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Everything posted by ChevyVanMiller

  1. Sorry, doesn't seem to want to let me link directly to the review page. Here's the link to the main page: Cereal Page Just click on the Alpha review link on the lefthand side of the page.
  2. Just to once again prove the theory that there's a website for everything, check out this link:Cereal Reviews Write a review for your favorite. Here's a vote for Bill Waterson's ficticious "Chocolate Covered Sugar Bombs," the cereal of choice for Calvin & Hobbes. Classic strip - Calvin: I love Saturdays. My plan is get up at 6 am, eat 5 or 6 bowls of chocolate covered sugar bombs, get completely wired up and watch cartoons until Noon. Hobbes: How's it working so far? Calvin: No brothers or sisters yet.
  3. There was a thread earlier in the year and a bunch of you stated that Dolphins week was still the apex of the season. I guess a combined 0 - 9 record takes the steam out of that, doesn't it? Kelly vs Merino, Levy vs Shula it ain't! Well here's my part to put some blood back into your red, white and blue veins. Buffalo vs. Miami -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A signature Nick Bakay Tale of the Tape 9/5/2004 The moment is frozen in my heart like it was yesterday. A young, ginger-haired dreamer name o' Bakay attended every 1970 Bills home game at the Old Rockpile. I saw men get drunk, I saw men get in fights, I saw the Jills back in the day when team rules decreed they had to be married - and at least 30 pounds overweight. What I didn't get to see was good football from the local team. That's the year I learned there isn't much to savor in a three-win season, so you have to reframe your definition of glory. This was long before O.J. was infamous. Hell, it was long before O.J. gained 2,003 yards in a 14-game season. He was just a former No. 1 pick still buried in a decoy role. Then it happened - a pitch to O.J.,s running left, and for once, miles of daylight before him, save for one lone defender in the contain role. But lo and behold, bearing down on that defender, a much-maligned blocker for the Bills that season with the unlikely name of Richard Cheek. Maybe it was his name, or his journeyman skill level, but Cheek wasn't what you'd call a fan favorite. But as he pulled left as the lead blocker, the whole stadium stood, the moment slowed down like the seconds leading up to a car Rosen, and I could feel our group consciousness meld into one pure thought: "C'mon, Cheek, just get a helmet on him. Spring the Juice, give us one moment to take home with us, and all is forgiven ... " Frame by frame, I can still see Cheek trip ... stumble ... and eat turf. I can still hear the collective gasp as a 60-yard touchdown romp disintegrated into a 2-yard loss. Sure, it still stings, but it was a defining moment for me - in that slow-mo nanosecond, I realized what being a Bills fan is all about: Hope. And here I am again, 34 years later, basking in that hopeful time of year, when all things good seem possible for the Bills as they embark on another campaign. Four seasons out of the playoffs? Never fear. Mularkey's here. Bledsoe spent more time on his back last season than Paris Hilton? Relax, the alarm clock is here (and hopefully a sub-400-pound Mike Williams). I'll grab hold of anything and everything I can, safe in the experience-leathered knowledge that winning seasons are an emotional cakewalk, and tough seasons are easily saved by three simple words: Just beat Miami. That's right - it's never too early to think Super Bowl, and it's never too early to hate the Dolphins. I have a good friend who taught his 5-year-old son the golden rule: Who's your favorite team? The Bills. Who's your second-favorite team? Whoever's playing Miami this week. It's the way it is, and the fact that the 'Fins roster gets thinner by the minute doesn't exactly bring a tear to my eye. Am I kicking them when they're down? Gee, I don't remember Shula every showing us much mercy. I've always felt this was football's perfect rivalry - North against South, Cold vs. Sun, Blue Collar City vs. Versace Death Site. They beat us for the entire decade of the '70s, we returned the favor a decade later. Like Michigan/Ohio State - even if the season's a bust - you gotta win this one. We don't get 'em at home in the winter this year, but we don't need to. Let the pummeling begin: Buffalo vs. Miami - the teams, the towns. ... It's got to help to see how they stack up at the Tale of the Tape. Logos: BUFFALO: A majestic, snorting beast. MIAMI: Flipper's unmarried uncle. ADVANTAGE: Buffalo. Nicknames: BUFFALO: The Nickel City. MIAMI: Death's Waiting Room. ADVANTAGE: Buffalo. What People Try to Smuggle Across the Border: BUFFALO: A Fort Erie stripper. MIAMI: Elian Gonzalez. ADVANTAGE: Buffalo. Viable Running Backs: BUFFALO: Two. MIAMI: None. ADVANTAGE: Buffalo. Controversy be damned, McGahee and Henry are what I call a classy problem. Super Bowl Wins: BUFFALO: None. MIAMI: Two. ADVANTAGE: Buffalo. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Where's the dignity in watching your team win one if you're watching it in shorts!? Things They Never Want to See: BUFFALO: Thurman in a Dolphins uniform. MIAMI: Horizontal snow at the Ralph in December. ADVANTAGE: Push. Never Again: BUFFALO: Four consecutive Super Bowl appearances. MIAMI: A perfect, undefeated season in 1972. ADVANTAGE: Crap, I have to give 'em that one. Let's move on ... Team Colors: BUFFALO: Red, white and blue. MIAMI: Aqua green and orange. I feel soft just writing that! Hey, Hojo's called, they want their shirts back. ADVANTAGE: Buffalo. Forces of Nature: BUFFALO: The sky between October and May. MIAMI: Hurricane Charley. ADVANTAGE: Buffalo. Head Coach's Last Names: BUFFALO: Mularkey, which I believe is Irish for trick play. MIAMI: Wannstedt, which I believe is Floridian for "Maybe I can be somebody's defensive coordinator next year." ADVANTAGE: Buffalo. Owner's Bought Franchises by ... : BUFFALO: Putting his chips on the AFL. MIAMI: Amassing a fortune in waste management. ADVANTAGE: Buffalo. Early Signs of Trouble: BUFFALO: Bledsoe is passing with an alarm clock. MIAMI: Dan Marino was hired as team president, took a look around, then quit two days later. ADVANTAGE: Buffalo. Reunited and It Feels so Good: BUFFALO: Jim McNally and Western New York. MIAMI: Ricky Williams and Lenny Kravitz's bong. ADVANTAGE: Buffalo. Tailgate Treats: BUFFALO: Wings 'n beer. MIAMI: Plantains, nothin' but plantains. ADVANTAGE: Buffalo. Worthy of a Double Take: BUFFALO: Man breasts bared to the icy winds MIAMI: Wannstedt's trembling mustache at the "Ricky retired" news conference. ADVANTAGE: Buffalo. Not that I'm encouraging it, but you have to give points for frostbitten man-nipples. Local Mottoes: BUFFALO: Squish the Fish! MIAMI: We fixed the election! ADVANTAGE: Buffalo. So there you have it, it's all so simple when you break things down scientifically. In a stampede, the advantage goes to Buffalo. But hang in there Miami, maybe Madonna will move back there someday. Until next time, I'm Nick Bakay reminding you the numbers never lie. Forum: The Stadium Wall · Post Preview: #19198
  4. Ex-Kicker Sought in Shooting at Siegfried & Roy Home Ford Named in Felony Arrest Warrant Stemming From Drive-by Shooting By KEN RITTER, AP Sports LAS VEGAS (Oct. 6) -- Former Oakland Raiders kicker Cole Ford is being sought in a drive-by shooting last month at the home of entertainers Siegfried & Roy, police said Wednesday. Ford, 31, whose three-year NFL career ended in 1997 after a poor season, was named in a felony warrant stemming from the Sept. 21 shooting, Sgt. Chris Jones said. Police identified Ford as the owner of a white minivan from which shots were allegedly fired at the compound owned by former illusionists Siegfried Fischbacher and Roy Horn. No one was hurt, but police said shotgun pellets shattered windows and left a hole in a wall. Police have not said if the men were home at the time. Jones said police considered Ford armed and dangerous, and said he might be living in a low-budget hotel or camping in southern Nevada or nearby states. Ford faces six felony warrant charges of discharging a firearm from a motor vehicle and two felony counts of assault with a deadly weapon. Initially, the case was labeled a hate crime after a witness told police the gunman shouted that the entertainers should get out of the country. Later police said it was not bias related. Ford was drafted out of Southern California in 1995 by the Pittsburgh Steelers, but was released before that season began. He signed with the Raiders, and remained with them for three seasons before being cut in training camp before the 1998 season. After making 89 percent of his field goals in 1995 and 77 percent in 1996, he was successful on just 59 percent of his attempts in 1997. Horn and friends celebrated his 60th birthday Sunday at the home northwest of the Las Vegas Strip -- a year to the day after a near-fatal mauling by a tiger left Horn partially paralyzed and forced the long-running Siegfried & Roy show to close. 10/06/04 19:33 EDT
  5. Here's a vote for "The Band." Whether it was backing up Dylan or making music on their own, they had a sound and a vibe unlike no other. Rent a copy of Sorcese's "The Last Waltz" and see for yourself.
  6. If I can talk my publisher into reaching into his pocket for a London signing, I'm there in a heartbeat!
  7. Thanks, Nick. I'll be doing a book signing at the Waldenbooks at the Boulevard Mall on Saturday, December 5th from 1-3 pm. I hope to get the chance to meet some of you there.
  8. Congrats! I'll be happy to pick up a copy. How would you describe the theme of the album? Is it rocker R.E.M., like What's the frequency Kenneth? Or is it more mello like some of their earlier stuff?
  9. Thanks, Astrobot! I'm not sure that I deserve the comparison to JFK, but I'll accept it humbly just the same.
  10. Thanks for the kind words Lori, for myself and the other Western New York Wares authors. Here is an up-to-date listing of where in WNY Buffalo Soul Lifters can be purchased. Barnes & Noble Transit, The Book Nook in Dunkirk From the Ends of the Earth Gifts on Main St. in Williamsville. Soul to the Holland Land Office Museum in Batavia, Thunder Bay in Boulevard Mall Borders (Chktg) Waldenbooks/Boulevard Waldenbooks/McKinley Mall Barnes & Noble/Boulevard Mall Talking Leaves/ Main St. Talking Leaves/ Elmwood Daemen College Book Shop Inspiration Point (Elmwood) Lancaster Village Books Cheri Amour/Lewiston Book Corner/Niagara Falls Book Worm/ East Aurora Legacy Books on Main. So far Media Play hasn't ordered. If you have one near you, please drop them a line and ask them when they'll be stocking the book.
  11. Yes, that's Teddy Schwytzer on the cover. I do mention the kid your talking about, Rick Riggi. I point out that his actions reaffirmed my faith in the innate goodnes of young people. Tell your cousin that he/she has a lot to be proud of. I also tell the story of John Clarey and his brave battle against a brain tumor.
  12. Bills flip the jinx and win 13-10.
  13. Thanks for the kind words and to all of you who have pm'd me to say that you have ordered a copy of the book. Here's a link to a review of the book. Book Review If you need a smile today, just hit the link to Gus' photos and look into that angelic face.
  14. Sorry, here's the link to the book www.buffalobooks.com/soul.html
  15. As many of you know I am a Contributing Editor of the Niagara Falls Reporter. My real name is Frank Thomas Croisdale. I just recently had my first book published. It is entitled Buffalo Soul Lifters: A Homespun Collection Of Inspirational Stories. When I first started visiting TSW, I was touched by the outpouring of love and compassion to the family of a poster named Thirdborn. As I was in the process of writing my book, I contacted Thirdborn and asked him if he’d like to share the story with a greater audience. He told me that he had been searching for a way to let his friends on TSW known how much their prayers and support had meant to his family and thought that the book was a great way to accomplish that goal. Proving that it is indeed a small world, I contacted Paul (Thirdborn’s real name) and found out that he grew up on the next block from my wife and was a childhood pal of my brother-in-law. The story that he shared speaks volumes about what a wonderful community it is who call TSW home. Here is an excerpt from the story: As a way to find a connection back to his city of birth, Paul became a passionate fan of the Buffalo Bills. He got DirecTV to watch all of the games and surfed the Internet to find any information he could on the red, white and blue Bills. “You just don’t find people in Seattle that are like the people of Buffalo,” Paul said. “That internal fortitude, maybe it’s because of the snow and cold winters, even the four Super Bowl losses, the people just refuse to say die or ever give in. I knew that I needed to get connected back to that way of thinking.” Paul became a regular visitor to a Web site that catered to fans of the Bills. After that address was suspended, Paul stumbled upon Two Bills Drive, the Web site that would one day make an impact on his life that he will never forget. A popular section of Two Bills Drive is a message board called The Stadium Wall (TSW). There, Bills fans talk about the team 365 days per year. New coach hires, free agent signings, game analysis and spirited debate as to whether Mighty Taco or the Garbage Plate is Western New York’s best indigenous food, it’s all discussed in it’s finest minutia at TSW. The story goes on to detail Paul’s reaction to your posts in support of little Gus: “These people, most of whom don’t even know me and my family, got me through that first week,” Paul said. “One guy even took a picture of Gus to his work and had the people there pray for him. What they did was amazing.” On December 10, 2003, at precisely 6:37 P.M. Cablelady made the first of hundreds of postings with the same one-word message that would be added to the thread – Bump! For nearly seven months, the thread was kept alive by posters who wouldn’t let Gus out of their hearts for even one moment. As the weeks and months passed, Gus went home and made steady progress. As Paul would add updates to the thread, the good news that he posted was always met with smiles and tears of joy on TSW. Sometimes posters would log on to wish Gus a Merry Christmas or a Happy Easter, while other times it was simply to say goodnight and God bless. The book is currently for sale at most of WNY’s top book outlets. It can also be ordered online at www.buffalobooks.com/soul.html Aside from the story about Gus and TSW, Bills fans might find interest in the interview that I conducted with Jim and Jill Kelly concerning the miracle that is Hunter Kelly. I also had the good fortune to interview former Bill Doug Goodwin about his amazing heart transplant that took place on the morning of September 11, 2001. As a first-time published author, I’d like to get the chance a second time and so I hope you’ll consider buying a copy of the book for yourself or for a Christmas gift for a loved one. This site has been a godsend to me and I am honored to be a member with people as wonderful as you all are. I’ll give the last word to Paul. I know that many of you have missed him and will be glad to hear from him. Sometime last year, I received an email from a guy who said that he had heard about Gus from reading the posts on the Wall, and that he wanted to include Gus' story in a book that he was writing. After speaking with him at length, I agreed to his request, not really knowing what to expect. Yesterday I received a copy of his book, and I was moved beyond words. This story is a tribute to you. Every one of you that cried with me, that cheered Gus on, that offered silent threads and so many prayers. Frank has eloquently illustrated in his book, the compassion and fortitude that you so freely gave to my family. Thank you all. Gus is laughing. http://home.earthlink.net/~gioiabeast/index.html Paul Gioia gioiabeast@earthlink.net
  16. Q: What do you get when you cross LSD with the birth control pill? A: A trip without the kids.
  17. It's a good point. BB said in his book that he was tired of thinking that his Defense was good because they played aginst Buffalo's "Horse(blank) O-Line." He also said that when he was with the Jets, he relished playing against DB becuse he didn't possess the patience or skill to handle a cover 5 defense. BB also said that Lawyer Milloy graded out poorly in his final year with NE. What if this book came out before the NE game 2 years ago? People in BillsNation would have been pi$$ed! We may not want to admit it, but many of us have already written off this team as a loser. Let's hope the Bills can pull of an upset this Sunday and return the fire to many ashen hearts.
  18. I'm probably going to take heat for this but I love Paul Maquire on ESPN Sunday Night Football. He is always insightful and has an uncanny ability to correctly call a penalty long before other announcers. That said, I don't care for him at all on Budweiser Sportsline on Empire. Totally different guy who acts like a complete homer with players, coaches and management alike. BTW, Marino et al, on HBO are horrible. A collection of ex-jocks who are all brawn and no brains. Costas must be counting the minutes until his contract is up.
  19. How about "Nick and the Nice Guys" out of Rochester. Great band and they do that cool Bills song as well.
  20. I think that you all are missing the point. I'm not saying that the call would have been reversed, but I am saying that for a team with playoff aspirations it's a chance that you have to take. Henry reached out and put the ball over the goal line. I know that the refs could have covered their a$$ by saying that his foward progress was stopped, but when your offense only averages one TD per game I think you need to roll the bones. BTW, if it was totally inconclusive, why did the NFL league office take a stand against its own refs by saying that it was a TD?
  21. I thought that I'd let the Oakland game go, but the admission by the NFL that the refs blew 3 calls has re-opened the wound. I'm not down on MM. I still think he will be a top rate NFL head coach, but I couldn't, at the time and still don't, believe that he didn't challenge on a 4th and goal play. What have you got to lose? A timeout? Compared with what you have to gain - 6 pts. - it's a no-brainer. If he would have thrown the red flag and lost who among us would have criticized him for burning the timeout? It was a rookie mistake that cost the team a "W." Let's hope he learns from his mistakes. PS - A lot of radio hosts owe TH an appology for ripping his inability to punch it in from the one.
  22. Unspeakable woe, 13 to 10, once again, Beatten by the bye!
  23. According to Paul Hamilton on GR-55 Radio, 18 of the last 24 NFL playoff teams started the season 0-2 or 1-1. Let's hope that the Pasties win this week then.
  24. Mailed my check last week. I'm sure you've gotten it by now. Thanks again Scott, for providing such a great site!
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