I'm sort of sad that it didn't work out. At one time Trent seemed to have real promise. Not sure if it was the hits or that he was simply playing above his head, but I wish him well. I think he was a good guy that represented the team well.
In this technological age wouldn't it be great if teams had things like IM, Fax and cell phones to work out trades? But I guess sending out the team plane to swap camp fodder is the green way to go.
Sheesh...must be a slow day.
Here are Sporting News' odds on winning the Super Bowl. Indy and NO are the favorites at 9:1. The Bills are part of an unholy trinity bringing up the rear at 100:1.
Super Bowl Odds
Pretty funny read and audio. One would think news networks would get tired of embarassing themselves in this manner.
Ryan Miller with a New Joisey accent guaranteeing Olympic gold - Now that's rich!
Fake Ryan Miller Call
How about my old friend Jay Neubauer of "That 80s Hair Band?"
Here's Jay shredding the solo to "Sweet Child 'O Mine"
Here he is tearing up "Cult of Personality."
COP Solo
Just saw the Sabres Alumni beat the Barker teachers in a charity basketball game at the school gymnasium. Rob Ray led the former Sabres in a Harlem Gloetrotter-esque game against a group of mixed-sex teachers.
The players signed autographs for free at half time. Former Bill Jeff Nixon served as the (ringer) referee. A great time was had by all and the ticket cost a whopping $5.00.
If the team plays your local school it's a great bargain and a fun time.
Rayzor even had a faux fight with one of the teachers.
I'm just a bit young to have seen Cookie play, but have talked to many that did who call him the best Bill ever. Here's hoping he beats the dreaded "C" and that Bills' fans can say, "Lookie, lookie, here comes Cookie" one more time in person.