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Everything posted by ChevyVanMiller

  1. Well, there was that one time when he was sprayed by a skunk...
  2. Everytime the discussion about the Bills leaving Buffalo comes up we're always remined that ticket sales factor only lighly into the equation. Luxury boxes, seat licenses, TV contracts and merchandising is supposedly where all of the real money is in the NFL. If that's the case why don't owners just agree to broadcast every game just like most NBA, MLB and NHL teams do?
  3. Wow. No matter how hard I try to drink the Kool-Aid, the Bills smack of a desperate team on their way to a dismal season.
  4. Dick finally grew one Turk visited by namesake All hail AVP
  5. Tyree Cut Still holds the record for biggest clutch catch ever!
  6. On the Channel 2 newscast last night they had a quote from Turk saying something along the lines of "He (Jaron) was on me all off-season to simplify the offense. He said we had too many plays, too many formations. He wants a pop-gun offense." I can't find the quote online anywhere. I think that all of this bodes very badly for the Bills and Jauron.
  7. Brings to mind one of Marv;s best lines. One year the Bills' cut Dean Cain. A few years they were going to face a tough team and Marv heard rumblings that his guys were giving too much respect to the opposition. "Sure they're tough," Marv told the team. "But remember, we cut Superman."
  8. Name was Anthony Grey, IIRC. Never understood why he didn't make the squad. He tore it up that preseason.
  9. 1:30 PM PC - according to WGR-55
  10. Still nothing on ESPN's web site.
  11. Playoffs? What's this playoffs you speak of? Seems like another lifetime when the Bills last made the playoffs, doesn't it? Hell, you were still living in the Falls.
  12. Marv Levy?????????????????????????
  13. Not disagreeing with your point, but I could never understand why Ralph, or any owner ftm, would go cheap on the coach. He just paid $5 mil a year on a kid, Maybin, that may or may not be a bonafide NFL player. Why not drop that $25 mil for 5 years on Cowher? If I was an owner, in any pro sport, the first thing I would do is shell out for the best head coach available.
  14. Thanks for posting guys. As I was watching last night's ceremonies I couldn't help but get emotional a few times. Those SB teams were ones that I tryly loved - I hope that another Bills' team will effect me the same way one day.
  15. Good Stuff - thanks!!!
  16. I understand the slow pace with Maybin, because of salary slotting, but where are Wood and Byrd? We need Wood in camp to gel the line and Byrd is changing positions so he needs to not miss any time. Just frustrated with the slow pace of the signings.
  17. Don't mean to sound prissy but it's Niagara, not spelled like Viagra. It's my hometown and I defend it zealously.
  18. Avenger, Quick question. What's the status of the collapsed hive crisis? Just watched a 2006 special where they were speculating that it might kill off 3/4's of all US crops. Is it still a major problem?
  19. Minnasota Fats woulda been proud! Hole-In-One The Red Beamer he won isn't too shabby either!
  20. I had the great pleasure of meeting Matt's wife last summer. I booked her Niagara Falls touring schedule. IIRC, she went to Geneseo and met Matt when he was at Ohio State. She had great love of WNY, so this could play in the Bills' favor.
  21. Just a reminder that Thursday kicks off the Niagara and Buffalo Homecoming Events. Citybration Listings of Events Two columns from the Homecoming issue of the Reporter: http://www.niagarafallsreporter.com/cover6.23.09.html and http://www.niagarafallsreporter.com/column415.html Hope to see many of you in both cities this weekend. Come on up for the rising!
  22. Harrison was very fond of the Ukulele. At parties he would break out a slew of them and people like Clapton. McCartney and David Gilmore would sit around a do number after number. What I wouldn't give to be invited to a party like that.
  23. I lived in Syracure then Albany for many years before moving back. I'm fortunate to work in tourism in Niagara Falls and make a great living. Your question is a perfect lead-in to the upcoming Buffalo and Niagara Homecoming Events.Homecoming They are designed to celebrate all that the two cities have to offer and help former residents find jobs/homes if they are considering moving back. All sorts of free or low-cost events. Hopefully, all locals will come out and celebrate WNY and some of you ex-patriates will come home for the festivities.
  24. Heard the replay on Stern this morning. Artie killed. His best line came on the aftershow: Artie showed some trick on how to light a cigarette without getting smoke all over Buck: It looks like you lit that with your fourth chin Lange: Yeah, four. As in the number show you'll never see.
  25. My wife runs a Niagara Falls Tourism web site. Here's the link: Niagara Falls Information She has a contract with Hotels.com for all local hotels in Buffalo or Niagara Falls. Also, if anyone is coming home and wants to take a tour of the Falls, PM me and I'll get you a 15% discount on any of the tours on her site.
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