Detective Winters: What do you mean it goes from there? Bryant: It went from there, like, for example there was no ... Detective Winters: Did you ask her, did you ask her, to give, um for her to give you a hug before she was here (inaudible) earlier? Bryant: To do what? Detective Winters: That you wanted a hug from her before, after she had got done giving you the tour. Or when, when did the hugging incident come up? Bryant: I don’t know. Detective Winters: Yeah, did she ask you to give, did you ask her to give you a hug? Bryant: We stood there and you know I pretty much (inaudible) like I don’t know, I might have hugged you all, like, when you came up to me, and I’d be like a hug, you know what I mean. Detective Loya: Was just a friendly gesture? Bryant: Right. I mean it looked like this, like OK, all right ... whatever ... you know ... she kissed me (inaudible). Detective Winters: And I, and I don’t disagree that any of that happened, okay. I do not disagree with it that any of that happened, okay. Bryant: (Inaudible) Detective Winters: ... okay, hear me out, okay. Um, it’s possible that at some point that she may have told you no, I don’t want to do this, yeah you know, maybe she did lead you on a little bit and she kissed you and then she said, and then she said now, I don’t want to do ths, I don’t want this to happen. Okay. Bryant: (Inaudible) if she said that, I stopped, nope. No semen, no nothing. Detective Winters: Did you finish? Bryant: No. Detective Loya: Well there’s always pre-ejaculation are you aware of that? Bryant: Are you kidding me? Detective Winters: Well ... Detective Loya: I’m not kidding you, it’s, they teach you that in seventh grade sex ed. Bryant: We stopped cold. (Inaudible). Detective Winters: How long did it go for? Bryant: (Inaudible) five minutes maybe. Detective Winters: Okay, all right. Now ... Detective Loya: During that time did she ever say anything to you? Did she scream no stop I don’t wanna do it? Detective Winters: What was she saying? Detective Loya: The best thing is to be straight up Kobe. That way we can resolve it. Bryant: Okay. I’m thinking, I’m thinking. (Pause) I’m trying to think of the conversation we had (inaudible). Detective Winters: Well okay. Detective Loya: Did you ever have her from the back of her head or her neck? Were you ... ? What kind of intercourse was it? Bryant: (inaudible) held her from the back? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Detective Loya: Yeah. (Lots of voices talking over.) Bryant: (Inaudible). All right um ... (inaudible) Detective Loya: I don’t want you to demonstrate. Bryant: I held her from the back and I went like this. Detective Loya: So what did you have around her neck? Bryant: I had my right hand like this and my other hand like that. Detective Winters: Okay. Detective Loya: Okay. Bryant: But ... (inaudible). Detective Loya: How hard were you holding her? Detective Winters: OK, all right. Bryant: I don’t know. My hands are strong. I don’t know. Detective Winters: Where did this take place at? Where did this take place in the room? Bryant: Um, right in the front room. Right in the front room. Detective Winters: Where was she bent over at? Bryant: There’s um, a little um, chair, like a cushion where you sit down, and she had her leg up, she bent herself over like this. Detective Loya: Where were her hands, what were her hands holding up on? Bryant: On the um, I assume over the, over the back of the chair. Detective Loya: Okay. Did she, did you get any blood on you or anything like that? Bryant: She didn’t bleed, did she? Detective Loya: Yeah, she had, she had a lot of bleeding. Bryant: You’ve got to be kidding, from where? Detective Loya: From her vaginal area. Bryant: Did she cut herself or something, there’s no blood on me whatsoever man, matter of fact, I still have the boxers (inaudible) boxers, they’re all white, there’s nothing on them. ... Detective Winters: Is it okay if we take those, I means it’s just gonna ... ? Bryant: All right, all right, can I ask you a question though? Detective Winters: I’ll let you ask some questions. Bryant: I do not want it to get to the media. Detective Winters: We don’t either. Detective Loya: That’s why we’re here at this time of night. Bryant: So how could that happen? Detective Winters: And we’re doing everything we can to try to avoid this going out publicly. We’re working on that okay. I, I don’t know the answer to that right now okay, I can’t promise you anything. I wish I could but I can’t. Unfortunately it doesn’t work that way in our line of work, okay? Detective Loya: Hey Kobe, have you ever had any of these allegations made against you before? Bryant: No. Are you kidding me? Detective Loya: No? Bryant: Never, I like, I treat everybody with the utmost respect, absolutely nothing. ... Detective Winters: Huh, actually we’ll be done here in a little while (talking to someone outside the room so ... Detective Loya: Just hang tight to that other guy. Bryant: (Inaudible). Detective Winters: I mean is it possible that at some point she could have told you no and you didn’t quite hear her? Bryant: No, absolutely not, absolutely not. Detective Winters: Did you ever make the allegation that you like Vail Colorado when you were having sex with her? Bryant: No. Detective Loya: Did you ever ask her if you wanted, if you could ... Bryant: Yes. That’s when she said no. That’s when she said no. That’s when she said no. Detective Loya: So what did, what did you say? Detective Winters: What did you say, how did that, how did that come about? Bryant: Um, you know, that’s when I asked if I could ..., she said no. Detective Loya: So you like to ... ? Bryant: That’s my thing, not always, I mean, so I stopped. Jesus Christ man. (Inaudible). Detective Winters: So how was this, how was this consensual, I mean, wha, wha, explain to me how this was consensual. Bryant: It sounds pretty ... crazy to me. (Inaudible) and all that. Detective Winters: Well no, no, no, no explain to me how you think this was consensual? Bryant: How was it not, I mean she, we ... Detective Winters: You mutually kissed there’s no question about that. Bryant: We mutually kissed. Detective Winters: Did you start ...? Bryant: She bent herself over ... Detective Winters: No, no, no, no. Okay, let me back up to the kissing, okay, at the kissing point okay, did anything escalate at that point, foreplay type issues, you know what I’m grabbing? Bryant: Yeah, yeah, sure, sure, sure, sure. No she put her hand on my penis and that’s it, and then she started playing with that (inaudible). Detective Winters: Okay. Okay. Um, did she give you oral sex or anything like that? Bryant: Yes, she did. Detective Winters: She did? Bryant: She did. Detective Winters: For how, when did that happen? Bryant: For like 5 seconds. I said um, give me a blow job, um, and then (inaudible) kiss it (inaudible) she gave me a blow job. Detective Loya: So the blow job lasted about 5 seconds. Bryant: Yeah it was quick. Detective Loya: Then what happened? Bryant: Wait not, I mean like she was, kept on doing, I just told her to get up (inaudible) she didn’t know what she was doing. Detective Winters: Did you perform anything else on her? Bryant: Did I? Detective Loya: Did you perform oral sex on her or anything like that? Bryant: I didn’t do that. Detective Loya: Okay. Bryant: She said I did that to her? Detective Winters: No, I’m not saying ... Detective Loya: So you didn’t use any kind of protection? Bryant: Didn’t have any. I know you guys are looking at me sketch (inaudible). Detective Winters: Well, we’re just trying to sort out all the facts. Okay. We’re trying to figure out (inaudible). Bryant: (Inaudible) I’m gonna try, I tell you any ... thing you need to know (inaudible). Detective Loya: Can we, can we keep walking to your room? Which way, is it this way? Detective Winters: What I’d like to do is I’d like to get a little better, I’d like to get out of here, I don’t want people starting to call people, start calling people and go (inaudible)... Bryant: (Inaudible). Detective Loya: Will you, will you let your security guards know you’re okay, and you don’t need em? Bryant: Yeah. What did she (inaudible). Detective Loya: Okay, well let’s talk about that in your room Kobe. Detective Winters: Yeah. Bryant: (Inaudible). What she (inaudible) Detective Winters: Well for one, you just had your knee operated on today and I don’t want to keep you standing out here. Bryant: (Inaudible). Detective Loya: Let’s go to your room and then we’ll talk in detail, how’s that? Bryant: Just tell me yes or no did she (inaudible)? Detective Loya: No, she didn’t say. What time are you flying out tomorrow? Bryant: I’m not (inaudible) if I knew (inaudible) knee (inaudible) have an appointment. Oh no. (Whispering.) Detective Loya: I’m sorry. Not necessarily. (A lot of background noise and whispering.) Detective Loya: The security guards are here. Keep the guards here, the guns. Bryant: (Inaudible) real quick. (One of Kobe’s security, more likely Mike Ortiz): Are you okay or ... ? Bryant: No. Detective Loya: Do me a favor and hang out with these guys here okay. Detective Winters: We’ll try to get this all sorted out okay. Bryant: How quickly can you do that? Detective Winters: We’re working on that as quickly as we can. Bryant: Whatever I need to do without making this thing public, I will do man. I don’t care what it is man. I will do it. Detective Loya: Well, if it becomes pubic it’s gonna be issues for you. There’s only so much we can do to prevent that. Detective Winters: What kind of surgery did you have? Bryant: Orthoscopic. Detective Winters: ACL or NCL? Bryant: Cartilage. Detective Loya: Do they send everybody out her for ... for it? Bryant: No it’s just um, we did a lot of research and found out that these guys are the best. Detective Winters: Have you been keeping it because I haven’t heard anything really about it. Bryant: Yeah, we’re trying to keep it quiet, (inaudible) my shoulder operated on. Detective Winters: You gonna be ready for the season? Bryant: I don’t know man, I don’t even know if I’ll be able to play this season with this ... going on. If it becomes public I’ll lose my wife. ... Detective Loya: How long have you been married? Bryant: ... and all my endorsements. Detective Loya: How long have you been married? Bryant: Two years. My wife and daughter, them mean everything man, everything man, up an until now (inaudible). Detective Loya: Well, did you think about that before what you were doing though? It’s a chance you take when you play. Bryant: It was consensual, there was nothing weird you know what I mean. Detective Winters: Did she say anything to do to provoke any of this to happen? (Elevator door ringing.) Bryant: She said she wanted to, you know, she hoped that I would ... her. Detective Winters: When did she say that? Bryant: I’m trying to think how it came about, how ... Detective Winters: Is that your stuff? Bryant: Yeah that’s mine. I can’t believe this girl. What does she want from me? Detective Loya: Do you want me to carry those for you Kobe? Bryant: Yeah. What does she want, what does she want? Detective Winters: I don’t think she wants anything. Bryant: Are you kidding me? Detective Loya: What are you willing to give her? Bryant: She has to want, she has to want something (inaudible) she has to want something. Detective Winters: What do you mean she has to want something? I don’t understand. Bryant: She has to have a, she has to have a motive, to do, she has to have a motive to do this. Detective Winters: What would be, what do you think her motive is then? Detective Loya: Are you willing to pay that if she is? Bryant; I got to. I got to. I’m in the worst ... situation. Detective Loya: They don’t have any lights in this place? (Chuckle) Why don’t you have a seat Kob. Bryant: These are my boxers, these are them. Detective Loya: That you wore yesterday? Detective Winters: What about these clothes? Are those the clothes you wore yesterday? Bryant: (Inaudible) Detective Winters: What about your shirt? Bryant: I wore this shirt. Detective Loya: You wore that shirt? Bryant: Yeah, I’ve been wearing this shirt for like a week cause I went to New York and then um, I had an examination for my knee and (inaudible) have me come out here, so I don’t have any clothes, so I’ve been wearing this shirt for like, I’ve been wearing this shirt off and on all the time (inaudible). Detective Winters: I understand. Okay. Detective Loya: Why don’t you have a seat right here. Have a seat here and put your leg up. Detective Winters: You need a drink of water or use the bathroom or anything like that? Bryant: No. Detective Winters: Okay. Um, I think we pretty much go the gist of, of what happened, um, what I want you to tell us about what happened during, during all of this that went on last night. Bryant: That’s the chair she bent over. (Inaudible). Detective Winters: OK, how was she bent over? Bryant: She had leaned right here and she was um, (inaudible). Detective Loya: And you were ... ? Detective Winters: Behind. Bryant: I was like this. I was like this, behind the chair like this. Detective Winters: Was she clothed or naked? Bryant: She had her pants on and um, she actually had a skirt on and um, (inaudible) that’s how (inaudible). (Very low voices talking.) Detective Winters: Did you actually lift her skirt up? Bryant: I didn’t think ... Detective Winters: I understand this puts you in a weird position. Obviously. This is a serious allegation and, and what I’d like to do is I’d like you to hear me out. Um, okay, um, and I understand this is a serious allegation and obviously if this turns out to be a false allegation she’s obviously gonna be dealt with accordingly okay. Um, but, we do have an allegation right now okay and I feel um, and I understand that you claim that this was consensual okay, um, do you think there’s any possibility that at some point during this entire incident that she said no and it just happened to go on a little bit further and it just and then you quit. Bryant: No. I stopped (inaudible), I stopped. Detective Winters: When did she, when did you stop, what, what made you stop? Bryant: Well I asked her about the ... thing and she was like no, I don’t know. Detective Loya: How many times did you ask her? Bryant: Once. Detective Winters: Okay, all right, okay. You said, when, did it stop at that point? Bryant: Um, did I stop? (Inaudible) She went like this (inaudible), I asked her if I could ... and she was like no um, I thought she was cool, you know, I stopped. I stopped pumping and uh, I just, I just stood there like this (inaudible) and um, then she just moved like this. Detective Loya: And what happened from there, where did she go? Bryant: Nothing. She was like um, can I have a couple autographs. You know what um, (inaudible) I’ll give them, I’ll give them to you tomorrow. The pen’s still there, the pen and the paper she handed to me are still here. Detective Winters: Why’d you say you’d give them to her tomorrow? Bryant: Because I was supposed to see her tomorrow anyway. I could give them to her tomorrow. Detective Winters: How do you know you were going to see her tomorrow? Bryant: Because she told me, that was part of the whole conversation. We talked and said okay, like how long you’ve been working here blah, blah, blah, I work tomorrow, oh really, (inaudible). Cause I was saying how she works long hours, these are some ... long hours to be doing this ... she’s like (inaudible). Detective Winters: Okay. Go ahead. Detective Loya: Why don’t you sit back down. Bryant: She said, how she was actually supposed to get off early but she wanted to stay around and whatever and um, you know (inaudible). Detective Winters: Okay, um, why wouldn’t you give her an autograph that night compared to waiting for tomorrow? I don’t understand that. Bryant: I don’t know. I just, I just, I do it like that, that’s what I do. Like sometimes I feel like signing ... right there on the spot, sometimes I don’t. I mean you know (inaudible) she hands me the envelope um, ... it’s not like you have a lot of basketball stars here you know. Detective Loya: Where’s the envelope. Bryant: Here’s the marker. Detective Loya: Okay. She gave you this marker? Detective Winters: Um, what, why do you think she would make an allegation like that? Bryant: I have no idea, that’s exactly what I’m saying, that’s exactly what I’m saying, she must want money or something. It has to be that, because you guys (inaudible) because I’m telling you man, I swear on my life, I did not, I did not sexually assault her in no kind of way whatsoever man. I though she was (inaudible). Detective Winters: Would you be willing ...? Bryant: (Inaudible). Detective Winters: Would you be willing to take a polygraph examination? Bryant: Oh, yeah, I’d do it. I’ve never done one before (inaudible). Detective Winters: You know what they are? Bryant: Yeah. (Inaudible). That’s like a case isn’t it? Detective Winters: What’s that? Bryant: I gotta go to court to do that? Detective Winters: No. Detective Loya: No. What a polygraph is, it’s a lie detector test. What we’ll do ... Bryant: I have to go to court or something? Detective Winters: No. Detective Loya: No. Bryant: So how do they do it? Detective Loya: No. What we’ll do is we’ll make arrangements to set it up with you. Obviously you don’t live out here, so you’d have to fly back out here to take the examination and we’d ask you a series of questions only pertaining to this and if it shows you were being truthful to the questions asked ... Bryant: (Inaudible). Detective Winters: And obviously it’s inadmissible in court, you can’t use it in court. But she’s willing to take one. Okay. She’s willing to take one and I’m just asking if you’d be willing to take one. Bryant: Yes I am. Detective Winters: Okay. Detective Loya: (Inaudible). Detective Winters: What do you think the results of the, of those tests are gonna be? Bryant: I would have to say I don’t know. I’ve never taken one. I’m nervous right now my hands are shaking. (Inaudible). Detective Loya: What do you think should happen to somebody that ... Detective Winters: For one, I can, uh, no. I advise you not to talk to him, okay. Detective Winters: I, you know, we appreciate your cooperation with us and allowing us in your room and you know, being, being cooperative with us to let us talk to you about this issue. Um, these are tough issues, I’m gonna tell you right now okay. These are very tough issues. They are serious allegations and she’s fully aware of the consequences behind these allegations that are being made, okay. Um, but, I guess we’re, you know this is what I’m having problems with Mr. Bryant um, for one, I don’t know if you’re telling me the truth or not, okay. I’m gonna be flat out honest with you and let me finish okay. I’m gonna tell you why all right. I’m the kind of person that I’m gonna tell you, I’m gonna tell it like it is, okay. I’m not gonna beat around the bush. One, you lied to us right off the bat. Okay. Bryant: Well ... (inaudible). Detective Winters: And I understand, and just let me finish okay. So one you lied to us, okay, that doesn’t help. Two, um, then, then we confront this issue and you seemed a little bit skeptical in the details of exactly what happened throughout the entire incident okay. I’m not saying you’re a person that would do something like this okay. I agree with you, I agree that you got caught up in the moment. Okay. No doubt about it, you know, no doubt about it whatsoever. What I think you got caught up in also Mr. Bryant, is that, and I agree, I, I completely agree you, it was consensual up to the point of the hugging and kissing issue I agree, completely consensual. I have no issues with that whatsoever. What I, what I’m being, what I’m skeptical on is that I don’t know how consensual the sexual intercourse was. Okay. I don’t, I don’t, I guess to be honest with you I’m not sure, I’m not sure, if we’re getting all the facts presented to us as far as exactly what happened. See this is the way I look at it, I you know, I look at it this way, she’s an attractive young lady okay. Bryant: She wasn’t that attractive. Detective Winters: You know, well, she’s okay, okay. Um, she’s young, you know, she’s excited to see you, no, no questions asked about that whatsoever. And you’re right, you both got caught up in the moment, um, then things started happening with her, she started thinking one way, uh, she started thinking no, I don’t want to do this, but then again you know, being the person you are, you are a respectable person. I have the utmost respect for you. But being caught up in the moment (stutter in tape) even though she told you no, you know, I’m not comfortable doing this, you know, I think you tried, you know, just wanted to finish okay. Bryant: I didn’t finish a ... thing. Detective Winters: And I know it stopped at a certain point okay, um ... Detective Loya: By, by no means do we think that you’re ... Bryant: Matter of fact. Detective Winters: Go ahead. Bryant: I (inaudible) ... when she left. (Inaudible). Detective Loya: Mr. Bryant by no means do we think you’re a sexual predator or ... Bryant: I did not do this. I (Inaudible) at all. Detective Loya: Anything like that. But, but we do have evidence already where there’s some vaginal tearing where it’s consistent more that it was ... Bryant: (Inaudible). You’ve got to be kidding. Detective Loya: Well let me finish, but it’s consistent with more than just what I believe, more than five minutes of sexual intercourse. Okay. Bryant: Well, that’s all there was. Detective Loya: Even though, even though you said it was pretty, you’re pretty big you said it was easy to penetrate her. Bryant: Yes, went like that and there was no resistance. None. She bent over and ... Detective Winters: And she’s gonna, and I agree, she’s gonna, there was no resistance ... Bryant: She didn’t (inaudible) ... anything. Detective Winters: For the fear she was in. Bryant: Fear, fear, how much fear could she could she be in if she said no? Detective Winters: Comments, comments made such as you know, that you know um, that, did you ask her that, not to tell anybody about this? Bryant: Not to tell anybody about what? Detective Winters: That this happened? Bryant: No. Detective Loya: Did you ever tell, did you ever ...? Bryant: I asked her, said look if we go swimming, if we go swimming I don’t, I don’t need you to tell no people that we’re going swimming even though I’m gonna ask Mike Ortiz and those guys or whatever in there. (Inaudible.) Detective Loya: You never told her not to tell anybody about having sex with her? Bryant: No cause that’s kinda ... that’s. I told her about the pool thing, I figured you know if she understands what I’m saying and then she’s like well you know I’m not going to say anything. Detective loya: I have a question though. What did you thing was gonna happen after she left your, and after you had sex with her? What did you think she was gonna tell? Bryant: What do you mean? Detective Loya: Well she’s nineteen years old. Detective Winters: You don’t know her. Bryant: maybe, maybe that you know ... (inaudible). (Detective Loya talking over). Detective Loya: She had, she just had sexual intercourse with an NBA player. What did you think she was gonna do? What did you think...? Bryant: I never had sex with her before. I don’t know man, I don’t know. I have no guarantees. Detective Loya: Is this, I don’t mean to offend you in any way but is this a habit of yours, that you cheat on your wife? Detective Winters: Has this ever happened before? Bryant: Um, yes, with one other person. And she could actually testify I do that um, I do the same thing, I hold her from the back, I put my hands (inaudible). Detective Loya: And who’s that other person? Bryant: (inaudible) Her name is Michelle. (Inaudible). Detective Loya: And this is somebody you frequent or one time incident or ...? Bryant: No. She’s a, she’s a frequent (inaudible). Detective Loya: And your wife... Bryant: (Inaudible). Detective Loya: Obviously your wife doesn’t know about this? Bryant: No. Nothing man, seriously. (Inaudible). Detective Loya: Well I don’t, well I don’t know about Detective Winters but I can probably speak for him we don’t plan on telling her. But ... Detective Winters: We’re not going to tell your wife. Detective Loya: But, you know, just like he was saying, I think, I think, you know how long have you been away from home? Bryant: Um, (Inaudible)? Detective Loya: Yeah. Bryant: (Inaudible) I left Monday. Detective Loya: Today, well it’s Wednesday now. Detective Winters: Tuesday. Bryant: (Inaudible) ... I left Saturday (Inaudible). Detective Loya: Who’s making the arrangements the NBA or you? Bryant: Uh, (inaudible) ... came out here ... (inaudible). Detective Winters: Did you fly out private or? Bryant: Private. Detective Winters: Into Denver? Bryant: Into Vail. Detective Winters: Oh you flew into Vail last night ... Detective Loya: Into Eagle. Bryant: (Inaudible) into Eagle. Detective Loya: Just down the road here? Detective Winters: You arrived last, or last, the night before? Bryant: Mm hmm. Detective Winters: Monday night? Bryant: Mm hmm. Detective Loya: Is there anything else you think we should know that might help the investigation, that could probably help you out a little but ... or think it’s important that we need to know? Bryant: Nothing I can think of. (Inaudible). Detective Loya: So just to reiterate and correct me if I’m wrong, you met her when you got here, you asked her to show you around the property? Bryant: Uh, no, not immediately. Detective Loya: Not immediately, but later in the evening. Bryant: Right. Detective Loya: You asked her to show you around the property, after showing you around the property you guys ended up here? Bryant: (Inaudible). Ended up here. Detective Loya: She took you out to the balcony. Bryant: (Inaudible) took me out here (inaudible) the bears uh (inaudible) talk it up a little bit, (inaudible) I sat down right there and she was sitting next tome and I sat right there and started to shoot the ... about stuff. Detective Loya: And then what happened? Bryant: Um, she (inaudible). Detective Loya: Did you make the first move, did she make the first move? Bryant: Uh, (inaudible). Detective Loya: When did she make the comment that she wanted to sleep with you? Bryant: When we were having sex. Detective Loya: What exactly did she say? Bryant: She was like when I saw you arrive I (inaudible), I was like okay, (inaudible) ... I just felt like it and that’s exactly what I said, and you guys can take that however the ... you want, cause that’s what she ... said ... okay, that’s exactly... Detective Loya: Okay, you guys started kissing, making out, talked to her about the tattoo things? Bryant: No that was before. Detective Loya: That was before...? Bryant: She was sitting right here told me about the tattoo. Detective Loya: Okay. So you guys started making out? Bryant: Then she stood up right there and told me about the tattoo on her shoulder. Detective Loya: Did you pull her panties down or did she pull them down? Bryant: Laughter ... I pulled them down. Cause she lifted, she lifted up her skirt so I could, so I could grab her butt. (Inaudible)... I was you know just doing regular things, all of a sudden man she lifted up her skirt. (Inaudible) ...and then from behind and then you know she grabbed (inaudible). Detective Loya: With her vagina? Bryant: Yes. Detective Loya: Okay. Bryant: And she (inaudible) from behind my butt. Detective Winters: Your penis? Bryant: Yes. (Inaudible). In my opinion ..., in my opinion (inaudible) my pants (inaudible). Detective Loya: So she went into your pants? Detective Winters: How did she do that if you’re from behind? Bryant: No, that’s when she started having sex with me, we stood up right here and started having the you know, the foreplay happened right here. Right here, we stood up right here (inaudible) the hug goodbye thing or whatever. Detective Loya: Do you have an I.D. on you Kobe? Bryant: Huh? Detective Loya: Do you have and I.D.? Bryant: No. Detective Loya: No? Okay. Bryant: K-O-B-E B-E-A-N B-R-Y-A-N-T Detective Winters: (Inaudible). Detective Loya: I’m sorry what’s your middle name? Bryant: B-E-A-N. Detective Loya: Bryant. What’s your date of birth? Bryant: August 23, 1978. Detective Loya: And what’s your physical address? Bryant: (Inaudible). Detective Winters: Well we need it for... we’re not gonna give it out to anybody. Bryant: (Bryant provides his home address, which will not be listed here) Detective Loya: What’s your phone number. Bryant: (Bryant provides his phone numbers, which will not be listed here). Detective Loya: Do you uh, what’s your uh, do you have a California drivers license? Detective Winters: We need it for her files. Bryant: (Inaudible). Detective Winters: (Winters asks for Bryant’s Social Security number, which Bryant provides). Detective Winters: Um, so what you’re saying is, that this, this is all a mistake this is all consensual. Bryant: (Inaudible). Detective Loya: And you don’t have any reason, and you don’t have any idea why she would make some kind... cause this is a real serious allegation and we... Bryant: I know it is but what do you want me to do, I can’t, there’s nothing I can do. Detective Loya: You have a 5-month-old daughter? Bryant: Yeah. Detective Loya: Imagine your daughter being nineteen and she comes home and tells you this, how would you react? Bryant: I know, I’d be very pissed. I mean I would listen to her side of the story but I would (inaudible) too (inaudible) if she’d do anything like that. Detective Winters: Well is it possible that no words were exchanged, nobody said hey Kobe I want to have sex with you or hey baby I want to have sex with you? Did that ever occur? Bryant: Did what? Detective Winters: Did you ever ask her to have sex or did she ever ask you to have sex? Bryant: No. Detective Winters: How do you know that it was mutual to have sex? Bryant: We just started kissing I asked her I said you know, (inaudible) she bent over, and she walked over on her own free will. She was standing right here, right here we’re kissing and she, she put her foot up here all by herself if that wasn’t consensual (inaudible) ... Detective Winters: Did she cry, did she cry at any time during this? Bryant: Did she cry, no. Detective Loya: After the act was completed? Bryant: She didn’t cry at all. Detective Loya: After the act was completed where did you go, when you pulled out, you said she slipped off? Bryant: I didn’t say she slipped off, she just you know removed herself from... Detective Winters: You said earlier she slipped off, I don’t understand, I asked you (inaudible). Bryant: I said she slid off. Detective Loya: Slid off. Bryant: Slid off like when uh Detective Loya: Ok. Bryant: (Inaudible) That was when I stood there like this (inaudible) and uh you know (inaudible) put it back in my pants (inaudible) so you know, (inaudible) that was it, no more no nothing. Detective Loya: What did she do, did she? Bryant: She kissed goodbye. Boom. Detective Loya: Did she put her clothes on? Bryant: yeah, like the same thing I did. I put my thing back my pants when I through and she ... Detective Loya: So then after that you immediately kissed and she left? Bryant: No, she didn’t leave, we kissed goodbye, we kissed goodbye. Detective Winters. Well how long was it after is stopped before she left? Bryant: Uh, I don’t know, I can’t I don’t know the time, but like three minutes, I don’t know, we kissed right here, like goodbye (inaudible) then I walked her to the door. We to the door and she left. No crying no nothing. (Inaudible). Detective Winters: I don’t understand, but I guess what I don’t understand is why (inaudible) what she was doing (inaudible). Her family’s fairly well off why would she (inaudible). Bryant: (Inaudible). I don’t know. (Inaudible). All I know is that (inaudible). Detective Loya: But they also have to go through the same process you’re going through too. Bryant: Yeah but you’re asking me stuff like a statement or (inaudible). Detective Winters: Well, and I’m gonna be straight up honest with you Kobe, I don’t know if the information is gonna get out okay, if the press calls me at this point in the investigation, um, I’m gonna explain to that that this is an ongoing investigation, that we’re looking into the matter and that’s all I can explain. Detective Loya: And you’re saying she gave you this marker Kobe? Bryant: Yes. Detective Loya: With these cards? Bryant: That was after. After we had sex is when she gave it to me. After. Detective Winters: Where did she give it to you from? Bryant: Standing after the kissing we started walking around she said how bout that autograph because I joked with her upstairs, I said um, all of us were walking, me, my trainer, my two security guards, we’re walking and I said I might be able to have one of em because people don’t bother me if you have no boyfriend so then she’s like well, you know, can I get your autograph. Detective Winters: Where did she pull that out from? Bryant: Um, I guess she had it in her, her jacket pocket (inaudible) a coat pocket. Detective Loya: Did her jacket ever come off during intercourse? Bryant: She took off her jacket off when she sat down. (Inaudible). Detective Winters: Well like I say, I can’t promise you that it’s not gonna get out. I don’t know Mr. Bryant, I just don’t know. I wish I could honestly, honestly answer you that this, this isn’t gonna get out, but I don’t know. Uh, you know as well as I do the situation might be yeah, a lot of times they do come in but for all I know maybe other people, other celebrities have been investigated. We all don’t know but that’s possible. Detective Loya: And she’s been made aware, very well aware by Detective Winters of the seriousness of the allegations and repercussions if she is making a false statement and all that. She was brought in. Bryant: She had all this time to sit there and thing that this happened coincidentally or whatever and um (unclear) the strangling thing you have to go talk to this girl (inaudible) Michelle. Detective Loya: She has a bruise on her neck. Bryant: Yeah I mean that’s you know me and Michelle, that’s what we, we do the same thing. Detective Winters: That’s your thing. How many times did you have sex with Michelle? Bryant: A lot. She’ll tell you the same ... Detective Loya: Do you have her number? Bryant: Um not right here. Detective Winters: Do you usually have sex with...? Bryant: (Inaudible) won’t be back in New York... Detective Loya: Who’s Mike, a security guard? Bryant: She’s not gonna be back in New York until after (inaudible). Detective Loya: Is he your private security guard or is it through a company? Bryant: Through a company called O&R. Detective Winters: Okay, um, is that, is that do you normally, when you see Michelle in a bar do you hook up with her? Bryant: Well no, I mean she’s not (inaudible) she’s cool but that’s pretty much what we do. Detective Winters: And obviously I think your wife doesn’t need to know. Bryant: Oh, no. Detective Winters: Well you’re an adult, you’re a man, you know the noble thing you need to do. I can’t tell you whether you need to call your wife or not but that’s a decision you’re gonna have to make. Um, Murphy’s Law states that whatever can go wrong will ... so whether you tell your wife that’s up to you but I have no intentions of telling your wife. Now there may come a time where I, being the detective on the case, where I may need to talk to, say hey Mr. Bryant you know, hey I need to ask you about this there’s something that came up. I can’t say that I won’t, I mean who’s to say that your wife won’t answer the phone. Detective Loya: Unless you have a number that we can call you at where’s she’s not gonna answer the phone, but we don’t want you to avoid us. Bryant: No sir. Detective Loya: You gonna avoid us though or you gonna? Bryant: No, no, no, no, no. Detective Winters: No I’ll do what I can, you know, Mr. Bryant I can’t promise you anything I just want you to know... Detective Loya: Cause if you avoid us Kobe, that’s really gonna hit the public. Bryant: Why the ... would I avoid you for? Call me. I don’t care. Call me. Detective Winters: Well Kobe, I don’t think you’re gonna avoid us, you’ve been real cooperative with us you know, you’ve been real cool about everything, but uh, I guess at this time do you have any questions for us? Bryant: Yeah, what is going to happen next? Detective Winters: Okay. And I’m gonna explain everything about what happens here shortly. Detective Loya: Cause we’re gonna need some things from you too. Bryant: (Inaudible) Tell me what happens. Detective Winters: Okay. Real quickly though, what I’m gonna do it, I’m gonna call down and call ... and I’m gonna have her bring me some bags so we can collect evidence (inaudible) that what’s gonna happen is um, would you be willing to consent to a sexual examination kit? Bryant: (Inaudible). Detective Winters: (Inaudible) ... Basically it’s called a male sexual examination kit, okay (inaudible). Bryant: (Inaudible) Detective Loya: We should just work straight through, it’s gonna be 5, 6:00 but (inaudible) in Eagle and maybe (inaudible). (Background voice) Do you need me or? Detective Loya: Okay. Its okay now. Hey Ko, Kobe, Kobe? Bryant: I don’t believe this man, what? Detective Loya: Let’s not blow this out more than what it already is, let’s just take it one day at a time and go from there. You’re not being arrested or anything like that. Bryant: (Inaudible). Detective Winters: No, what we want to do is take to the hospital and we’ll have an examination performed and then you guys can take him back up here. You can follow us down there. It’s gonna be about two to three hours. Detective Loya: Or the other thing is we can, if you want to give us a minute we can call you where there’s about an hour left. We’ll meet you there. Detective Winters: Okay, I’m gonna be up front with you right now. I have a court order so it doesn’t matter whether you consent or not. Bryant: No and I don’t care about that. I’m talking to the trainer. Detective Winters: Yeah. Bryant: I don’t care about that (inaudible).... Detective Winters: Yeah that’s fine. Carbone: I believe ... Detective Loya: Are you a trainer? Carbone: Yeah, I’m his trainer. Detective Loya: Come on Andy. Carbone: Would you mind if he just spoke to somebody before you guys take him down there? Bryant: (Inaudible). Yeah. I’d just like to (inaudible). Detective Winters: Now, well here’s, we need to go. I mean time, I don’t want ... Detective Loya: It’s 2:00 in the morning. Detective Winters: I don’t to drag this out any longer than we need to. (Unclear who is speaking) Can we drain this before you go? Detective Winters: Absolutely go for it. Bryant: (Inaudible) I was hoping if I can drain this I’ll be (inaudible). Detective Winters: Drain it. Detective Loya: How do you guys, how do you guys want to do this, do you want to follow us down, or do you want us to call you when there’s about an hour left in the exam? Probably Mike Ortiz speaking: We need to follow you down but we don’t have a vehicle you know. Detective Loya: You guys don’t have a vehicle? Probably Mike Ortiz speaking: We don’t. Detective Winters: How’ve you been getting around? Probably Mike Ortiz speaking: (Inaudible) you know somebody taking ... Detective Loya: A shuttle kind of. Probably Mike Ortiz: Yeah. A limo service. Detective Winters: Can you call the limo service? Detective Loya: Cause you can’t ride with us. We don’t have a vehicle to provide for you. Probably Mike Ortiz speaking: Okay. Detective Winters: I mean, I would rather, I would rather one of you guys come follow us. Detective Loya: you won’t ride with us. Detective Winters: No, we need (inaudible). Detective Loya: But when we’re done we want to turn him over to you. Probably Mike Ortiz speaking: Okay. Real quick and where do we go? Detective Winters: We’re going to Glenwood Springs. You get on the interstate and you’re gonna head west toward Eagle, like toward the airport. Detective Loya: Why don’t you write it so he can read your handwriting. It’s Glenwood Springs and it’s gonna be, you’re gonna go I-70, you know where I-70 is at, right? Probably Mike Ortiz speaking: I-70. Detective Loya: I-70 westbound. Probably Mike Ortiz speaking: Okay. Detective Loya: To exit 116. Probably Mike Ortiz speaking: Okay. Detective Loya: Are you guys gonna follow us or not? Probably Mike Ortiz speaking: Well we don’t have a car, we have to get a hold of one. Detective Loya: No. Okay. At the exit you’re gonna take a right. Probably Mike Ortiz speaking: 116 exit? Detective Loya: Yeah, 116 exit and you’re gonna take a right. Probably Mike Ortiz speaking: Okay. Detective Loya: Yeah, right. You’ll come to a stop light intersection at that stop light intersection and you’re gonna take another right. Probably Mike Ortiz speaking: Okay, stoplight, intersection, right. Detective Loya: Okay. You’re gonna stay on that road you’re gonna go over the bridge it’s Grand Avenue. You’re gonna go over that bridge... Unknown voice talking: How are you gonna (inaudible). Detective Loya: to the Taco Bell. You can’t miss it. Detective Winters: It helps if you put pressure on it whatever you (inaudible) I don’t care. (Inaudible) I don’t care. Detective Loya: Once you go over the bridge you keep going and there’ll be a Taco Bell on your left hand side about a mile, two miles down Grand Avenue. Yeah, you’re not from around here. Probably Mike Ortiz speaking: No, no I’m not. Detective Loya: It’s probably not as complicated as L.A. Probably Mike Ortiz speaking: What’s that? Detective Loya: It’s probably not as complicated at L.A. Probably Mike Ortiz speaking: I don’t know. Detective Loya: You guys from L.A. or? Probably Mike Ortiz speaking: No. But what is it called? Detective Loya: Valley View Hospital and the phone number there is ... Probably Mike Ortiz speaking: Okay. Detective Loya: I’ll give you my cell number too, just in case you guys get lost. Um, 970. The area code is 970 for all these. Probably Mike Ortiz speaking: Okay. Detective Loya: (Loya provides his cell phone number) Sorry for the inconvenience for you guys, but ... Probably Mike Ortiz speaking: You don’t even know. Detective Loya: You’re right. Detective Winters: (Inaudible) um with everything that you’re thinking uh, believe me you’re gonna want your crutches, you’re probably gonna want your pain meds if you need it, you might just as well take it anyway. (inaudible). Bryant: (Inaudible). Detective Winters: Yeah grab me and take em. Detective Loya: Hang tight and let’s get your meds. (Someone opening a paper bag). (Inaudible) ... I guess (inaudible) one of us can run him back up. Do you guys, hey are you guys gonna have, hang tight real quick, are you guys gonna have access to a vehicle or ...? Probably Mike Ortiz speaking: We’re gonna try to get one (inaudible). Detective Loya: See if the hotel will lend you one or something. Bryant: I would really feel more comfortable if just one of them could ride even in the back seat or something. Detective Loya: That’s not possible man, nobody else rides in our cars. It’s just our insurance policy. I’ll lose my job if anything else goes that way. Bryant: So can uh, Troy (Laster, one if his security guards) you wait here. Detective Loya: Which way’s which. I don’t know how we get out of here? Detective Winters: Take the elevator or the stairs.
  3. I think Kevin Thomas is pulling down around $700,000
  4. I thought that it was Chris Bahr that was brought in as a kicking consultant.
  5. Whether you are for or against celebratory dancing, there is no excusing TKO's Nazi highstepping. It was in poor taste and disrespected millions of people who stood tall against Hitler's reign of terror. The fact that an African-American player would choose to emulate an Aryian Nation move is perplexing to say the least. BTW, you will agree, won't you, that it was a premeditated stunt by TKO? Nobody busts that move spontaneously. In the words of the old "Fat Albert" gang, "That was No Class!"
  6. God Bless, my friend. Hope is the world's most precious commodity.
  7. Congrats, Thailog. I remember how excited I was when I landed my first newspaper gig. Welcome to the profession.
  8. That's a great idea. How about it moderators?
  9. The Clarence Information Center is operated by the Niagara Tourism and Convention Corporation. That's why there's no Buffalo stuff.
  10. Seems as if the PR department has nothing better to do than worry about the color of TD's hair. Very funny stuff. http://www.niagarafallsreporter.com/billstuff20043.html IRATE READER OF THE WEEK: A day after last week's BillStuff hit the Internet, Niagara Falls Reporter Editor in Chief Mike Hudson received a call from One Bills Drive. Seems the reference to Bills president and general manager Tom Donahoe as "Ol' Whitey" didn't sit well with some at team headquarters. Now, on the off chance you've never seen him, Mr. Donahoe's hair is white. Remarkably white, in fact. There's a rich sporting tradition of athletes, coaches and front-office types bearing nicknames based on their hair color: Whitey Herzog, Red Grange, Whitey Ford and Red Auerbach, to name four. Somehow, including his boss in this pantheon irritated Bills Vice President of Communications Scott "Li'l Red" Berchtold, who phoned Hudson to voice his displeasure, saying there was no reason to get "personal." Mike offered to let Berchtold submit a letter to the editor in which he could call me whatever names he wanted, but he declined. Clearly misunderstanding the corporate culture here at the Reporter, he insisted that Mike should "talk to" me. Which he did, spending most of the conversation laughing about someone with such a lofty title taking the time to pick up the phone over such a petty matter. Berchtold could have contacted me directly, since my e-mail address can be found at the end of each BS column. While that would have still been fairly thin-skinned, it wouldn't have been conduct nearly as weaselly as the Bills' Media Relations Handbook prescribes. Though he failed at one of his primary objectives -- getting the people he's supposed to help cover the team in "trouble" at their jobs -- Li'l Red did accomplish a few things with his phone call: He guaranteed that his boss will be referred to as Ol' Whitey in every BillStuff column until either or both are no longer employed by the team. He got his own name in print for something other than issuing a "no comment" from the organization. On the exceedingly slim chance that No. 2 ever happens again, he got himself a nickname. And one far more jovial -- and printable -- than the ones given him by the members of the media forced to deal with his nonsense on a regular basis.
  11. Here's the link: http://www.buffalonews.com/editorial/20040905/1049707.asp Don't know how long it will be good for as the Buffalo News usually archives pieces after a couple days and then wants you to pay for them. That's why I pasted it in the first place.
  12. Oh my God! And all of our running backs and wide receivers are black. Can you say conspiracy? Join the 21st century.
  13. Great piece as always from Nick. As many of you have been oogling pics of his wife you should at least give his work a read. The line about Ricky Williams and Lenny Kravitz's favorite possession is priceless. Buffalo vs. Miami -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A signature Nick Bakay Tale of the Tape 9/5/2004 The moment is frozen in my heart like it was yesterday. A young, ginger-haired dreamer name o' Bakay attended every 1970 Bills home game at the Old Rockpile. I saw men get drunk, I saw men get in fights, I saw the Jills back in the day when team rules decreed they had to be married - and at least 30 pounds overweight. What I didn't get to see was good football from the local team. That's the year I learned there isn't much to savor in a three-win season, so you have to reframe your definition of glory. This was long before O.J. was infamous. Hell, it was long before O.J. gained 2,003 yards in a 14-game season. He was just a former No. 1 pick still buried in a decoy role. Then it happened - a pitch to O.J.,s running left, and for once, miles of daylight before him, save for one lone defender in the contain role. But lo and behold, bearing down on that defender, a much-maligned blocker for the Bills that season with the unlikely name of Richard Cheek. Maybe it was his name, or his journeyman skill level, but Cheek wasn't what you'd call a fan favorite. But as he pulled left as the lead blocker, the whole stadium stood, the moment slowed down like the seconds leading up to a car Rosen, and I could feel our group consciousness meld into one pure thought: "C'mon, Cheek, just get a helmet on him. Spring the Juice, give us one moment to take home with us, and all is forgiven ... " Frame by frame, I can still see Cheek trip ... stumble ... and eat turf. I can still hear the collective gasp as a 60-yard touchdown romp disintegrated into a 2-yard loss. Sure, it still stings, but it was a defining moment for me - in that slow-mo nanosecond, I realized what being a Bills fan is all about: Hope. And here I am again, 34 years later, basking in that hopeful time of year, when all things good seem possible for the Bills as they embark on another campaign. Four seasons out of the playoffs? Never fear. Mularkey's here. Bledsoe spent more time on his back last season than Paris Hilton? Relax, the alarm clock is here (and hopefully a sub-400-pound Mike Williams). I'll grab hold of anything and everything I can, safe in the experience-leathered knowledge that winning seasons are an emotional cakewalk, and tough seasons are easily saved by three simple words: Just beat Miami. That's right - it's never too early to think Super Bowl, and it's never too early to hate the Dolphins. I have a good friend who taught his 5-year-old son the golden rule: Who's your favorite team? The Bills. Who's your second-favorite team? Whoever's playing Miami this week. It's the way it is, and the fact that the 'Fins roster gets thinner by the minute doesn't exactly bring a tear to my eye. Am I kicking them when they're down? Gee, I don't remember Shula every showing us much mercy. I've always felt this was football's perfect rivalry - North against South, Cold vs. Sun, Blue Collar City vs. Versace Death Site. They beat us for the entire decade of the '70s, we returned the favor a decade later. Like Michigan/Ohio State - even if the season's a bust - you gotta win this one. We don't get 'em at home in the winter this year, but we don't need to. Let the pummeling begin: Buffalo vs. Miami - the teams, the towns. ... It's got to help to see how they stack up at the Tale of the Tape. Logos: BUFFALO: A majestic, snorting beast. MIAMI: Flipper's unmarried uncle. ADVANTAGE: Buffalo. Nicknames: BUFFALO: The Nickel City. MIAMI: Death's Waiting Room. ADVANTAGE: Buffalo. What People Try to Smuggle Across the Border: BUFFALO: A Fort Erie stripper. MIAMI: Elian Gonzalez. ADVANTAGE: Buffalo. Viable Running Backs: BUFFALO: Two. MIAMI: None. ADVANTAGE: Buffalo. Controversy be damned, McGahee and Henry are what I call a classy problem. Super Bowl Wins: BUFFALO: None. MIAMI: Two. ADVANTAGE: Buffalo. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Where's the dignity in watching your team win one if you're watching it in shorts!? Things They Never Want to See: BUFFALO: Thurman in a Dolphins uniform. MIAMI: Horizontal snow at the Ralph in December. ADVANTAGE: Push. Never Again: BUFFALO: Four consecutive Super Bowl appearances. MIAMI: A perfect, undefeated season in 1972. ADVANTAGE: Crap, I have to give 'em that one. Let's move on ... Team Colors: BUFFALO: Red, white and blue. MIAMI: Aqua green and orange. I feel soft just writing that! Hey, Hojo's called, they want their shirts back. ADVANTAGE: Buffalo. Forces of Nature: BUFFALO: The sky between October and May. MIAMI: Hurricane Charley. ADVANTAGE: Buffalo. Head Coach's Last Names: BUFFALO: Mularkey, which I believe is Irish for trick play. MIAMI: Wannstedt, which I believe is Floridian for "Maybe I can be somebody's defensive coordinator next year." ADVANTAGE: Buffalo. Owner's Bought Franchises by ... : BUFFALO: Putting his chips on the AFL. MIAMI: Amassing a fortune in waste management. ADVANTAGE: Buffalo. Early Signs of Trouble: BUFFALO: Bledsoe is passing with an alarm clock. MIAMI: Dan Marino was hired as team president, took a look around, then quit two days later. ADVANTAGE: Buffalo. Reunited and It Feels so Good: BUFFALO: Jim McNally and Western New York. MIAMI: Ricky Williams and Lenny Kravitz's bong. ADVANTAGE: Buffalo. Tailgate Treats: BUFFALO: Wings 'n beer. MIAMI: Plantains, nothin' but plantains. ADVANTAGE: Buffalo. Worthy of a Double Take: BUFFALO: Man breasts bared to the icy winds MIAMI: Wannstedt's trembling mustache at the "Ricky retired" news conference. ADVANTAGE: Buffalo. Not that I'm encouraging it, but you have to give points for frostbitten man-nipples. Local Mottoes: BUFFALO: Squish the Fish! MIAMI: We fixed the election! ADVANTAGE: Buffalo. So there you have it, it's all so simple when you break things down scientifically. In a stampede, the advantage goes to Buffalo. But hang in there Miami, maybe Madonna will move back there someday. Until next time, I'm Nick Bakay reminding you the numbers never lie.
  14. Glad you posted this topic. I saw the show last night as well and thought it was fantastic. The story that Drew told about he and AVP driving to a game last year and seeing a group of kids playing sandlot ball was worth my entire month's DirecTV bill. Catch it on a replay if you can.
  15. Thanks Mark VI. Posts like yours, with the inside info, is what makes reading TSW so great.
  16. Question: What do you do when the star of your fantasy team is playing the Bills? Don't you sometimes get into a conflict of interest? Case in point, I watched Super Bowl XXV in a bar in Niagara Falls. The bar had one of the super bowl squares for $100.00 a square. As Norwood lined up for that fateful kick, one guy stood off to the side of the bar looking squemish. Someone said, "What's wrong with you?" I'll never forget when the guy answered, "I've got the 0-9 square. If he makes the kick I lose $5,000. I'm gonna be sick." When the kick sailed wide right, there were about 50 guys in that bar ready to beat that guy's a$$. He left without the money and came back for it the next day. I realize that this is an extreme example, but I wouldn't want my league championship riding on a guy scoring a TD that puts the Bills out of the playoffs.
  17. Are you a fan of fantasy football? Personally, I can't stand fantasy leagues and fantasy chatter. When a sports radio show like the Simoncast or Shoop & THe Bulldog bring in a fantasy "expert" I change the channel. There's nothing worse than hearing a guy call in and ask, "I can start two of my three runningbacks. I've got to choose between Holmes, Tomlinson and Henry. What, for the love of God, should I do?" Leave the decisions to the real coaches and Gm's and become a regular fan again. I think that there should be a ban on all fantasy geeks clogging up radio shows and chatboards.Who is with me? Flame away fantasy geeks!
  18. I'm in. Thanks in advance.
  19. Thanks for all of your efforts, Scott. A day without TSW, is like a day without sunshine.
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