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Everything posted by ChevyVanMiller

  1. Great montage, Senator. Thanks, indeed!
  2. Glad I could help bring back some good memories. My thoughts go out to your Gram.
  3. Hard to believe it's been 20 years. I just wrote a column about some of the history. Crystal Beach Memories I'd love to hear some of your favorite memories of a park like no other.
  4. Here's a link suggesting that the sex in "Don't Look Now" was indeed real: Linky
  5. I read the piece and my feeling is that they've lost a serious chunk of marketing dollars that T.O. generates.
  6. Don't forget one of the greatest pitchers of all-time, Niagara Falls' own Sal Maglie
  7. Add me to the list of 70s kids who had Randy Smith as their favorite NBA player. R.I.P.
  8. I'm pretty sure that Sutherland and Christie were a real life couple and the reason that scene is so good is that they really went at it and just told the cameramen to film it with a bit of discretion. I'd look up a link for you, but I'm in a bit of a rush.
  9. The Beatles - Sgt. Pepper Fleetwood Mac - Tusk Pink Floyd - The Wall Led Zepplin - Zepplin IV (Just couldn't believe that the thread was this long and no one else had been a smart ass ) Seriously though, how about: Bob Dylan - Infidels and Lyle Lovett and his Large Band
  10. The 4th of July weekend is a no-go for any event. All the hotels are completely booked and charging outrageous prices and all of the attractions are so full of tourists that they won't do anything for returning natives.
  11. The finale of my press conference last week.
  12. This June 25th to 28th both Niagara Falls and Buffalo will be conducting Homecoming Festivals. I've been part of a group working tirelessly on the Niagara Falls event for the past year, The 4 days are packed with a slew of FREE and low cost events. Check out Citybration Web Site for details on both city's events and to pre-register. Invite your friends and family to come back home to WNY for two citywide reunions.
  13. Received this info from a good friend, Rich Meyers. Rich is the Town Supervisor of Barker, NY. His son is in the finals of the national LEGO building contest. It's a few steps to vote, but only tool me a couple of minutes. Please take a minute and help a kid from WNY to victory. ******************************************************************************** *********************** Many of you may have seen the article about our oldest Son Jamie in the paper this past week. He was selected as one of the top ten in the nationwide LEGO CITY competition. He is currently in second place in the online voting and we want to get him to #1! The process is pretty easy. If you wish to vote for Jamie’s entry you must vote before the May 30th deadline! His entry is the LEGO Cargo Truck by CAWNY (Christian Academy of Western New York). Just complete the following simple steps to vote: · Log on to the www.lego.com website · Sign up for your LEGO ID at the top right of the screen. · When you get directed back to the LEGO home page, Select “Products”. · Select “CITY” from the Products page. · Select “Competition” from the City page. · Click on the American Flag. · Select “Voting” on the bottom of the page and look for the LEGO Cargo Truck by CAWNY. It is in the center of the bottom row. Just click on it to register your vote. You can only vote once so please vote and ask your family members to vote. As a matter of fact, ask all of your friends and everyone in your address book to vote! Feel free to forward this to as many people as you like. Thanks to you all and watch on Lego.com as he progresses in the competition! ******************************************************************************** ***********************
  14. Thanks. The old brain cells are getting foggy. I knew it was "Baby," but had the wrong guy.
  15. I'm pretty sure it was LDE Ben "Baby" Williams.
  16. I don't care what sort of a debt *Vick has supposedly paid to society, a man who would willfully fight, torture and murder dogs is a lifetime zero as a human being in my book. It's something that cannot be explained away by calling it a youthful indiscretion. It wasn't a drunken mistake or a one-time error - it was calculated torture and murder by a millionaire moron. I have a simple litmus test to judge a man's character: I see how he responds to a dog. I've found, without fail, that people who recoil from a friendly dog cannot be trusted - period. I've bled Bills' blue for my entire life, but I would not support this team if they signed *Vick (I think he deserves an *).
  17. If the Bills so much as brought Vick in for an interview I'd beat Russ Brandon half to death with my dog's water bowl. Say "No" to the dog killer!
  18. Sandy Beach is on the air doing a weather report that called for up to 14 inches of snow. Beach: "14 inches. 14 flipping inches." Wander (Getting on mike) You rang?
  19. Same age as me - scary, indeed. R.I.P.
  20. I've been looking for a reason - any reason - to watch SU football again. I hope he can regain his highschool prowess. Go Cuse!!!!
  21. I don't pretend to know if Pisa would pan out for the Bills, but I also think that trying to unravel other team's logic in letting a guy go is a futile exercise. Remember that one of Marv Levy's (the coaching years) first moves was to sign a guy cut by Houston. That guy's name was Steve Tasker.
  22. Here's a simple, yet addictive game that is worth a look when you've got time on your hands.You have to sit through a 15 sec. commercial while the game loads. Helicopter Game FWIW, I made it to 584 feet before I decided that I had a life to get back to.
  23. It still pales in comparison to what A-Rod has endured - Bi*CH T*ts!!!
  24. I think Ed needs a little love here. Obviously this column is to be filed in the bonehead folder, but I don't think the hatred being expressed is warranted. Local sports programming is now regulated to 2-3 minutes (count it for yourself) of the 30-minute broadcast. Even if Kilgore was Bob Costas he wouldn't have adequete airtime to express valid points anyway. The day's of Rick Azar's "As I See It" rants are long gone. Kilgore's a nice guy that blew one big time - cut him some slack.
  25. R.I.P. Hard to believe that 3 years have passed.
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