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Everything posted by ChevyVanMiller

  1. It's on the Sundance Channel. Season Two (and final one ) just began 3 weeks ago. I was never the biggest Elvis fan, but I'm digging him more and more after watching him on this show. A recent epidode featured Ron Sexsmith, Sheryl Crow, Nico Case and Jesse Winchester. Each beautiful song they played topped the last. The most beautiful was this one by Winchester: Check out the show if you can get it.
  2. Couldn't have said it better. Looks like Sunday afternoon is now wide open for the "Honey-Do" list.
  3. Winner, winner, chicken dinner. Your "No-Prize" is in the mail. Thanks to all for participating. Happy New Year, Everyone!
  4. Quick, somebody throw a "2009" sash on Clayton and get him ready for the big countdown at midnight!
  5. Haven't been around this board much, have you?
  6. Best answer wins an endorsed "No-Prize" from me. Here's one to start you off, "The Bills are so bad they've actually taken the sting out of losing."
  7. Here's my list of the "Twelve Best Christmas Songs." What are your top chioces? - both song and artist required. Merry Christmas all of my Bills' brothers and sisters. Croisdale's "Twelve Songs of Christmas."
  8. Totally unfiar of you to lump MacIntyre in there with those other cretins. The only thing he was guilty of was jogging while black. The perv they finally nabbed was nearly 100 pounds lighter than him.
  9. I'm not suggesting that the Bills trade Lynch, but Jackson should get the lion's share of the carries. I don't think Lynch is even close to being the talent that FJ is. Jackson sees holes, makes cuts and has a "Thurman-like" ability to turn sideways and pick up an extra three yards as tacklers close in on him. Lynch is nowhere near the player he was two years ago. Beast Mode is least mode. Give me Freddie with the rock all day long!
  10. I did a book signing at the Erie County Historical Society this past weekend and had a chance to take in the Bills' exhibit for the 50th AFC Anniversary. I'm sure it's probably already been posted here somewhere so save the flames, but just wanted to say how well done it is. There are 4 full rooms of Bills' items - including a "Machine Gun" Kelly poster and Bills' RC Cola cans from the 70s. Most interstingly - and I'm not making this up - is a Kelly to Billy Brooks vs the Dolphins play recreation made out of peanuts. Really well done and kind of creepy all-in-one. The last room featues a big screen TVshowing the Houston comeback game. There are couchs in the room and guys were just hanging out watching the fat lady that never sang. It makes you realize just how much you miss those 90s teams and players - not to mention the uniforms. Do yourself a favor and go check it out while it's still on.
  11. Edwards. For reasons I just outlined in the BB signed post.
  12. Am I the only one at least thinking that they might give Trent the axe toady? He's been benched. There's no way they'll extend his contract or carry him as a lame-duck back-up next year. Neither starting receiver seems to like him, nor did they even offer a ceremonious defense of him when he was benched. Jim Kelly threw him under the bus. Did the current regiem really prioritize a swapping of the thrid-string QBs for the next coaching staff? Let's just say it wouldn't suprise me if "Captian Checkdown" is checked out of Buffalo later today.
  13. Galloway sent packing Just a thought.
  14. Great idea, I mean it worked so well for Phoenix with Wayne Gretzky. Please let this be the last Kelly (or fill in a name from the '90s SB teams) as coach post. It's a moronic thought.
  15. I wish all Bills' games were 1 O'Clock starts.
  16. "Dead coach walking!"
  17. I need to preface this post by stating that I'm 45 and I've been a Bills' fan for my entire life. Sundays, during football season, are days that I have devoted to the worship of my beloved Bills. Pre-game, game and post-game were all moments that I never missed - be it in person at the game, on the TV or, during blackouts, on the Radio. This weekend I turned off the game at halftime. It wasn't the first time that I've done so in the Juaron era. There was a time when I would have considered such an action blasphemy. Sadly, the lack of competitiveness of Jauron's teams has taken the desire out of me to give up 3 hours of my life sitting through such dreck. What I want to know is: are the rest of you hanging in there from whistle to whistle? I think the fact that I didn't yesterday is all the proof that I need to know that, at least for this once-prod fan, it's time for Jauron to go.
  18. quote name='matter2003' date='Sep 22 2009, 07:39 PM' post='1565820'] "Never saw that one coming..." Regards, Ray Charles [
  19. Sorry if this has been posted anywhere, but I just wanted to give a big shout out for the 50th Anniversary team halftime show. It was great to see the players from the different eras - Talley looks like he could still strap on the helmet and play, btw. Also, great to hear my name sake Van Miller on the Jumbotron. Well done all around. PS- I'd also like to thank the girl that flashed everyone in section 138
  20. This from a guy calling himself keepthefaith Sheesh!
  21. The forecast is calling for the kick-off temp to be a balmy 75 degrees. It's a question that rarely gets asked for Bills' games: pants or shorts? I think I'm going to rock the shorts. What do you think?
  22. And here I thought it was because he was good at 70s party games.
  23. Here, Here (Hear, Hear?) Great post!
  24. Happy Belated Birthday, Scott. Seems like an appropriate time to also say, "Thank you for creating this site and for putting in so much time to give Bills' Nation a place to come together." You're on my Wall of Fame.
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