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Everything posted by ChevyVanMiller

  1. Little David was in his 5th grade class when the teacher asked the children what their fathers did for a living. All the typical answers came up, doctor, fireman, policeman, salesman, etc. David was being uncharacteristically quiet and so the teacher asked him about his father. "My father's an exotic dancer in a gay bar and takes off all his clothes in front of other men. And sometimes, if the offer's really good, he'll go out to the alley with some guy and make love with him for money." The teacher, obviously shaken by this statement, hurriedly set the other children to work on some coloring, and took Little David aside to ask him, "Is that really true about your father?" "No," said David, "He plays for the Buffalo Bills, but I was too embarrassed to say that in front of the other kids." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. I appreciate the kind words, Mike. Merry Christmas
  3. Just a reminder to any of you looking for a last minute Christmas Gift for that lover of Buffalo on your list that my book, Buffalo Soul Lifters, is a great stocking-stuffer. The book continues to be the best-selling title in WNY (thanks to all of you that own a copy) and, of course, features stories about Bills related topics like: Hunter Kelly, Doug Goodwin and TSW's own little Gus. (It might be nice to read some good Bills news for a change ) The book is available at all local bookstores - excepting MediaPlay, for obvious reasons - or can be ordered online at Buffalo Books I'll be autographing copies at the Borders Express at the Boulevard Mall this Friday, December 23 from 6-8 PM. I hope to see some of you there. Merry Christmas and God bless.
  4. Recently I posted about the terrible tragedy that befell my friend patricia Sanchez and her family. Click Here Aussiew (Diane) wrote me to say that she had a Lawyer Milloy autographed ball that she received from TD at the Saints game in San Antonio. She offered the ball to be raffled with the proceeds going to Patricia and her mom. The raffle raised $727.00 for the Sanchez women at a time in their lives when they needed it the most. I just wanted to acknowledge Diane's wonderful gesture and say "thank you" on behalf of the Sanchez ladies. I know that it is the love of the Buffalo Bills that makes this board unique, but I think you'll all agree it is the love and caring for those in need that makes it so special. Thanks Diane, you're the cat's pajamas!
  5. I guarantee that you will end up paying for radio. In the late 70s there were a lot of people saying that they'd never pay for TV. Can you imagine TV with just rabbit ears today? I've had Sirius for about 2 months now and I can't imagine going back. Stern aside, I've heard more great music in the past couple of months then I've heard in the past 2 decades on Buffalo radio. All with no commercials!
  6. That's funny, right there - I don't care who you are. Thanks for the laugh this morning. I needed it!
  7. Sorry. I've corrected it.
  8. [COLOR=yellow]I read somewhere - I think it was on the USA Today LOST thread - that Shannon is the one getting axed in three weeks. Sorry that I don't have a link.
  9. "No Girl, I said this is the land of the 'Patsies,' not 'Pasties!'"
  10. I wasn't criticizing the guy for trying to raise money for HH. I applaud anyone for supporting such a great organization. I was just stating that based on the scenario that he laid out if he is right about the Bills final record he will donate NOTHING to HH. He never said that he would donate the $ either way. That said, I'll be making a donation to HH today just because I appreciate all that the Kellys have done and in honor of what a wonderful soul Hunter possessed.
  11. His girlfirend is a brunette. Very attractive.
  12. In a manner of speaking. As some of you may know, aside from writing for the Reporter I own a tourism business in Niagara Falls. One of my biggest accounts is at one of the top-end hotels in N.F., Ontario. I spend the bulk of my time during the tourism season there. For the past 8 days O.J. was a guest at this hotel. He checked out before yesterday's game. Watching him over this period of time was pretty surreal. He spent at least 2-3 hours per day in the lobby bar basically just holding court. He signed autographs for guests and staff alike. O.J. seemed to live for the attention. He's no shrinking violet that’s for sure. He would carry on long and detailed conversations with just about anyone that recognized him. For the record, I didn't speak to him once during his stay. I can't tell you why exactly. I respect the judicial system - even when I disagree with the verdict - and don't begrudge him his freedom. Still, I felt it inappropriate to fawn over him - as many staff members did - and I just didn't feel I had anything compelling to say to him. (When's the last time you heard someone from the media say that?) I'm just wondering, if you found yourself in my shoes this past week, what would you have done?
  13. Your logic is severly flawed. You're saying that you'll donate the money if you're wrong. If your opinion turns out to be correct you keep the $500.00. How about sending $500.00 to HH now and some amount additionally if you have to eat crow? Also, a small point of contention. Hunter - God rest his soul - is now beyond needing your, or anyone's, help. Your money will help all kids with Krabbe and other neurological diseases.
  14. Flowbee Link Flowbee Look at the Jeff Foxworthy wannabe with his Hoover attached to his head - priceless!
  15. The Flowbie - hands down. Anyone that would attach a pair of shears to a vacuum cleaner and use it to cut his or her hair is nuckin' futz!
  16. Thanks, RT. A quick update - Mrs. Sanchez was released from the hospital (she had a nervous breakdown upon hearing of the deaths) and the two women are very thankful for the many people who have offered support. Thanks to everyone here for your kindness, caring and donations.
  17. My good friend Patricia Sanchez has had just about the worst thing that could happen to someone happen to her and her mother. Here is a link to a column that I wrote detailing her situation. Niagara Falls Reporter I know that the poeple of this board have big hearts - please help if you can.
  18. Too true. My appologies for omitting those lovely ladies.
  19. I thought this was going to be a thread about Cablelady, Lori and #89.
  20. That's excellent news! The power of the people wins another one!
  21. I meant it tongue in cheek (pardon the pun).
  22. I was about to agree with you #89, then I saw that a thread about a guy farting at work had as many responses as this one does.
  23. If panties are named such because they are worn underneath pants, why aren't bras called shirties?
  24. It was blacked out everywhere here in WNY - even on the Center Ice channel.
  25. When I sat down to watch the first Sabres game in two years the other night and found that my wonderful dish system was the ONLY one in WNY not carrying the game I was none too happy. I called DirectTV (1-800-DirecTV) and let them know that if they didn't have an agreement with MSG in place by tonight's game, I was switching companies. I heard the WGR team telling people to do the same yeaterday (I've always been ahead of the curve ) If you are going to call, here is a piece of advice. The number leads to an automated hell of choices, all of which are designed NOT to lead to a human voice. Except one, that is. If you choose the option to cancel or suspend your service you are immediately transfered to a live person that you can vent your frustrations on. Hope this helps. Go Sabres!
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