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Everything posted by ChevyVanMiller

  1. I remember Mitch saying that when he retired he wanted to join the WWWF. Don't know why he didn't. R.I.P. Mitch - Bills' Nation will miss you!
  2. Well said. I really, really want to like Marshawn. I bought into the whole "My mother's coming with me so long as there's a phone company for her to work at in Buffalo" schmaltz like a hayseed just off of the farm. This mess has sure made that seem like an orchestrated sham.
  3. Also, try the Krow's Nest inside of the Summit Mall in the Falls. Their cages use both baseballs and softballs and are the only ones I've ever used where you can adjust the heigth of the pitch.
  4. Hey, I've been a Bills fan for nearly 40 years - back in the days of 2-12 when no one (kids anyway) wore team colors. I'm as dyed-in-the-wool as they come, but a guy hitting someone (a young woman no less) and leaving her in the road bothers me tremendously. My intent in the post was to say that for the first time in many years I had really good vibes about this team and where it was going (despite the Toronto mess). The star running back accused of doing what he's probably going to be charged with today has tempered that. If that makes me less of a fan in anyone's eyes so be it. I'm sure that by the time camp rolls around I'll make the trip to Rochester like I do each year, but if this thread has proven anything it is the fact that ML has devided the fan base and its going to be anything but "We are Family" at RWS this season.
  5. This guy's living in never never land. http://www.insidebayarea.com/ci_9517147 "Show up, 'fess up and handle it. Contact the victim, apologize and offer game tickets or a visit to team headquarters or whatever is necessary to put a half-smile on her face and a good vibe in her heart. Then move on. But never forget." I think that it's going to take a whole lot more than a couple of game tickets to appease this woman. A civil case asking for hundreds of thousands will be more like it.
  6. Look, I'm not suggesting that Kelly and Co. were chiorboys. I know Jim's partner at Network and I've heard a million stories about what went on in the hot tub and back room. The difference is that Marshawn's car (with or without him at the wheel) hit a woman and left her in the road. I can't excuse that just because he's a Bill. I hope there's some explainantion (like a cousin driving and an oblivious, passed-out Marshawn in the back seat) that clears him, but unlike some of you, I can't exonorate him because he's 22 and the woman wasn't seriously hurt. I can tell you that at 22, I knew enough to call for help if I'd of hit someone with my car.
  7. I tell you what I would have done. I would have called 911 and had an ambulance sent immediately. That was someone's daughter, girlfriend and sister that was left in the road. not some traffic cone.
  8. Is it just me or is anyone else having a hard time with the Lynch hit and run aftermath? According to Channel 2 four witnesses say that Marshawn was at the wheel and that other Bills were in the car with him. If true, what does that say about the moral fiber of this team? The old Polian/Levy "draft only character guys" philosophy is dead. I can't imagine Jim Kelly being in a similar scenario back in the glory days and hiding behind attorneys for days on end. What kind of a team do we really have if players (plural) would hit a citizen of the community and leave her laying in the road. For all they knew they may have killed her. I'm starting to think that Beast Mode may have a double meaning.
  9. I found a baily lookalike.
  10. My girlfriend in the early 80s had a thing for Bailey. She used to tell me, "You want a threesome? Get me Bailey."
  11. Burnett told this story verbatim during her live show. This took place at the height of the Carol Burnett Show. It wasn't some fading star looking to reclaim the spotlight. He also told a story about Conway being at a party when Poloroid cameras first came out. Someone there had one and he asked to borrow it for a minute. He then proceed to gel up his hair into spikes, put lipstick sloopily all over his face and draw dark circles under both eyes. He then snapped a photo, took out a pair of scissors and snipped it to wallet size and affixed it to his driver's license. (It was before the days of picture IDs - you still had to affix your own.) Then he jumped into his sports car and gunned out of the party at 100 MPH. He knew that a traffic cop always hid out behind some trees just up the road. When he flew by, sure enough the cherry lights went on and he was pulled over. The cop got up to his window and did a double take at his outlandish looks. The stunned cop asked him for his license and Tim happily complied. He said it was the best $150.00 (fine) he ever spent, just to see the look on the cop's face when he compared that photo to the driver he'd just pulled over.
  12. I saw Carol Burnett live at UB a few years back. She said that they filmed each show twice (one matinee, one evening). Conway made it his sworn duty to play the first show straight and the second to do nothing but get Korman to loose it at every turn. I think Korman's inability to keep a straight face made the show infinately better than it would have been if he had a poker face, RIP Harvey.
  13. This is my favorite helmet ever (after the Bills' helmets, of course). Iowa Barnstormers Maybe one of you AFL historians can answer this: Isn't this the team that Kurt Warner played for? Either way. a very creative helmet all the same.
  14. I read with great interest the Buffalo News article on the different scenarios to keep the Bills in Buffalo after Ralph's demise. Aside from the fact that I'm sure someone from TSW will take Ralph out with an icepick in 2010 if he's still alive (read the article to find out about the Inheritance Tax loophole) it seems to me that there's really just one simple fix to the problem. Mary Wilson (nearly 30 years younger than Ralph - way to get 'er done Ralph!) can assume ownership of the team when Ralph dies and not pay the incredible taxes that otherwise would be charged. The News article said that because of Ralph's public declarations that he doesn't want this to happen, it's a longshot at best. Schumer, Russert, Golisano and everyone else who wants to keep the team here need to get Ralph and Mary in a room and convince them otherwise. The sales pitch to Ralph should be that it will cement his legend in WNY for all time. If he doesn't do it his 50 years of ownership will be washed away when the moving vans to LA leave One Bills Drive. The pitch to Mary should be, "We'll set up a management team and you'll need do nothing more than be a figure head and assume your rightful role as the first lady of Buffalo." The clock is ticking, once Ralph's heart stops keeping time with it, it will be too late. Mary, Mary must you be so contrary?
  15. You're right Lori. Almost all headlines are written by copy editors not columnists. Btw, I love a good pun - the cornier the better!
  16. Gringo Starr to Sportswriters: Drum down the puns - Reading them don't come easy
  17. Exquisite work as always Lori. Thanks, that was a great read. I'd forgotten about the big Denver brouhaha. 5 years, $7.5 million. Seems like chump change now. It's funny how quickly the $$$ escalates. You can't even get a good punter for that kind of scratch these days.
  18. Well said. Couldn't agree more. Btw, love your George Burns avatar.
  19. He said he wants to play for 4 or 5 more years. Wanted to retire a Chief, but they don't want him. He's just two years removed from a 1,000 yd season. Not suggesting that the Bills go after him - I don't think he fits in Buffalo's mix. Do you think he'll catch on or is it time for Eddie to hang 'em up for good?
  20. How about Don Smith, the Bills third down back in 1990. He had a sweet dive over the pile TD in Superbowl XXV
  21. A great episode all around. When Locke held the lantern up to reveal Claire in the corner of the cabin I had an honest to goodness spooky moment. It's great when a tv show can make the hair on the back of your hands stand up.
  22. Thanks for the promo, Promo. I'm hoping to see it over the weekend and can't wait.
  23. There's a great Buffalo band that plays all the music of that era. That 80s Hair Band The lead guitarist, Jason Newbauer, is a phenom.
  24. That just goes to show you how the NFL completely overanalyzes everything. Imagine too smart being a detrement. The next time an announcer says, "What they like about this kid is his football smarts," his partner better chime in with "Yeah, but he's not too smart." Sheesh!
  25. I meant if everything else was equal.
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