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Everything posted by ChevyVanMiller

  1. Good God No! Now, if any of the ladies on the board want to post a thong pic please feel free.
  2. Allow me a shameless plug for Buffalo Soul Lifters. Hunter Kelly, Doug Goodwin and The Stadium Wall all wrapped up in one neat little package. What more could you ask for? A bargoon at $12.95.
  3. According to this article we are 42% more likely than the average fan to own NFL merchandise. Bills Apparel What's your favorite Bills piece of clothing? I've got Bills jockeys, anyone else willing to admit to Bills underclothes?
  4. I'll be in Florida for the Steelers game, but I'm sure that our paths will cross soon Rich.
  5. Here is a complete listing of book signings that I have scheduled throughout the holiday season in support of Buffalo Soul Lifters. I hope to have the opportunity to meet some of you - please let me know that you're from TBD. Saturday November 27 - Thunder Bay, Boulevard Mall 2 - 4 PM. Thursday December 2 - Barnes & Noble, Buff. St. Campus 1 - 3 PM Saturday December 4 - Waldenbooks, Boulevard Mall 1 - 3 PM. Saturday December 11 - Book Corner - Niagara Falls 1 - 3 PM Saturday December 18 - Waldenbooks - Galleria Mall 1 - 3 PM Thursday December 23 - Waldenbooks - Main Place Mall Noon - 2 PM I'm sure that you are all aware of the book by now (sales are still through the roof), but in case you aren't, here is the link to the publisher's website: Buffalo Soul Lifters Thanks again for all of your support. Also, please join me in wishing little Gus and the Gioia family a happy and healthy holiday season.
  6. Do we really need to disrespect former presidents like this? I especially hate the PR stevestojan about the game helping to foster an interest in history in young people. What's next? The "Nail Christ to the Cross Game" for Xbox and PS2? http://www.thelouisvillechannel.com/techno...288/detail.html Video Game Recreates JFK Assassination Maker Calls Effort 'Docu-Game' POSTED: 12:13 pm EST November 22, 2004 A British company says it's releasing a video game recreating the 1963 assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Survey: Kennedy Video Game SLIDESHOW: JFK Assassin Video Game Stirring Controversy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Scottish-based firm Traffic says "JFK Reloaded" is an educational "docu-game" that will help disprove conspiracy theories about Kennedy's death. The game is due to be released Monday, the 41st anniversary of the shooting in Dallas. Traffic said the game challenges players to recreate the three shots fired at the president's car by assassin Lee Harvey Oswald from the Texas School Book Depository. Boston television station WCVB reported that the 3-D computer animation provides a clear view from the school book depository building as the as the president's motorcade passes by. The player, in the role of the lone gunman, is invited to fire at the presidential limousine. Traffic said the game -- available as an Internet download -- will "stimulate a younger generation of players to take an interest in this fascinating episode of American history." In a statement, Traffic said it's "determined to promote the title respectfully," given the sensitivity of the subject. According to the New York Post the designers wrote to Sen. Ted Kennedy, saying they meant no disrespect. Kennedy released a one-word reaction to the game: "Despicable." A spokesman for Kennedy would not comment on whether the family is taking any action to try to stop the game's release.
  7. Finally someone who gets the concept of a point/counterpoint discussion and the value of playing devil's advocate. Thanks Mark VI for saving this thread - you have my eternal gratitude.
  8. I didn't realize that either until you pointed it out. Just goes to show that it's a small world indeed.
  9. MadBflDisease, BillsNFL, et al, I guess reading comprehension wasn't stressed in the schools that some of you attended. Nowhere did I state my opinion on either side of the issue (For the record, I was a Bills fan through the 2-14 and 3-13 seasons of the early 80s and I NEVER have rooted for the opposition.) I thought that a little hypothetical discussion on the Bills future might be fun, but I'll let you return to your regularly scheduled programming of internet stories of projectile diarrhea and the elusive search for the best currency exchange site. Sheesh!!!
  10. If we agree on the assumption that a 10-6 record, minimum, is needed to make the playoffs, are the Bills better off winning or losing tomorrow? If they spank the Patsies, they have momentum on their side and Drew is more than likely the starting QB for the rest of the season. To make the 10-6 mark they can only lose one more game - meaning they will have to go 9-1 for the last 10 games of the season. If this happens JP sits for the entire year and the benefit of trading up to draft him and give him a year of grooming is greatly diminished. If Drew stays as the #1 and they fall one game short of the playoffs at 9-7 it is truly a waste. If they lose, the playoffs are pretty much toast and the JP era can be started without Drew having to lose face. Of course this means that the 2004 season is, for all intents and purposes, over in mid-November and they are just playing out the string. What's better? An ouside chance at the playoffs this year or a 7 game in-season pre-season to gel the triad of Losman, McGahee and Evans? If you think it's the former, do you think this team can truly make a near-run of the table as they need to do? If you side with the latter, are you ready to root against the red, white and blue for the greater good of the big picture? Discuss.
  11. Yes, he does. He is a weatherman in Philly and his son stars on the Buffy the Vampire Slater spinoff "Angel." Thank you to the mods for pinning this - it can be unpinned now.
  12. The signing went great last night. Thanks to all of you who stopped out. Copies of the book were purchased for Joel Giambra and Dave Thomas (Rocketship 7). I'll keep the board posted of all upcoming signings. Also, I'll be interviwed on WHLD-AM 1270, today - Friday the 12th, at 1 PM on the Iney Wallens show. Hope you can tune in.
  13. Thanks, Lori. BTW, I took your advice and cast my vote for Brian Morman - along with a few other Bills, including Terrence McGee as a Kick Returner.
  14. Hey, Gang. I'll be doing a book signing for Buffalo Soul Lifters at the Barnes & Noble on NF Blvd. in Amherst on Thursday - November 11 - from 7-9PM. If you're out that way, please stop by and say hello - Nothing classes up a bookstore more than a TBD presence.
  15. It's easy to second guess the coaching staff, but it was a big time error not making number 21 the starting RB right out of the hop. Can anyone argue that the Bills would be any worse than 5-3 now if Willis had the rock all along? 6-2 is a real possibility. Oh well, if wishes were fishes the Dolphins wouldn't be trying to schedule UB for next year. As an aside, if attention is what NJ Sue is after she sure has gotten it - 17 pages and nearly 5,000 views over someone who can't figure out google. Ignore her and maybe she'll become a Jets fan and stand in front of Giants stadium asking innane questions of the faithful.
  16. Thanks, Hammered. I've done a fair amount of media over the years, so nerves don't play into the equation. BTW, seeing as how Howard Simon is going to WGR, disregard the request in my origianl post. I know that Koshinski's hands were probably tied, but I think he's a stevestojan for not tipping me off yesterday and telling me that he'd give my book to Neil McMannus for Howard.
  17. My interview with Peter Anderson (great guy) on Adelphia's "Crossroads" program went really well. I was able to talk about the Gus/Thirdborn story in great length and describe Two Bills Drive as "the top Bills site on the net." The program will re-air tonight at 10 PM and tomorrow at Noon on Channel 13 in Erie and Niagara County. I also had the chance to chat with Bob Koshinski and put a copy of the book in his hands for Howard Simon. I told Bob that I think that the sport's related stories in the book would be a good fit for the Simoncast. Bob, a Niagara Falls guy, was very cool. If you E-mail Howard, tell him that you'd like to see me on the show.
  18. Cindy, You're an oasis of class in a desert of despair. I - among many here - appreciate your devotion and loyalty. Keep the faith!
  19. I've heard that as well. I'm really looking forward to meeting him. Thanks for the words of support Alaska & Lori
  20. I'll be appearing on the Adelphia Cable program "Crossroads" tomorrow, November 2nd in support of Buffalo Soul Lifters. The program airs live at 3 PM and is repeated at 6:30 & 10 PM. It also is rebroadcast at noon the following day. It is on Channel 13 on all Adelphia Cable systems in Erie and Niagara Counties. I plan on talking about the Gus (Thirdborn) story and giving a shout out to all of you on TSW. BTW, the book is selling like hotcakes. Both Barnes & Noble and Walden Books project it to be the top-selling book in WNY this Christmas season. Thanks again to everyone who has purchased a copy.
  21. Rod Stewart, Ray Charles, Brian Wilson, George Strait, Duran Duran, John Mellancamp all in the Top 20. Everthing is cyclical, isn't it? Just think, 20 years from now the New Kids On The Block will have the top album in America.
  22. About 10 years ago I was going with a girl who was a big Eddie Money fan. We got tickets to see him play at Melody Fair in North Tonawanda. Warren opened the show and blew the place away. Just him and his guitar, no backing band. I'll always remember him doing "Poor Pitiful Me" that night; it was so raw and vulnerable. May your spirit rock on Warren!
  23. In the fairness of diversity, here are some white people jokes (yes, I'm color-challenged) What's white and fourteen inches long? Absolutely nothing! What do you call 500,000 white guys jumping out of a plane? Snow. What do you call a bunch of Crackers in a circle? A Dope Ring! What do you call 300 white men chasing a black man? The PGA tour. Why do so many white people get lost skiing? It's hard to find them in the snow. What did they white guy do before his blood test? He studied. How long does it take for a white women to take a crap??? 9 months What's the difference between a white man and a snake? One is a evil, cold-blooded, venomous, slimy creature of Satan, and the other is a snake. How many white men does it take to screw in a lightbulb? One, white men will screw anything. What's the flattest surface to iron your jeans on? A white girl's ass! What did the black guy do with his M&Ms? Eat them What did they white guy try and do with his? Put them in alphabetical order What did a cracker see when he looked at his family tree? A straight line! A cracker girl came up to her dad who was sitting in a beaten up armchair. "Pa, kin ah borrow the truck to-nahgt?" she asked. Her dad looked up to her and said, "Darlin', yew know what yew haf t'do if'n yew wants to borrer th' truck." "But Pa! Ah haf t'go naow!" the cracker girl cried. Her daddy stood up and unzipped his pants. "Yew know perfectly well what yew haf t'do. On yer knees, B word!" The cracker wench complied and started sucking her dad's rooster. After a few seconds she stopped in disgust and looked up to her dad. "Gee Pa, yore dick shore tastes like stevestojan!" Her dad slapped his forhead and said, "Dammit, Ah forgot! Ah already loaned the truck to yer brother just a few minutes ago!" What does a white woman make for dinner? Reservations What does a white woman and a tampon have in common? They're both stuck up cun*s. How did the West Virginian mom know when her daughter was on the rag? Her son's dick tasted funny. What do West Virginian's do on Halloween? Pump-kin. What do you call a White man with a sheep under each arm? A Pimp. What do you call the moisture between two white people having sex? Relative Humidity. Jim Cracker is WHITE!! How white is he? He's so white, during the L.A riots, he went out and bought a TV. What do u call a caption wafer in the toilet? A soft azz cracker
  24. My wife, I tell ya, she's dedicated. We moved from New York to L.A. and she kept the same milkman. Now that's dedication!
  25. Great news! God Bless.
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